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Comparison of the use of New Media between the Czech Republic and Spain
Pirela, Maríacristina Cáceres ; Pavlíček, Antonín (advisor) ; Montani, Antonio (referee)
The purpose of this study was to determinate the differences and similarities in the use of Internet and New Media between Czech Republic and Spain. This thesis defined the Internet user's profile and the usage of the Internet in both nations. It was also analyzed the social software Facebook, Tuenti (Spain) and Lidé (Czech Republic); the online encyclopedia Wikipedia and the server YouTube (and its closest competitor in each country). The information was mainly gathered from Internet. Then it was analyzed and compared. The author used her personal experience and knowledge of both cultures for the interpretation of the results. This work showed that there is not a big difference in the usage of Internet and New Media between these countries. For example, the difference in the Internet usage is not bigger than 5%. It also showed that Czech Republic has experienced the biggest growth in the area, even though Spain has more users. Both countries showed similar interest in web pages such as Facebook, Google and YouTube. Additionally, it demonstrated that the Spanish market is reacting better to the new opportunities offered by the social software. For this reason, they had created their own -- called Tuenti -- which is the main competition of Facebook in this country. On the other hand, Czech Republic does not have a website that counts with all the services offered by Facebook, which can explain the growth on the numbers of Czech users the last year. Wikipedia has versions available on the native languages of both countries. It is widely used, not only by the students who use it as a source for their paper work, but also in areas like marketing and journalism. YouTube is one of the most popular servers in these nations. They have their local video servers, but none of them have the same importance as YouTube. The author hopes this work will be a base for future investigators who will be interested on the comparison of these countries on the new technologies.

Digital media and the administration of copyright
Malý, Jiří ; Žikovská, Petra (referee) ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (advisor)
English summary Digital media and the protection of authors' rights Law is not a panacea. Although it lays down rules of human conduct, it cannot guarantee they will be observed also in practice. The decision whether we will conform to these rules depends only upon our choice. For example, the law stipulates the speed limit for motor vehicles. However, this measure it-self does not hinder driving faster and it is obvious this is happening frequently on our roads. In the situation when the law alone is not able to prevent the interference with the protected interest, it is appropriate to employ additional non-legal instruments to supplement this protection. In the mentioned example, it can be a media campaign notifying of the possible consequences of fast driving. Another eligible solution is the exercise of technical measures which would exclude the breach of legal norms or at least make it substantially difficult. The car would, for example, receive a signal designating the speed limit at a particular place which could not exceed. Such measures are not limited only to the protection of public law rules but can be used by private persons to protect their own property. Similarly, we lock doors from our house every day, although the inviolability of entry into dwelling is protected also by law. It is...

The nihilistic thinking of Friedrich Nietzsche and its reflection in the writings of Albert Camus
Korecká, Vendula ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee) ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor)
The diploma thesis is devoted to nihilism in the modern world, as shown in writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Albert Camus. Non-existence of a finite sense of human acting is a key assumption to nihilism. The paper is trying to find a way out of non-sense, that is, out of nihilism. However, first we must accept nihilism as a whole. Only then we can overcome its negative aspects by human will. There is a parallel with the major role of philosophy according to Nietzsche; not a restatement of old thoughts, but a new thinking - revaluation of all values. This thinking must have not solely a new form, but also new conclusions. Albert Camus regards the loss of a finite sense as an omnipresent absurdity, which shall be overcome with a new attitude to life: a rebellion.

Media portrayal of Roma minoritiy in Bulgaria
Petráchová, Zuzana ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Barkalova, Petya (advisor)
The thesis presents a summary survey of one ofBulgaria's ethnic minority groups, the Romany' s. It represents their language, history and cul ture in general and in Bulgaria specifically. The thesis researches individual groups with the aim of establishing how media presents them and it emulates to find their place and their footing in Bulgaria's majority community. The principal aim of the thesis is to ascertain what the perception is about an ethnic minority in Bulgaria, specifically the Romany's. To an average newspaper reader and whether Romany' s live out on a limb or not. One possibility of finding out what image the media create about Romany' s is to present single surveys, which raise certain subject matter and their consequences .The subsequent comparison distinguishes between surveys made in specific years and assessing if it improved or if the subject matter stay the same. The surveys of different Bulgarian newspapers and joumals use different methods of investigation, but they pursue the same aim - to establish how and why they write about Romany' s, if they speak about them in a positive or negative way, if they present the facts and if they are using derogatory language. The next important part of the thesis is the opinion poll for Bulgarian student s of joumalism, because it is interesting to...

