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The effect of dialysis on activities of daily live
Kolaříková, Jaroslava ; Nikodemová, Hana (advisor) ; Jirkovský, Daniel (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis entitled "The effect of dialysis on activities of daily life" is to provide a brief overview of relevant basic knowledge of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis using existing and already published litarature and try to determine the influence of the dialysis on activities of daily life. The thesis is devided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is focused on kidney disease, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, principles of dialysis therapy, their differences, complications, dietary measures and approaches to dialysis. Further attention is paid to the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of dialysis among themselves. Part of the work deals with human needs and activities of daily life. The empirical part consists of an exploratory survey, which was given to patients in dialysis centers Fresenius Medical Care Prague 5 - Motol, Prague 10 - Vinohrady, Prague 4 - Krc, Prague 9 - Vysočany, Slaný, Louny, Chomutov, Most and dialysis center department of Internal Medicine Strahov Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice in Prague. The obtained data are presented in tabular and in graphic reports. Keywords hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal failure, activities of daily life, disease impact
Comparison between the quality of life of the patients with peritoneal dialysis in the year of 2004 and 2012
Fauová, Magdalena ; Mellanová, Alena (advisor) ; Podaná, Jana (referee)
The Bachelor Thesis looks into the standard of quality of life of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The aim of my work was to determine if the quality of life of the patients treated within the period of eight years moved towards any progress. Whether the patients have any problems at work, in their personal life, and if their illness allows them to enjoy leisure activities and last but not least, if they perceive any change in applying this treatment and how. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I am focused on summarizing the information related to anatomy and physiology of kidney, renal failure and compensation of renal function. The comprehensive description of the quality of life of these patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis forms an integral part of my work. In the empirical part, I have used quantitative research and data I obtained via questionnaire survey. In my further investigation I applied comparative research and its results were compared with the research undertaken in 2004. The results have showed that the quality of life has improved in comparison to the year of 2004 in all of the mentioned dimensions. Powered by TCPDF (
The Relationship of Social Support, Coping, Depressive Symptoms and Lokus of Control in Patients treated by Perioneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis
Bělešová, Sylvie ; Kebza, Vladimír (advisor) ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (referee)
Patients with chronic kidney failure, given that it is impossible to undergo transplantation, have to be treated by lifelong hemodialysis (HD) via extracorporeal circulation machine 3 times a week in hospital; or by peritoneal dialysis (PD) performed by patients at home. There were a number of studies comparing quality of life between HD and PD, but there have been fewer studies covering other psychological variables. The aim of this study was to examine whether HD and PD patients differ in social support, locus of control, coping and depressive symptoms. 143 HD patients (average age 65,56; 48,3 % men, 51,3 % women) and 48 PD patients (average age 63,79; 66,7 % men, 33,3 % women) were approached by random selection. Social Integration Survey (SIS) was applied to examine social support. Locus of control was depicted on visual analog scale. Coping strategies were mapped by a short version of COPE questionnaire - Brief COPE, which was translated to Czech language for this purpose. Beck's depression inventory (BDI - II) was used to evaluate incidence of depressive symptoms. Based on data statistical analysis there was no difference proved in social support, coping strategies, locus of control and depressive symptoms among HD and PD patients. Although HD and PD differ and cause diverse advantages and...
Planning a business strategy in the implementation of field services for ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patiens (Business plan)
Vojancová, Radmila ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Trpišovský, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the processing of a business plan in the health sector . This is a draft business plan strategy for the introduction of outreach services for ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients in the private health care facilities . The theoretical part is devoted to the characteristics of the services provided, including a description of the current situation and possibilities in the treatment of peritoneal dialysis patients in the home environment in the Czech Republic and abroad. It is also described the concept of strategic management and planning, of which I have in this thesis was based on creating your own business plan. In the practical part , which includes the characteristics of an organization that will provide the service , I made a concrete proposal for a business plan based on identified strategic analysis of the findings . The conclusion is presented feedback from stakeholders, which I used in finalizing the business plan. The aim of the work was to present the methodology of the business plan , which will form the basis for strategic management of development organizations to expand services for patients through the introduction of outreach services for ambulatory peritoneal patients. Key words: business strategy, business plan, dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, assisted...
The nurse's role in patient education peritoneal dialysis.
JANSOVÁ, Miroslava
Peritoneal dialysis is one of the possibilities of the chronic renal failure treatment. Its advantage is that the patient is treated alone in his home environment. The main indication of this method is the inability to secure vascular access for hemodialysis. Contraindications include damage to the peritoneum and adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The principle of the method is the exchange of solutes between blood and dialysis solution filled into the peritoneal cavity. Timely and proper education by the nurse is the most important precondition for successful treatment with peritoneal dialysis. The thesis is focused on the role of nurses in the education of patients with peritoneal dialysis. It deals mainly with issues of patient education in connection with the occurrence of complications during their treatment. The first section describes the problems of peritoneal dialysis, including technical aspects, complications and their treatment. Furthermore, the attention is focused on the automated peritoneal dialysis, which takes place mostly at night and therefore the patient has more time to care about his normal daily activities. The second section of the theoretical part is devoted to education. The first target of the research was the examination of the effect of educational activities on the occurence of complications. Before starting treatment, patients have always been educated about the issues of this kond of treatment. The informative materials about the treatment and its related complications were also provided. Some of them did look up the information on the internet, and they discussed it further with the nurse. All of the respondents were able to name and describe the symptoms of complications occurring at the beginning and during the therapy. The second goal was to compare awareness among patients with frequent complications compared to those with the least complications. We did not find any benchmark to determine, whether the inconvenience was caused y the degree of unawareness of the patients, or their attitude to the treatment. The discussion will reflect on the question, which errors did subsequently led to the complications. The third objective was to compare the incidence of complications on patients with APD compared to patients on CAPD. With CAPD, the patient opens and closes the transfer set at least 4 times a day, thereby increasing the risk of infection through the peritoneal catheter. The research shows that among respondents undergoing the APD treatment method, the number of complications is lower. It is not possible to determine, whether the numer of complications on APD is lower due to minimal use of the peritoneal catheter, or because some patients on CAPD have already suffered the complications and have been instructed to approach the APD more responsibly. The empirical part of the thesis is presented by a qualitative research. The survey was carried out in the form of non-standardized interview based on prepared questions, which were extended during interviews. The research group consists of ten patients from dialysis clinics in Tabor, Ceske Budejovice and Jindrichuv Hradec. The patients on CAPD and APD were of different ages and with different duration of treatment. Peritoneal dialysis is the elimination method of replacing the kidneys function, and it is performed by the patient himself, in their own social environment. A prerequisite for successful treatment is high-quality patient education, which is mainly provided by the nurse. This introductory education continues with ongoing reeducation. The results of this thesis may be used as the basis for further research. They can also be used as study material for students of nursing fields. Created brochure can help the patients to decide, how to select the treatment method, or mastering the problems of this treatment.
