Planning and Analysis swimmers training in the basic stage
Willner, Jiří ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (advisor) ; Horčic, Josef (referee)
Title: Planning and Analysis swimmers training in the basic stage Objectives: The aim of the study was to experimentally applied training plan for swimmers in the basic stage of sports training. At the same time through achieved performance at selected competitions verify the effectiveness and validity of the implemented plan. Methods: In this work we used the method of experimental applications training plan. The method of indirect observation of the diagnostic techniques in swimming flume. The method of direct observation techniques for the implementation of training. Furthermore, for the diagnosis of swimming techniques was designed and used tables for qualitative analysis of swimming styles. Comparison method were compared to selected indicators of general training and the achieved performance swimmers. And lastly, was also used the method Conconi test for the detection of physiological parameters in stress tests. Results: We found that the training program was effective. Has improved the technical level swimmers and achieved performance improvement in swimming competitions. The test subjects were also monitored parameters VO2 max. In during the training plan was found at one swimmer improvement, and at the second swimmer decrease. Keywords: swimming training, basic stage training, swimming technique,...
Preparing for the longest triathlon - Ironman
Mika, Tomáš ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (advisor) ; Dlouhý, Martin (referee)
Triathlon is still a popular sport that is gaining more and morepopular. We distinguish two basic directions. Short, or if the Olympictriathlon and long, or if Ironman. In my work I examine the long triathlon. Its history, training cycle and its specifics. I myself an active rider, so this issue is very close to me. I work divided into a theoretical part, where I deal with theories and general laws of triathlon. Such as history, specifics of Ironman training and unit training cycle disciplines of triathlon course and other sub-themes, which veryclosely related to the topic. In the empirical part, I chose the method ofexperiment and research he firsthand, I attended a long distance triathlon race in the annualtraining cycle. Acquired knowledge, I capitalized on in the race and described in this thesis. This work may serve as a kind of guidance and example, and the direction of training, which can be applied when attempting to handle the challenge on behalf ofIronman. I deal with are also problems of nutrition during the race, which is out of a totaltrénovanosti organism one of the most important factors affecting performance. The workcontains several training and racing tips that I gained studying foreign literature and own racing experience.
Games for children of preschool age in the water
Kubátová, Šárka ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Hana (referee)
The work deals with an issue of adaptation of preschool children to water environment using games that are specified by need of developing elementary swimming skills (breathing, flow, diving, jumps and fulls, swimming styles). The list of games is essential. The games are focused on acquiring swimming skills, but also on having a good approach to the water activities, because game is the best form to introduce water environment to the children.
Vopálenská, Zuzana ; Pokorná, Jitka (advisor) ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (referee)
TEACHING OF BACKSTROKE SWIMMING YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to create a digital video recording of a contemporary teaching method of backstroke swimming technique with younger school age children. A group who are from 6 to 9 years old participate in the research work. Methods: In this thesis we have in the first and second phase focused on collection datas from the literature and its other processing into a methodical series of exercises. In the third stage we used the Scenarios for video processing. Results: Findings of the thesis indicate a possible procedure for teaching backstroke swimming style with younger school age children. Keywords: didactics of physical education - swimming, backstroke, younger school age
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Testing of maximal heart rate in swimming flume
Hubička, Tomáš ; Jurák, Daniel (advisor) ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (referee)
Title: Testing of maximal heart rate in a swimming flume Objectives: Pilot study using the methodology for testing the maximum heart rate in swimming flume, functioning as a swimming trainer. An alternative method for determining maximum heart rate by each swimmer. Methods: Due to the basis of the pilot study, a methodology for heart rate max. testing was created. A sample of probands was chosen to study Physical Education and Sport of the students who are former or still active swimmers. A sporttester was used to detect a heart rate. Data processing was made by Polar Precision Performance programe. For the submaximal swimmer speed detection probands went through a CSS test. Speed obtained from this test was further used for warming of probands before the graded strain test started up to the maximal heart rate of probands. Results: By the CSS test is obtained the individual speed of swimming at the ANP level of each of the probands in meters per second. This was further used as the speed for warming in the graded test up to the maximal heart rate of probands. The results are showing that four of six probands reached the maximum heart rate level in comparison with a theoretical calculation of the maximum heart rate. Key words: swimming flume, swimming speed, maximum heart rate, Critical Swim Speed,...
Importance of swimming lessons for children to the first primary chools
Dvořáková, Kristina ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (advisor) ; Hrabinec, Jiří (referee)
This thesis focusis on the Importance of Swimming Lessons for Children in the 1st degree school . It focuses not only important in terms of health, where there is a child's development or removal of various imbalance, but also in terms of socialization and educational. In detail, the theses focuses on students who already have the basics of swimming styles and those who are yet to recieve in the form of swimming training, and using a questionnaire. Finally, the subject thesis as well as prevention, which is based on the recommendations of parents, both teachers from the swimming school and elementary school teachers. Theoretical knowledge of swimming instruction, design questionnaires, methods of evaluation results a recommendations for prevention are applied to the parents, made a survey and retrospective reflection on the parents.
The aplication of CSS in swimming flume
Cagaň, Štěpán ; Jurák, Daniel (advisor) ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (referee)
Title: Application of CSS (Critical Swimming Speed) in the swimming flume. Objectives: Purpose of our pilot study was to find out, if load during swimming on speed of anaerobic threshold in the flume on level validated by accredited workplace corresponds with load during swimming in the swimming pool. Methods: For verification of our purpose, for each proband we first determined speed of anaerobic threshold, using Critical Swimming Speed protocol. Subsequently we monitored values of blood lactate and heart rate during swimming on anaerobic threshold speed level in the pool and thereafter in the flume. We have compared measured values. Results: We found out, that load in the flume is much lower, than load in the pool. We also found out, that stream of water in flume is not constant. Keywords: flume, swimming, swimming simulator, lactate, front crawl stroke, critical swimming speed
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Breaststroke style technique by public swimming in the Czech Republic and the USA
Urbánková, Iveta ; Chrzanowská, Babeta (advisor) ; Čechovská, Irena (referee)
Title: Breaststroke style technique by public swimming in the Czech Republic and the USA Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to identify and compare the selected regions in the country and abroad, which is the most used swimming technique by public swimmers. Identify specific technical deficiencies of the breaststroke style performance, according to age and gender. Methods: Research methods used: direct observation, scaling-tabular record, comparison of data from different regions and selected groups of probands and methods of mathematical - statistical data processing. The data were analyzed and graphically illustrated. Results: It was found that the breaststroke is the most used technique by public swimmers in selected regions in the Czech Republic. The most used technique in the USA is the one similar to crawl. Breaststroke swimmers from the USA committed less blunders than breaststroke swimmers in the Czech Republic. More than a half of visitors to Czech pools swim breaststroke with blunders. Swimmers in the Czech Republic very often use only one technique for swimming locomotion - breaststroke. The elderly were observed more errors in the breaststroke technique, than generation of younger swimmers. Difference was observed between swimming technique of men and women - women often swim with...