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Optical methods in non-contact velocity measurement
Šmíd, Petr
The paper presents an overview of some interesting methods using optical and sound waves for non-contact velocity measurements. The paper focuses mainly on optical techniques using different optical principles as interferometry, image analysis and processing, and speckle effect.

Unconvential monetary policy adopted by ECB and FED in 2008-2015
Pörner, Marek ; Šetková, Lenka (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the accomplishment of the goals set, namely those of the selected unconventional monetary policies approved by the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank in response to the last financial crisis. With the FED the attention is focused on Quantitative Easing, whereas with the ECB it is focused on the programmes called Enhanced Credit Support, SMP, OMT and EAPP. Important parts of this thesis are also the explanation of the transmission mechanism of the unconventional monetary policy, the evaluation of macroeconomic impacts of these non-standard tools, the comparison of procedures of the two monitored central banks, but mainly the analysis of selected risks related to those tools. The principal method was an empirical analysis supported by economic studies dealing with the issues mentioned above. In the thesis it was discovered that the individual goals of the monitored programmes were achieved (with the exception of the SMP). With the programme EAPP no conlusion can be drawn because the programme has not been finished yet. Nevertheless, these non-standard tools bring certain risks such as a creation of a bubble in the markets of assets, a redistribution of wealth, a spillover effect, etc. For that reason it will be possible to evaluate the overall effect of the unconventional monetary policies only after a longer time period.

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to acquaint the reader with institutional care in the Czech Republic, performed in facilities belonging to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Institutional care is one of the most important measures in which the State may intervene in family relationships. Minors have the legal right to secure a proper education and overall development. If the parents or family are unable to fulfill this legal claim, then the State is obliged to provide the child with an alternative rearing environment, either by assigning the child to the care of individuals or a facility for children requiring immediate assistance, and in the event of a necessity, also the most important measure: imposing institutional care. Priority is always given to individual care before institutional care, either with another individual, guardian, or foster parent. The Act also defines exactly where it's possible to proceed to extreme measures and impose institutional care. Given the severity of this measure, this decision only appertains to courts. No other governmental or non-governmental institution has such authority. This paper is aimed at introducing institutional care and the protection of children in the Czech Republic, especially highlighting the fragmentation of institutional care. The fundamental part of this paper describes the process of imposing institutional care, and especially its implementation in individual institutional facilities, differentiated according to the children's age, their physical and mental abilities, and the reasons why institutional care was decided on. The priority should always be the child's interest and welfare. This work also highlights the shortcomings of institutional care, particularly the lack of cooperation between the socio-legal protection of children and institutional facilities, the limited cooperation between government departments, the lack of suitable family recovery, and the small number of social workers and judges in the field. Finally, I also mention the achievements that brought about the transformation of institutional care, particularly the conversion to small family type facilities, surrounded by a network of services for the families of allocated children, the children themselves, and also other families who find themselves in a difficult situation. Not all children can be placed in foster care, not all families can be recovered. Especially for some older children and those who have gone through a specific life experience (abuse, repeated return from foster families), an institutional facility is an environment where they feel more secure and where they can fulfill their need to belong in a group of peers. In my work, I also want to draw attention to the current system of child care for children and youth, which does not address the period following the departure of young people from institutional care, although the stage of becoming independent is the most important for their future life.

The theory of redistribution and its application
Mihalčinová, Hana ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Valenčík, Radim (referee) ; Peško, Štefan (referee)
The theory of redistribution systems is a practical extension of a game theory, which deals with a redistribution within a social system of more than two players with di?erent performances and ability to create coalitions. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The ?rst chapter describes the known knowledge of a game theory. The second chapter deals with the theory of redistribution systems. Using an elementary redistribution system and its generalization group behaviour when dividing a payment, achieved by a collective performance, is described. This part introduces the extension of the redistribution system to a compound redistribution system with a fractal structure. Furthermore the theory of discriminatory equilibrium and the theory of commonly acceptable equilibrium are veri?ed using the elementary redistribution system and utility theory. The third chapter deals with an application to the allocation of funds among faculty departments. A game theory approach was used to reduce the game to a non-cooperative game of two players by using the forming of coalitions. Also the theory of redistribution systems was applied when a reduction was used to create a non-cooperative two-player game. This reduced non-cooperative game between two players was converted to a cooperative play of more than two players by changing the rules of the game and allowing a formation of coalitions. In the practical part both of these approaches are compared with real data and a current state.

