National Repository of Grey Literature 69 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Position of the Federal Constitutional Court to the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT program).
Trojanová, Justina ; Mlsna, Petr (advisor) ; Handl, Vladimír (referee)
This thesis titled The position of the Federal Constitutional Court to the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT program) is dealing with the program of direct monetary transactions (OMT) and its compliance with EU primary law. It is the first time in history, when the German constitutional court submitted a question to the Court of Justice of the EU. The program was announced in 2012 as a program of unlimited purchases of government bonds. It has not been applied yet, but its very existence has helped to calm European markets and bond yields of states which are faced with financial problems. Large number of German politicians and economists stepped up against the program and shared the view that the program essentially requires that German taxpayers pay bills for other eurozone countries. It was also emphasized that this program clearly exceeds the mandate of the European Central Bank of maintaining price stability. This work includes logically arranged chapters, which include the creation of the euro zone, Greek debt crisis, subsequent rescue programs and solitude OMT program and judicial proceedings in relation to this program. The final section focuses first on the judgment of the European Court of Justice, which sets out important conditions for the possible application of the program in the...
Euro adoption in Slovakia
Panáková, Patrícia ; Vejmělek, Jan (advisor) ; Šíma, Ondřej (referee)
The subject of the bachelor thesis is to describe the process of preparation and adoption of euro currency in the Slovak Republic. Slovakia showed a significant convergence to the euro area after joining the EU in 2004. Despite the worsening economic situation due to the global economic crisis, Slovakia did not have problems meeting the Maastricht convergence criteria. Long-standing and thorough preparation helped smooth transition from the Slovak crown to the euro. The Slovak Republic became the sixteenth member in the euro area on 1st January 2009. Currency change brought advantages and disadvantages to the banking sector. In the long run, banks lost a significant part of foreign exchange transactions, but on the other hand, they gained better access to the European interbank market.
Monetary policy of the Czech National Bank
Kotačka, David ; Rajl, Jiří (advisor) ; Cibulka, Jakub (referee)
This bachelor thesis is divided into two major parts. The first part is focused on the general theory of monetary policy which includes tools, targets and transmission machanisms. The aim of this part is to summarize information about process of monetary policy and to provide information for better understanding of the practical part. This part is focused on foreign exchange interventions used by Czech National Bank who was making an effort to accomplish the goals determined by law. The practical part is divided into two minor parts. The first of them is focused on analysis of economic indicators before, during and after foreign exchange interventions. The second part is focused on the development of EUR to CZK exchange rate which was deviated from real exchange rate.
US and Euro Area Monetary Policies - What Are the Interrelationships
Ulrich, Libor ; Horváth, Roman (advisor) ; Jašová, Martina (referee)
Tato práce se zabývá povahou vzájemných vztahů mezi Spojenými státy a eurozónou zkoumáním relativní důležitosti domácích a zahraničních monetárněpolitických šoků autoregresní modely se sedmi proměnnými za období mezi Tyto modely se liší v užití úrokových sazeb, kde první využívá standardní úrokové sazby, zatímco druhý využívá tzv. Wu stínové úrokové sazby za účelem lepšího zachycení nekonvenčního monetárněpolitického postoje v blízkosti technické velikost a perzistenci šoků v úrokových mírách pomocí analýzy impulzní Následně se soustředíme na dekompozici rozptylu předpovědních Výsledky z obou modelů indikují, že monetární kontrakce vede k poklesu v ekonomické aktivitě a cenové hladině v souladu s Zároveň výsledky poukazují na existenci vzájemné monetárněpolitické závislosti, na což poukazuje přeshraniční přelévání šoků indikované impulzními odezvami. Dále použití Wu ukuje výsledky, které naznačují perzistentnější reakce ekonomické activity na šoky v úrokových mírách, což je v souladu s proklamovanými cíly nekonvenční monetární politiky: vyvolat ekonomické oživení po finanční krizi. Klíčová slova ředpovědních chyb Počet znaků
ECB Monetary Policy: "One Size Doesn't Fit All" Problem and Its Impact on Credits Volume
Nedvěd, Petr ; Baxa, Jaromír (advisor) ; Novák, Jiří (referee)
In this work, I analyse inappropriateness of single monetary policy in the euro area and its impact on credit growth for the oldest twelve euro members and a time period spanning 1999Q1-2013Q3. The inappropriateness is expressed by deviations of actual interest rate from Taylor rule prescriptions. The obtained results are in line with a majority of existing literature since they show that the ECB's single interest rate was the least suitable for the so called PIIGS countries prior to the recent economic crisis. The impact of the deviations on credit growth is estimated econometrically by dynamic panel data estimation. The findings confirm my hypothesis that the deviations from the Taylor rule have a significant positive effect on credits volume, i.e. the higher is the Taylor rule prescription above the actual rate, the higher is the credit growth.