The application of psychology in staff management (focusing on mental home)
Žáčková, Miluše ; Štěpánek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Šnýdrová, Ivana (advisor)
To sum up my work l' d like to evaluate all my knowledge obtained during my studies, practice or information found in literature. l' ve realised that people are the most important part of every successful organisation. Thať s why iť s necessary to take heed of him.A man is a member of society, a social creature.He' s different needs and of course there are different ways how to satisfy him.The ways of satisfaction can influence his approach to moral or the meaning of life. A man spends a great part of his life at work. Thať s why his job, his profession should satisfy him it should become not only the necessity but a certain kind of entertainment as well.

Problematical legal aspects of determination of parenthood
Vařeková, Adéla ; Frinta, Ondřej (advisor) ; Thöndel, Alexandr (referee)
The Abstract The aim of my thesis is to find and describe the problematic aspects of the determination of parenthood. I chose four areas of the determination of parenthood, which can lead to various complications - assisted reproduction, surrogacy, secret childbirths and anonymous births. In the first chapter of the thesis I deal with the legal aspects of the determination of parenthood. I examine mandatory determination of maternity and various assumptions of paternity. With the development of relations in the society and of the reproductive medicine, there emerge possibilities doubting the traditional legal principles of the determination of parenthood. Mother is not always certain anymore and there are five presumptions of paternity in the Czech legal order nowadays, compared to the traditional three. The second chapter is devoted to the issue of assisted reproduction. Assisted reproduction is a modern and rapidly developing area of medicine that allows infertile couples to have their own child. It is a medical specialty that requires a broad legal framework to prevent its abuse. At the end of a successful medical procedure a new life is coming into existence and such area must be regulated. The third chapter, entitled Surrogacy, builds on the previous chapter. Surrogacy is often discussed area of...

The Motivation of Pupils during German Lessons, and the Use of a "Language Portfolio"
Nekudová, Kateřina ; Švermová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Nečasová, Pavla (referee)
tivierung der Schüler und Studenten beim Deutschunterricht. In der nahen Zukunft sollten die Zielanforderungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht auf einzelnen Schulstufen mit den Zielanforderungen, die durch den Europarat festgelegt worden sind, korrespondieren. Die in dem Grundlagendokument Der gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen beschriebenen gemeinsamen Referenzniveaus bilden die Grundlage für das Europäische Sprachenportfolio und dienen als Ausgangspunkt für die Festlegung der Lemziele. Die Einführung des Europäischen Sprachenportfolios in den Unterricht löst die Problematik der Motivation der Schüler und Studenten dadurch, dass von ihnen Eigeninitiative bei der Bestimmung der eigenen Ziele gefordert wird. Die Schüler und Studenten werden durch eigene Auswahl der Lerntätigkeiten aktiviert, sie lernen selbstständig und systematisch zu arbeiten, womit sie zur eigenen Entwicklung beitragen. Zugleich entwickeln sie die Fähigkeit der Selbstreflexion und der Selbstbewertung, die es ihnen ermöglicht, die Verantwortung für das eigene Lernen zu übernehmen. Dies trägt dazu bei, dass sie auch in der Zukunft fähig sein werden, sich autodidaktisch weiterzubilden. Powered by TCPDF (

