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Meaning and Understanding in the Context of Thought of Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer
Voborský, Lukáš ; Fulka, Josef (advisor) ; Novotný, Jaroslav (referee)
Meaning and Understanding in the Context of Thought of Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer The focus of the present study is mainly on the discussion of the process of understanding and emergence of meaning. Using the example of Gadamer's hermeneutics it becomes clear what are the limits of positive attempt to express conditions of understanding within the context of the philosophy of finitude. In spite of its undeniable benefits, hermeneutic understanding shows itself to be vulnerable towards ideology and it could be seen as suspected of hidden normativity thanks to its emphasis on agreement and coherency. Derrida's deconstruction on the other hand shows the dynamics of emergence of meaning in language, it emphasizes plurality and ambiguity in contrast towards totalizing unicity and agreement; however, due to this approach, it is unable to offer anything close to what we call the truth. In a parallel line of interpretation, philosophical- antropological approach of Ernst Cassirer standing in comparison with Heidegger's existential analytics of Dasein shows that already at the fundamental level in the process of establishment of terms and concepts and earlier our understanding is already determined to a certain extent. Discussion between Gadamer and Derrida shows a necessity of certain arbitrary...
Vopálenská, Zuzana ; Pokorná, Jitka (advisor) ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (referee)
TEACHING OF BACKSTROKE SWIMMING YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to create a digital video recording of a contemporary teaching method of backstroke swimming technique with younger school age children. A group who are from 6 to 9 years old participate in the research work. Methods: In this thesis we have in the first and second phase focused on collection datas from the literature and its other processing into a methodical series of exercises. In the third stage we used the Scenarios for video processing. Results: Findings of the thesis indicate a possible procedure for teaching backstroke swimming style with younger school age children. Keywords: didactics of physical education - swimming, backstroke, younger school age
Comparative analysis of cover pages of magazines Respekt and Reflex in the period of 2009-2010 (textual and semiotic comparison)
Kovářová, Pavla ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Kučera, Štěpán (referee)
Bachelor thesis "A comparative analysis of cover pages of magazines Respekt and Reflex in the period of 2009 - 2010 (textual and semiotic comparison)" deals with semiotic analysis of the cover pages of two similar weekly magazines in the same period. Research sample includes five covers of each magazine which shows Czech political figures. The first part of this thesis it describes the theoretical essence of semiotics. The second one is about magazines and theory of cover. In practical part analyses the covers of both magazines with the aim of overall comparison in terms of their communicating intentions, construction of reality and its work with myths and stereotypes. Visual and language codes are studied in terms of denotation, connotation and implied postmodern myths. In the recent media discursus has been interpreting signs and symbols, decoding the hidden meanings and perceptions of the dominant ideology in the construct of reality. Attention is focused on the design of Reflex' photomontage and Respekt's drawing, as well as on composition, colors and using stereotypes. Result of analysis shows a consistent approach of both magazines to the dominant ideology, but a different approach to construct reality and creating the communication plan, which comes just from the way of processing.
Semiotics of note-taking in consecutive interpreting
Hrušovská, Petra ; Nekvapil, Jiří (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
The present thesis focuses on semiotic aspects of note-taking in consecutive interpreting, in particular with respect to the process of semiosis and factors influencing the interpreters' conception of their notes. Chapter 1 mentions the basic features of note-taking in order to trace its semiotic characteristics in the following parts of the thesis. In Chapter 2, the notes as a specific semiotic system are briefly discussed within the framework of the second Peircean trichotomy of signs (cases of iconicity, indexicality and symbolicity are demonstrated) and in terms of their function, productivity and spatial settings. After these general considerations, Chapter 3 introduces the main theoretical approaches to the technique of note-taking (principally those of the Geneva and Heidelberg schools) including the issues of the languages involved in interpreting or the nature of signs. As the accent is on the process of semiosis (apprehension of signs by interpreters, generating signs according to the meaning of the speech and searching for the motivation for the interpreters' concrete choices of signs and their form), the chapter lists some basic signs and methods well- tested by practitioners. The signs are also analysed in terms of their origin and possibilities of expansion (composition, derivation...