Global Economic Outlook - February 2017
Česká národní banka
The February issue of Global Economic Outlook presents the regular monthly overview of recent and expected developments in selected territories, focusing on key economic variables: inflation, GDP growth, leading indicators, interest rates, exchange rates and commodity prices. In this issue, we tend to explore analytically the effect of (un)conventional monetary policy measures on shadow interest rates in the euro area and the USA. Based on our estimates, we show in this article that the effect of monetary policy measures on shadow rates differs depending on whether they were aimed at stabilising financial markets or further easing monetary conditions. We also indicate how the effects of measures taken by central banks can change depending on the current level of financial stress.
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Benefits and risks arising from the adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic
Votavová, Michaela ; Kolman, Ondřej (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the benefits and risks arising from the adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic. Many studies on this topic that have arisen a few years ago concludes positive impacts in connection with the adoption of the euro. The thesis provides a current analysis of the consequences from membership in the euro area. The current debt crisis revealed structural problems in the euro area. At the same time the current institutional and structural changes bring additional costs of a common currency. For the Czech Republic is far better not to join the common monetary union.
Success indicators of euro adoption in selected countries of euro area and application to the Czech economy
Valentová, Kateřina ; Doležal, Ondřej (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the question of adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic based on experiences of selected countries in euro area. The theoretical part contains information describing the process of adopting the euro, Maastricht criteria and causes and consequences of crisis and monetary policy of European central bank. Practical part is focused on consequences of euro adoption in Slovenia, Slovakia and Latvia, application of these experiences to the economy of Czech Republic and assess the degree of economic convergence of the Czech Republic and the euro area. In conclusion, the finding shows that due to characterictic of the Czech Republic acception of the euro is not good idea.
The development of euro in the context of European debt crisis
Machová, Veronika ; Čajka, Radek (advisor) ; Bolotov, Ilya (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of developments and issues in the context of the European debt crisis. Euro as a central aspect of Economic and Monetary Union has a major impact on convergence and existing systemic problems of the EU. The first chapter provides a brief description of the european integration since World War II in the context of Economic and Monetary union. The second chapter defines the concept of nominal and real convergence and dedicates closer to the Maastricht convergence criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact, which was the result of efforts towards closer fiscal coordination. Moreover, it summarizes the main causes of the financial crisis and subsequently analyses its impact on the EUR/USD currency pair. The fourth chapter focuses on the systemic weaknesses of the eurozone with an emphasis on the imbalance in the current account balance of payments. The last chapter summarizes the approaches to solving the debt crisis assuming that current steps taken by eurozone leaders in cooperation with the governments of intebted members fail.
Changes in the instruments of ECB monetary policy in connection with the debt crisis in the euro area
Mádle, Miroslav ; Koderová, Jitka (advisor) ; Kaimova, Nadira (referee)
The aim of this work is to identify and valorize the efficiency of ECBs monetary policy instruments change as a reaction on debt crisis in euro area. This work introduce ECBs main objectives and targets. The main focus is placed on ECBs monetary-policy instruments both in the pre-crisis period, and especially during the debt crisis. Work is also trying to determine the effectiveness of non-standard policy of the ECB during the debt crisis, and reveal the hidden risk that this policy brings for the euro area.

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