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Disparity Map Estimation from Stereo Image
Tábi, Roman ; Maršík, Lukáš (referee) ; Španěl, Michal (advisor)
The master thesis focuses on disparity map estimation using convolutional neural network. It discusses the problem of using convolutional neural networks for image comparison and disparity computation from stereo image as well as existing approaches of solutions for given problem. It also proposes and implements system that consists of convolutional neural network that measures the similarity between two image patches, and filtering and smoothing methods to improve the result disparity map. Experiments and results show, that the most quality disparity maps are computed using CNN on input patches with the size of 9x9 pixels combined with matching cost agregation and correction algorithm and bilateral filter.
Image segmentation using deeplearning methods
Lukačovič, Martin ; Burget, Radim (referee) ; Mašek, Jan (advisor)
This thesis deals with the current methods of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Other approaches of neaural networks in the area of deep learning are also discussed. It contains historical solutions of neural networks, their development, and basic principle. Convolutional neural networks are nowadays the most preferable networks in solving tasks as detection, classification, and image segmentation. The functionality was verified on a freely available environment based on conditional random fields as recurrent neural networks and compered with the deep convolutional neural networks using conditional random fields as postprocess. The latter mentioned method has become the basis for training of new models on two different datasets. There are various enviroments used to implement neural networks using deep learning, which offer diverse perform possibilities. For demonstration purposes a Python application leveraging the BVLC\,/\,Caffe framework was created. The best achieved accuracy of a trained model for clothing segmentation is 50,74\,\% and 68,52\,\% for segmentation of VOC objects. The application aims to allow interaction with image segmentation based on trained models.
Deep Neural Networks for Person Identification
Duban, Michal ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Hradiš, Michal (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with design and implementation of convolutional neural networks used in person re-identification. Implemented convolutional neural networks were tested on two datasets CUHK01 a CUHK03. Results, comparable with state of the art methods were acheved on these datasets. Designed networks were implemented in Caffe framework.
Semantic segmentation of images using convolutional neural networks
Špila, Filip ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá rešerší a implementací vybraných architektur konvolučních neuronových sítí pro segmentaci obrazu. V první části jsou shrnuty základní pojmy z teorie neuronových sítí. Tato část také představuje silné stránky konvolučních sítí v oblasti rozpoznávání obrazových dat. Teoretická část je uzavřena rešerší zaměřenou na konkrétní architekturu používanou na segmentaci scén. Implementace této architektury a jejích variant v Caffe je převzata a upravena pro konkrétní použití v praktické části práce. Nedílnou součástí tohoto procesu jsou kroky potřebné ke správnému nastavení softwarového a hardwarového prostředí. Příslušná kapitola proto poskytuje přesný návod, který ocení zejména noví uživatelé Linuxu. Pro trénování všech variant vybrané sítě je vytvořen vlastní dataset obsahující 2600 obrázků. Je také provedeno několik nastavení původní implementace, zvláště pro účely použití předtrénovaných parametrů. Trénování zahrnuje výběr hyperparametrů, jakými jsou například typ optimalizačního algoritmu a rychlost učení. Na závěr je provedeno vyhodnocení výkonu a výpočtové náročnosti všech natrénovaných sítí na testovacím datasetu.
Deep Neural Networks Approximation
Stodůlka, Martin ; Mrázek, Vojtěch (referee) ; Vaverka, Filip (advisor)
The goal of this work is to find out the impact of approximated computing on accuracy of deep neural network, specifically neural networks for image classification. A version of framework Caffe called Ristretto-caffe was chosen for neural network implementation, which was extended for the use of approximated operations. Approximated computing was used for multiplication in forward pass for convolution. Approximated components from Evoapproxlib were chosen for this work.
Detection and Classification of Road Users in Aerial Imagery Based on Deep Neural Networks
Hlavoň, David ; Hradiš, Michal (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with a vehicle detector based on the convolutional neural network and scene captured by drone. Dataset is described at the beginning, because the main aim of this thesis is to create practicly usable detector. Architectures of the forward neural networks which detector was created from are described in the next chapter. Techniques for building a detector based on the naive methods and current the most successful meta architectures follow the neural network architectures. An implementation of the detector is described in the second part of this thesis. The final detector was built on meta architecture Faster R-CNN and PVA neural network on which the detector achieved score over 90 % and 45 full HD frames per seconds.
Captcha Code Recognition
Pazderka, Radek ; Rozman, Jaroslav (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to design and implementation of application , which's purpose is to recognize text CAPTCHA codes . It describes image processing algorithms , segmentation algorithms and character classification . Two different aproaches were used for classification . Convolution neural network LeNet and histogram classificator , which uses Pearson's correlation coefficient . Chosen classificators were tested on different CAPTCHA codes while finding out the success rate of recognition .
Disparity Map Estimation from Stereo Image
Tábi, Roman ; Maršík, Lukáš (referee) ; Španěl, Michal (advisor)
The master thesis focuses on disparity map estimation using convolutional neural network. It discusses the problem of using convolutional neural networks for image comparison and disparity computation from stereo image as well as existing approaches of solutions for given problem. It also proposes and implements system that consists of convolutional neural network that measures the similarity between two image patches, and filtering and smoothing methods to improve the result disparity map. Experiments and results show, that the most quality disparity maps are computed using CNN on input patches with the size of 9x9 pixels combined with matching cost agregation and correction algorithm and bilateral filter.
Semantic Segmentation in Mountainous Environment
Pelikán, Jakub ; Čadík, Martin (referee) ; Brejcha, Jan (advisor)
Semantic segmentation is one of classic computer vision problems and strong tool for machine processing and understanding of the scene. In this thesis we use semantic segmentation in mountainous environment. The main motivation of this work is to use semantic segmentation for automatic location of geographic position, where the picture was taken. In this thesis we evaluated actual methods of semantic segmentation and we chose three of them  that are appropriate for adapting to mountainous environment. We split the dataset with mountainous environment into validation, train and test sets to use for training of chosen semantic segmentation methods. We trained models from chosen methods on mountainous data. We let segments from the best trained models get evaluated in electronic survey by respondents and we evaluated these segments in process of camera orientation estimation. We showed that chosen methods of semantic segmentation are possible to use in mountainous environment. Our models are trained on 11, 5 or 4 mountainous classes and the best of them achieve on 4 class mean IU 57.4%. Models are usable in practise. We show it by their deployment as a part of camera orientation estimation process.
Convolution neural networks on the Windows platform
Kapusta, Martin ; Rajnoha, Martin (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is the latest knowledge of convolution neural networks and their application. The thesis describes the history, biological neuron and analogous mathematical model of a neuron. It also deals with the areas where neural networks are used, as well as the areas in which they expand gradually, the ways of learning and training, the differences between convolution neural networks and classical neural networks and their architecture. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the selection of the framework for working with convolution neural networks, which is suitable for implementation in the Windows operating system, the installation of the framework and its troubleshooting. The second part is aimed at creating an automated installation tool for the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating system, created in JavaFX.

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