Story - saint and saint
Štěrbová, Terezie ; Kornatovský, Jiří (advisor) ; Uhl Skřivanová, Věra (referee)
SHRNUTÍ / ABSTRAKT/ ZÁVĚR Během psaní této bakalářské práce jsem se pokusila popsat obsahovost a význam světců a světic v jejich obecném teoretickém a společenském chápání. Především mne zaujala společenská úloha světců a světic, jakožto patronů v rámci lidové zbožnosti a zvyklostí. S vybranými světci jsem se pokusila netradičním způsobem propojit místa v krajině, ve které jsou právě oni uctívání a jsou mocnými ochránci těchto posvěcených míst. Tato specifická místa jsem vybírala ve své rodné krajině Beskyd. Krajina této oblasti a mnou vybraná posvátná místa, mne silně inspirovaly nejen v mé výtvarné realizaci, ale také v plánování pedagogických úkolů pro děti ve věkovém rozmezí 6-10 let. Posvátná místa, mající svého patrona, ukryta i v těch nejhlubších lesích nebo označující bod, ve kterém se křižují dvě polní cesty, budou vždy důležitým prvkem pro naši společnost. Člověk věřící nebo ne, vždy bude cítit něco nepopsatelného z těchto míst. Bude si říkat, že daný patron zde drží svou ochranou ruku, nebo bude věřit v magickou sílu ukrytou v přírodě z předkřesťanských dob. Stále však tato místa v sobě ponesou příběhy a legendy svatých. A nejen ty. Skrze tato místa se budou stále vanout příběhy lidí, jako podzimní chladný vánek, který vdechuje krajině posvátnou energii. Posvátná místa, která jsou zasvěcená už...
Man and Horse
Peštová, Jana ; Kornatovský, Jiří (advisor) ; Fulková, Marie (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra výtvarné výchovy Téma diplomové práce ČLOVĚK A KŮŇ Jana Peštová 6. ročník Učitelství výtvarné výchovy pro ZŠ, SŠ a ZUŠ Prezenční studium Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Konzultant: Doc.ak.mal. Ivan Špirk, PhDr. Lucie Hajdušková, Ph.D. Korektury: Mgr. Zuzana Beňová Praha, červen 2011 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of art education Master thesis: MAN AND HORSE Jana Peštová 6th year full-time single-fied studies Art education for Primary School, Hight School and ElementarySchool of Arts Supervisor: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Consultant: Doc.ak.mal Ivan Špirk, PhDr. Lucie Hajdušková, Ph.D. Proofreading: : Mgr. Zuzana Beňová Prague , June 2011 Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci zpracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem veškeré použité zdroje. Praha, červen 2011 ............................................... Poděkování: Za podnětné nápady při zpracovávání práce děkuji Doc. ak. mal. Jiřímu Kornatovskému a PhDr. Lucií Hajduškové, Ph.D. Za korektury textu děkuji Mgr.Zuzaně Běňové KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: Kůň, člověk, já, sebereflexe, partnerství, symbol, znak, přirozená komunikace s koněm, komunikace, spojení, pohyb KEYWORDS: Horse, man, me, selfreflection, partnership, symbol, sign, natural horsmanship,...
Symbol, sign. Citations and use of work of art as a creative principle
Fricová, Soňa ; Velíšek, Martin (advisor) ; Bláha, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis is dedicated to a postmodern use of symbol and sign. It is based on set definitions of major terms in the fine art and maps the space between a word and a picture as well as impersonal understanding of computer-generated codes. Didactic part enables to work with symbol and sign in art education. An analytical and syntactical thinking, the knowledge of the art history and the ability of intellectual fabrication are the basic ideas of the thesis. Art works, that use multilevel symbol expressions and are formally based on a postmodern thinking, are introduced in a practical part of the thesis.
Czech Signs for Elementary Calendrical Units
Fritz, Milan ; Richterová, Klára (advisor) ; Nováková, Radka (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to survey the signs of Czech sign language for basic calendrical units (seasons, months, days). The thesis is based on a set of linguistic data collected by the method of elicitation among deaf informants from six cities in the Czech Republic (Brno, Hradec Králové, Ostrava, Plzeň, Praha and Zlín). The set of linguistic data is described from the point of view of motivation including folk etymology. The topic of sociolinguistic variation is also covered in the thesis, because the data include lexical and phonological variants connected to particular regions or age groups. The calendrical units in Czech sign language are compared to analogical lexical units in Czech. Powered by TCPDF (
The Role of Play in Peirce's Semiotics
Borč, Marek ; Švantner, Martin (advisor) ; Gvoždiak, Vít (referee)
This thesis focuses on the basic delimiting of the issue of play within the framework C. S. Peirce's semiotics. Its objective is to expound and explicate the role of the phenomena of play in Peirce's philosophy using selected Peirce's texts and secondary literature, whereas our main starting-point is Peirce's identification of play with the inferential form of abduction. As such play is connected to Peirce's theories of sign and inference, as well as to the concepts of synechism, evolutionary cosmology and pragmatism. This finding sets Peirce's theory of inference within critical logic as one of the key themes of the thesis. In relation to this finding we give a basic explanation of Peirce's phaneroscopy and speculative grammar which in dependency on Peirce's classification of sciences set the ground for our analysis of play as a process of inference as well as a significant function. Within the framework of critical logic we focus primarily on abduction, especially on the question of the validity of abduction as a form of logical reasoning as well as on Peirce's transition from understanding different forms of inference as separate processes to understanding them as a continuous and interdependent whole of the scientific method. We develop Peirce's brief conception of play through an excursion...

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