Importance and impact of phthalates during peritoneal dialysis and current possibilities of their replacement
Nohelová, Gabriela ; Zlámalová Gargošová, Helena (referee) ; Čáslavský, Josef (advisor)
This thesis deals with the importance and influence of phthalates in peritoneal dialysis (PD) and the current possibilities of their replacement. The information about phthalates – esters of phthalic acid - was completed with focus on the most commonly used plasticizer in medical material, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and its effects on the human organism and the environment. The possibilities of substitution of PVC in peritoneal dialysis were searched and their advantages and disadvantages were evaluated. As the evidence of phthalates absorbed by the human body in carrying out peritoneal dialysis selected studies performed in Germany and in our country, dealing with this issue, were used. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 224 nm or gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC / MS) was used here for the determination of phthalates in the blood and dialysate in peritoneal dialysis. Extraction of sample with the suitable solvent and purification of the extract predates the actual analytical determination of sample.
Quality of Life of Patients with hemo and peritoneal dialysis
Valová, Radka ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Bártíková, Hana (referee)
A patient has two possibilities when it comes to the replacement of a function of kidneys a hemodialysis or a peritoneal dialysis. The aim of those dialysis is to remove the waste matter, water and redundant salts, which are maintained in the blood due to the dysfunction of kidneys. This thesis is focused on the evaluation of the quality of life of patients with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The thesis is divided into two parts -- a theoretical and a practical one. In the first part you can find the characteristics and the main principle of the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis and there is also a definition of a term the quality of life. The second part is based on a questionnaire survey dedicated to the personal perception of the quality of life of the patients with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in Jindřichův Hradec and Tábor.
Comparison of nursing care about patients with peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis
The number of patients with kidney disease is increasing worldwide. Such diseases include chronic kidney failure that needs dialysis treatment. Problems associated with providing nursing care to patients in a dialysis program are extensive and specific. Starting the treatment with a peritoneal dialysis or a haemodialysis causes a great psychological burden to patients. It noticeably affects not only patients' lives but also lives of their family and friends. Patients in the regular dialysis program are facing many health and social problems. Mutual trust between a nurse and a patient on dialysis to a certain extent influences the course of the treatment. Balanced and satisfied patient can live a better and more valuable life. The goals of the thesis: 1) To determine whether a comparably high quality nursing care is provided to patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis 2) To determine whether the approach to the provision of nursing care to the patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis is comparable. 3) To determine whether comparable forms of education and communication are used in providing nursing care for the patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Research questions: 1) Is the nursing care provided to the patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis of comparable quality? 2) A the approach to the provision of nursing care for patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis comparable? 3) Are comparable forms of education and communication used in providing nursing care for the patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis? Methods used: In the empirical part of the thesis a qualitative research was used to process data. The research was conducted through a non-standardized interview. Three sets of questions were created for the three groups of respondents, i.e. the respondents with peritoneal dialysis, respondents with haemodialysis and nurses who take care of patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The criterion for the selection of respondents was their willingness to cooperate. The nature and purpose of the research was explained to the addressed respondents. From the interviews with patients it was determined how they perceive the provided nursing care, the nurses' approach, and the way of interaction during haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Interviews with nurses were focused on comparability and demands of nursing care for patients with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, as well as on the used forms of communication and the way how to approach these patients. Results: The results of the research show that the care provided to patients with peritoneal dialysis as well as with haemodialysis is perceived by the responding patients with peritoneal dialysis, with haemodialysis and nurses as of the same quality. Peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis each have their specificities and a different way of execution. Both are provided in differing environments. Peritoneal dialysis is done by the patient himself in their own social environment. During haemodialysis, nursing care is provided to the patient by nurses in a haemodialysis centre. As comparable is perceived by all respondents the nurses' approach to the patients, i.e. to each patient individually. In conclusion, the results imply that nurses during the contact with the patients with peritoneal dialysis and with haemodialysis use comparable forms of communication and education. Conclusion: At the present time there is an attempt to perform dialysis treatment to benefit the patient as much as possible. Peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis are considered as equivalent substitute for renal function. They differ only in the principle and the method of executing. Nursing care provided to patients with peritoneal dialysis and with haemodialysis is perceived by the respondents as of comparable quality. The results of this thesis can be the basis for further research.

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