Proposing the financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management
Hajdíková, Taťána ; Černá, Anna (advisor) ; Lieskovská, Vanda (referee) ; Lazar, Jaromír (referee)
Dissertation thesis deals with the managerial needs in the area of financial health. Managers need a tool to reveal the impending financial failure or to assess the financial quality of the organization. They link their decisions to performance, ability to pay, employee productivity, financial resources and financial risk. In the theoretical part of the thesis it is necessary to explain the non-profit sector and its connection with the hospital environment. It is also necessary to introduce models used both in the Czech Republic and abroad, which share common elements. The basic aim of this thesis is to propose a financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management, the owners of hospitals and insurance companies. To achieve the basic goal, three sub-goals must be accomplished. The first goal is to divide the hospitals into healthy and unhealthy by using the multi-criteria methods. The second goal is, based on an expert approach with the support of statistical methods, the selection of indicators appropriate for the hospital environment and the third goal is to find a suitable method for the determination of weighted representation of individual indicators in the proposed index and to assemble the final form of the new financial index for the hospital environment.

Analysis of the marketing activities in nonprofit organization INEX-SDA
Müllerová, Michaela ; Procházková, Markéta (advisor) ; Polcar, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze marketing activities of nonprofit organization INEX-SDA and make recommendations relating to the marketing mix which would increase awareness of this foundation and also increase voluntary help from the public. The thesis is divided into two parts. First part deals with theoretical definition of marketing and its specifics related to the nonprofit sector. The theoretical part is followed by a practical part in which organization INEX-SDA and the individual elements of the marketing mix are specified. In this part there was also done marketing research. With the analysis of marketing activities information is obtained which together with the theoretical knowledge leads to recommendations relating to the marketing activities of this non-profit organization. The thesis ends with an overall summary.

Multi-functional composites with integrated nanostructured carbon nanotubes based sensing films
Slobodian, P. ; Pertegás, S.L. ; Schledjewski, R. ; Matyáš, J. ; Olejník, R. ; Říha, Pavel
Carbon nanotubes are exceptional nano-objects with respect to their remarkable properties, holding great potential in new polymeric materials design with unique characteristics. To illustrate it, the conventional glass reinforced epoxy composite is combined with a layer of entangled network of carbon nanotubes deposited on polyurethane non-woven membrane. The prepared nano-composite is studied for their diverse mjulti-functional applications involving extension and compression strain sensing composite, remoulding by means of resistance Joule heating and radiating as a planar micro strip antenna operating at frequencies of 2MHz up to 4GHz.

del Corro, Elena ; Peňa-Alvarez, M. ; Morales-García, A. ; Bouša, Milan ; Řáhová, Jaroslava ; Kavan, Ladislav ; Kalbáč, Martin ; Frank, Otakar
The research on graphene has attracted much attention since its first successful preparation in 2004. It possesses many unique properties, such as an extreme stiffness and strength, high electron mobility, ballistic transport even at room temperature, superior thermal conductivity and many others. The affection for graphene was followed swiftly by a keen interest in other two dimensional materials like transition metal dichalcogenides. As has been predicted and in part proven experimentally, the electronic properties of these materials can be modified by various means. The most common ones include covalent or non-covalent chemistry, electrochemical, gate or atomic doping, or quantum confinement. None of these methods has proven universal enough in terms of the devices' characteristics or scalability. However, another approach is known mechanical strain/stress, but experiments in that direction are scarce, in spite of their high promises.\nThe primary challenge consists in the understanding of the mechanical properties of 2D materials and in the ability to quantify the lattice deformation. Several techniques can be then used to apply strain to the specimens and thus to induce changes in their electronic structure. We will review their basic concepts and some of the examples so far documented experimentally and/or theoretically.

Comparative evaluation of protein composition in human breast cancer cells using mass spectrometry
Flodrová, Dana ; Toporová, L. ; Macejová, D. ; Laštovičková, Markéta ; Brtko, J. ; Bobálová, Janette
Bottom-up proteomic approach was used for detailed characterization of proteins from\ntwo human tumour cell lines representing major clinically different types of breast\ncancer. The aim was to show the differences between them on proteomic level. Here\nwe present almost 100 unequivocally identified proteins out of which 60 were mutually\ndifferently expressed for MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7. Some well-known breast cancer\nmarkers like annexins A1, A2 and vimentin were found in the MDA-MB-231 cell line.\nOn the other hand, MCF-7 cells were found to be positive for cytokeratins and keratins\nand thus we were able to distinguish both cell lines sufficiently.

Characterization of Submicron Aerosol in Prague by Source Apportionment Analysis of Combined AMS Data.
Makeš, Otakar ; Vodička, Petr ; Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Ždímal, Vladimír
PM1 non-refractory chemical composition and concentration was measured by Aerodyne Compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) during two six weeks long summer and winter campaigns in 2012-2013. The retrieved highly time resolved data were analyzed using the SoFi graphical user interface that is developed by Paul Scherrer Institute (Canonaco et al., 2013) and is running under IGOR software (WaveMetrics).
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