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Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe III. Proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology
Tajovský, Karel ; Schlaghamerský, J. ; Pižl, Václav
The proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology involves papers based on the lectures and posters presented at the meeting held in České Budějovice on April 17-20, 2007. In total 32 contributions reflect different aspects of soil zoological research, e.g. taxonomy, ecology and biology of soil fauna, physiology of soil invertebrates, the impact of human activities on soil fauna etc.

Processing Differencies in Matters of Juvenile Perpetrators
My bachelor thesis will concern criminal procedural law of juvenile offenders, focusing on the specifics of proceedings with juvenile offenders, which I shall compare to proceedings with adult offenders. In the introduction I will mention the history of criminal law with juvenile offenders, which has undergone significant changes. At first criminal law was only regulated by the penal code and by the criminal procedure, which only included provisions concerning juvenile offenders. This regulation was insufficient as it did not allow to reflect juvenile criminality. There were tries to enforce a new code of law, which would contain only juvenile justice. Quite recently, in the year 2004, because of growing juvenile criminality and the need to solve juvenile criminal cases differently, a new independent law n. 218/2003 Sb. on juvenile justice was created, with the full name of law n. 218/2003 on the liability of youth for unlawful acts and on juvenile justice and on change of some laws. This law brought many changes and represents a positive contribution in juvenile justice. In my work I will introduce the juvenile justice law and I will point out the facts resulting from it. At the beginning of my thesis I will shortly define the basic concepts dealing with substantive criminal law of juvenile offenders, which are distinct from the criminal law of adults, and the knowledge of which I consider necessary for full understanding of my work. The aim of my work is to highlight the differences in procedural criminal law, in criminal proceedings with juveniles. I will compare criminal proceedings with juveniles to those with adults, which differ in significant terms. I will focus on certain specifics, which I will describe, compare to general regulations and evaluate. To conclude, I will evaluate the current state of juvenile justice and provide my own opinion on this topic. I will describe certain drawbacks in the law and suggest their change. I will describe my own ideas about juvenile law.

Information systems security penetration testing
Klíma, Tomáš ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Čermák, Igor (referee) ; Čapek, Jan (referee) ; Štubňa, Ivan (referee)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is to develop new methodology of information systems penetration testing based on analysis of current methodologies and the role of penetration tests in context of IS/IT governance. Integral part of this aim is evaluation of the methodology. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of history and current state of research in selected area, definiton of basic terms and introduction of role of the penetration tests. This part is followed by the review of relevant sources and comparative study of current methodologies with a goal to identify their weaknesses. Results from this study are further used as a basis for new methodology development. Classification of IS penetration tests types and testing scenarios are also included. The second part includes design of new methodology, at first its history, structure and principles are presented, then its framework is decribed in high level of detail. In the third part the reader can find (theoretical and practical) validation. The biggest scientific contribution is the methodology itself focused on managment of penetration tests (which is the area currently not sufficiently descibed). Secondary contribution is the extensive review and the comparative analysis of current methodologies. Contribution to the economic and technical (practical) application we can mainly see in the development of new methodology which enables companies to improve management of penetration tests (especially planning, operational management and implementation of countermeasures).

Analysis of drawing contributions from the Regional Operational Programme in the Košice Region 2007 - 2013
Hupka, Peter ; Kalábová, Markéta (advisor) ; Abrhám, Josef (referee)
Regional policy is becoming one of the strategic priorities of the European Union after its extension. The main tools of the policy are subsidies for less advanced regions in EU. This work aims to evaluate the Regional operational programme in the Košice region during the programming period 2007 to 2013. In the theoretical part author describes the process of forming the European Union, the overall characteristics specified by EU funds and gives basic information on Slovak Republic and Košice Region. The analytical section is dedicated to the characteristics of the Regional operational program. This work compares the individual priority axes of the operational program and the successful utilization of the allocation. For an objective assessment Košice region is compared with other regions of the Slovak Republic at the level of priority axis. Based on the analysis the author reviewed the regional operational programme in the Košice region as successful with space for improvement in the fulfilment of allocations

Depositary Services
Helcl, Tomáš ; Janda, Karel (advisor) ; Veselá, Jitka (referee)
The thesis deals with the functioning of depositories in the enviroment of the Czech market from the perspective of legislative and practical. The introduction is devoted to directives that make up a harmonized legal framework and the Czech legislativ, which specifically prescribes behaving of depositories. The main part is devoted to the depositary functions, such as operating in the Czech market conditions. This part of work is focused not only on the distribution of the depositary market, but also on the collected amount of the fees, the efficiency of regulation in the real market enviroment and in the importace of depositories in the Czech market. The final section is devoted to the findings, including the final assessment of the depositaries. As a first of its kind, this thesis gives a comprehensive view of activity of depositories and their importace for the Czech market, as the depositaries represent entities that control whether funds act in accordance with the legislation. Depository oversees as to prevent fraud and to qualified investors or collective investment contributed to the further development of the capital market, which is necessary for the further development of all economic sectors.