Reviews of the Old Age with the Eyes of Young Generation
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the issues of ageing process and old age from the point of view of the younger generation. The ageing is a natural process which takes place continuously throughout the whole life. It can be stated that the ageing process is characterized by irreversible changes that are physically visible to the unaided eye. The old age can be described as the last natural period of a human being which starts after the evolutionary stages of childhood and adulthood. The determination of the beginning of old age seems to be difficult, owing to the fact that the displays of old age appear for each individual at a different moment. The issue of old age is being neglected by our society and moreover, it is being generalized as a passive period of a human being. However, with regard to the predictions of the population development in the Czech Republic I believe that it will become a current and crucial issue in the following years. Higher proportion of people aged over 60 will have an adverse impact on the economy of the state. The society will have to cope with increasing demands on the area of social and health care. This bachelor´s thesis, mainly its empirical part, shall point to the fact how today's society perceives this neglected chapter of human life, which old age undoubtedly is. For research purposes persons in the age group between 15 and 25 years were selected who represented the younger generation. The theoretical part focuses on the objectification of terms which are important for the understanding of the given issue. In these chapters findings of a lot of authors dealing not only with the topic of old age are presented. Here we find terms such as intergenerational solidarity, generation X, Y, Z, myths, prejudices and stereotypes about old age and values and attitudes of the society towards old age. Furthermore, issues such as ontological human development /youth old age/, demographic situation of the Czech Republic and the ageing process including period of old age are described here. The empirical part devotes to own research which aims to determine the relationship of the younger generation towards old age. In order to obtain proper data the strategy of quantitative research has been chosen which uses the technique of questionnaire as a form of data collection. The gained data have been processed to transparent graphs and the below mentioned hypotheses have been tested statistically. For the research part the following hypotheses have been determined: Hypothesis 1: The perception of old age by the younger generation depends on the gender. Hypothesis 2: The opinion of the younger generation towards old age is influenced by existing myths and prejudices in the society. On the basis of statistical testing both proposed hypotheses have been refuted. The view of the last developmental period of a human being does not record any vigorous changes in both male and female gender of the respondents. In addition to that, it has been discovered that the younger generation does not make any judgments about old age on the grounds either of existing myths and stereotypes or prejudices in the society. Individuals who belong to young generation form their opinion on old age with the aid of gained experience. The aim of the bachelor´s thesis is to explore the opinion of the younger generation on old age. Furthermore, it has been examined how the views differ based on the gender and whether the younger generation is being influenced by existing myths and prejudices to old age. The set goals of this bachelor´s thesis have been achieved. The results of this bachelor´s thesis can be beneficial to the organizations dealing with the youth both in terms of teaching of students and practice.

Profile-Guided Optimizations for Instruction Caches
Bobek, Jiří ; Zachariášová, Marcela (referee) ; Hruška, Tomáš (advisor)
Instruction cache performance is very important for the overall performance of a computer. The placement of code blocks in memory can significantly affect the cache miss rate. This means that a compiler can improve the performance of a program by placing parts of code at the right addresses in memory. This work discusses several methods for collecting profile information, and describes an algorithm that uses profile information to guide code block placement. Additionally, the algorithm is added into the optimizer of the LLVM compiler, and improvements in cache performance are evaluated.

Řízení devizové expozice podniku
The first part of this dissertation, entitled Exchange Rate Exposure Management, addressed the question whether there has been a relationship between changes in exchange rate volatility and financial results of Czech enterprises and therefore foreign exchange exposure management is justified. For this purpose, the empirical data of revenues and exports and imports in CZ-NACE sections were used. Statistically significant results were demonstrated in the Section C - Manufacturing, where it was confirmed that profitability of sales declines with increasing volatility of the exchange rate. The nominal exchange rate CZK/EUR was taken into consideration, while a recent thesis (Klecka, 2016) showed that the use of another type of the exchange rate does not provide a statistically significant difference. In the second part a simple model called Estart was created in order to quantify the maximum impact of unexpected exchange rate changes in the profitability of a company and thus in order to start with the management of the exchange rate exposure. The formula for calculating exchange rate exposure is simple and requires only a few inputs as company total revenues, total expenses, the percentage of revenues in foreign currency and the percentage of expenditure in foreign currency. In order to quantify the maximum impact recommended percentage variations dependent on the time horizon were determined from the historical data of the exchange rate CZK/EUR. The company then receives initial information about the maximum impact of unexpected exchange rate change on their profitability and hence for example the potential maximum amount that makes sense to invest in exchange rate hedging. The model is also suitable for calculating the maximum impact for the specific payables and receivables. The Model Estart is for its simplicity usable particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises, which currently begin to address the question of the impact of exchange rate change on their profitability for example because of announcements of Czech National Bank concerning the end of the intervention that has been depreciating domestic currency since 2013 and also the complicated situation in the Eurozone. The next necessary step is to use more sophisticated methods in accordance with the principles of foreign exchange rate exposure management in order to quantify the impact of unexpected changes in the exchange rate on the profitability, respectively on the value of the company, mainly because of the management of the operational exposure, which is crucial and which is not addressed by this simple model.