The Oriental Institute in Prague: Cultural Department and the Orient
Jůnová Macková, Adéla
A substantial contribution to Oriental studies was founded with a new institution, the Oriental Institute. The idea was promoted by the Czechoslovak president T. G. Masaryk and by his advisor in Oriental politics, Alois Musil. The institute was financially supported by the ministry of Foreign trade, the main role played Minister Rudolf Hotowetz (first director of the Oriental Institute). The Oriental Institute was established in 1922 and financially and functionally stabilised in 1927/1928. There were no permanent salaried posts; however, the cultural section of the Institute financed publications and travel by means of fellowships and grants.

Permeation of VOC vapours through carbon nanotube network membranes controlled electrically
Slobodian, P. ; Říha, Pavel ; Olejník, R.
In this letter, we report the increase of permeation rates of some typical volatile organic compounds through entangled carbon nanotube networks by an electric current. The change in the permeation rate is reversible when the\ncurrent is turned off. The permeation rise is partly probably due to Joule effect and thus increased membrane temperature and vapor pressure in the vicinity of the inlet side of membrane. However, the effects of vapor polarity and electrostatic interaction of vapors and charged nanotubes seem to be also involved and contribute to the differentiation between alcohol and carbohydrate vapors permeation.

Tick-borne encephalitis - from pathogenesis to therapy
PALUS, Martin
The proposed thesis contributes to the knowledge about tick-borne encephalitis and its pathogenesis. The thesis describes pathogenesis and immunopathogenesis of tick-borne encephalitis, impact of host's genotype in clinical course determination, immune response of patients with acute tick-borne encephalitis, the mechanism of tick-borne encephalitis virus migration into central nervous system and virus interaction with cells of neurovascular unit as well as potential medical interventions.

Etienne Decroux and his method Le Mime Corporel
Šimon, Lukáš ; VIZVÁRY, Radim (advisor) ; SOPROVÁ, Jana (referee)
This thesis discusses the life and work of Etienne Decroux, one of France's most important reformers of the theater and his method of Le Mime Corporel, which still forms the basis of modern pantomime. Decroux is known worldwide as an excellent mime, director, teacher, theorist and reformer of the theater. His contribution to the development of the European theater in the last century is very significant, especially for mime theatre. The work presents Decroux's personality and his contribution to the creation of the new method of mime theatre - Le Mime Corporel. Another task of this thesis is to explore the effects of different important personalities in the artistic development of Etienne Decroux, to describe the basic elements forming the method Le Mime Corporel and to compare it to other genres of movement theater.

Effect of snowpack on runoff generation during rain on snow event.
Juras, Roman ; Máca, Petr (advisor) ; Ladislav , Ladislav (referee)
During a winter season, when snow covers the watershed, the frequency of rain-on-snow (ROS) events is still raising. ROS can cause severe natural hazards like floods or wet avalanches. Prediction of ROS effects is linked to better understanding of snowpack runoff dynamics and its composition. Deploying rainfall simulation together with hydrological tracers was tested as a convenient tool for this purpose. Overall 18 sprinkling experiments were conducted on snow featuring different initial conditions in mountainous regions over middle and western Europe. Dye tracer brilliant blue (FCF) was used for flow regime determination, because it enables to visualise preferential paths and layers interface. Snowpack runoff composition was assessed by hydrograph separation method, which provided appropriate results with acceptable uncertainty. It was not possible to use concurrently these two techniques because of technical reasons, however it would extend our gained knowledge. Snowmelt water amount in the snowpack runoff was estimated by energy balance (EB) equation, which is very efficient but quality inputs demanding. This was also the reason, why EB was deployed within only single experiment. Timing of snowpack runoff onset decrease mainly with the rain intensity. Initial snowpack properties like bulk density or wetness are less important for time of runoff generation compared to the rain intensity. On the other het when same rain intensity was applied, non-ripe snowpack featuring less bulk density created runoff faster than the ripe snowpack featuring higher bulk density. Snowpack runoff magnitude mainly depends on the snowpack initial saturation. Ripe snowpack with higher saturation enabled to generate higher cumulative runoff where contributed by max 50 %. In contrary, rainwater travelled through the non-ripe snowpack relatively fast and contributed runoff by approx. 80 %. Runoff prediction was tested by deploying Richards equation included in SNOWPACK model. The model was modified using a dual-domain approach to better simulate snowpack runoff under preferential flow conditions. Presented approach demonstrated an improvement in all simulated aspects compared to the more traditional method when only matrix flow is considered.