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Needs of organizations in the health and social sphere in getting volunteers
This diploma thesis deals with an issue of a volunteering from a perspective of organizations operating in the health-social area, specifically in terms of their needs in an implementation of the volunteering. The research was conducted in Teplice region. Two years ago within the bachelor thesis there was carried out an analysis here, whose results the current research builds on. The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out which are the needs of organizations in the health-social area with getting the volunteers. The theoretical part is devoted to definitions of concepts relating to the volunteering in the health-social area. It defines a concept of the organization in the health-social area, it also deals with concepts of the volunteering and the volunteer. Other chapters were devoted to the volunteering in the health-social area and a management of the volunteering. There does not miss a chapter dedicated to the needs of a man, a volunteer and an organization. The conclusion describes the current state of the volunteering in the region of Teplice. The whole issue was explored through a quantitative research. The main method used to gather the necessary data was questioning, a technique of a semi-structured interview. Partial research questions were answered by an analysis of these interviews. The thesis presents needs of organizations in the health-social area associated with getting of the volunteers. In particular, a necessity for a greater awareness about the whole issue of the volunteering, higher numbers of active volunteers in the region, a need of a staffing to be able to manage these activities in a person of a volunteers´ coordinator and together with it associated funds. In conclusion the author tries to outline contexts and possible solutions for the development of the volunteering in Teplice region.

Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client’s Perspective
Huleš, Matěj ; Hejda, Jan (advisor) ; Kaczor, Pavel (referee)
The aim of the thesis titled Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client´s Perspective is the analysis of the offer of consumer credit loans in the Czech market and an explanation of the basic problems of consumer credit. The first part explains basic information and theoretical concepts related to the issue. In the second part of the thesis, these concepts are put into practice and two model examples are used to explain the procedure for selecting a credit product that will meet the consumer´s needs. The section deals with the comparison of these products. Credit loans are subjected to the comparison in terms of total costs and sub-parameters of the loans, which affect the costs. Following the results of the comparison, the conclusion contains practical recommendations for consumers. The thesis results in a comprehensive educational text that will help anyone interested in consumer financial products to make their choice.

The Value of CSR for Czech Consumers
Faradji, Elise ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Seror, Patricia (referee)
Nowadays consumers purchasing behavior is influenced by new factors such as the social and environmental implication of companies. This is why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend which companies need to look after carefully. However implementing an efficient CSR strategy is a complex process for corporations; especially since the core concept of CSR remain quite blurry. The goal of this study is to analyze the perception of consumers towards CSR to find out about the value creation that CSR produce for consumers and its impact on their purchasing behavior. This paper will ultimately help companies to implement their CSR strategy more efficiently. This study aims to contribute by conducting an in-depth analysis of consumers attitudes and behavior towards CSR. If most of researchers are using a quantitative approach this study means to deal with the issue with a qualitative perspective. Indeed twelve semi-structured interviews will support the findings. On top of those practical and physical interviews some theoretical knowledge will be added to the construction of the argument especially to bring a framework that shows the importance of all types of value creation (functional emotional and social). The findings of the thesis emphasize the facts already proven by other researchers; value creation is fundamental to make consumers care about CSR. However the study will show how much skepticism towards CSR can impact negatively consumers purchasing behavior. The research will help companies implementing more successful CSR strategy and develop new solutions to reach customers and influence their purchasing behavior through the creation of value for them.

Comparison of accounting programs from the point of view of the use of information for management companies
Loušová, Petra ; Stejskalová, Irena (advisor) ; Pevná, Jana (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to compare accounting programs from the point of view of the use of information that are important for management companies. The theoretical part deals with the general approach to processing business information in the accounting. Next there is explained an overview of what information in the field of accounting are important and necessary for the job of financial manager. The practical part contains an analysis of at least three accounting programs, with the main focus on what information from the selected accounting program managers need in their work and what information is actually gaining from the program. In practical part, there are also compared results of individual organizations; information is gathered through in-depth interview with financial managers selected companies.

Řízení IS/ICT se zaměřením na sourcing služeb informačního systému
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Příklenk, Oldřich (referee) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Research on outsourcing has been around for several decades, while recent evolution in the information systems discipline towards ICT service commoditization significantly changes the context of decision-making. Services that are available on-demand via the Internet allow organizations implementing functions they demand in a fraction of time. This trend represents a chance for organizations seeking to use advanced ICT services without a need of major investments. Problem is the current lack of guidelines and tools for managing ICT services and their outsourcing. Given the trends on the ICT service market, it is expected that much of the IT management in the future will encompass the ICT services and utilize service-level structures. Methods currently available are either too broad or encompass only small part of the whole problem. Ad-hoc or unsound decisions in this area might cause major complications in terms of quality, usability, integration, and consequently influence total cost of organizational IT. Organizations need to either revise existing models or propose and implement completely new models to manage their IS/ICT. This thesis deals with the management of IS/ICT with focus on the ICT services outsourcing. It discusses available sourcing models in the literature and links them to the various interconnected areas. Based on these areas, it presents an integrated view on IT outsourcing strategies. Most importantly the thesis proposes an original concept for decision-making about outsourcing of ICT services named the SOURCER framework. This approach utilizes the presented outsourcing strategies, and introduces a complex methodology and decision-making criteria that will assist organizations with selection of ICT services in order to maintain and manage a most suitable ICT service portfolio. The decision-making is based on four essential viewpoints: function, costs, time, and quality. These viewpoints are discussed, individually analyzed, and serve as a basis for further research. The whole framework is developed and validated according to Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). Individual components are evaluated using a survey among a group of selected IT managers. Proof of concept is then established by a case study on framework use in a real organization. This case study covers strategy specification, business--IT alignment, specifying service architecture and its interconnections, outsourcing, and management of the ICT service portfolio.

Proposing the financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management
Hajdíková, Taťána ; Černá, Anna (advisor) ; Lieskovská, Vanda (referee) ; Lazar, Jaromír (referee)
Dissertation thesis deals with the managerial needs in the area of financial health. Managers need a tool to reveal the impending financial failure or to assess the financial quality of the organization. They link their decisions to performance, ability to pay, employee productivity, financial resources and financial risk. In the theoretical part of the thesis it is necessary to explain the non-profit sector and its connection with the hospital environment. It is also necessary to introduce models used both in the Czech Republic and abroad, which share common elements. The basic aim of this thesis is to propose a financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management, the owners of hospitals and insurance companies. To achieve the basic goal, three sub-goals must be accomplished. The first goal is to divide the hospitals into healthy and unhealthy by using the multi-criteria methods. The second goal is, based on an expert approach with the support of statistical methods, the selection of indicators appropriate for the hospital environment and the third goal is to find a suitable method for the determination of weighted representation of individual indicators in the proposed index and to assemble the final form of the new financial index for the hospital environment.

Work-life balance
Maturová, Inha ; Šmíd, David (advisor) ; Legnerová, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor work focuses on adaptation process of new employees in a particular company. The goal is determination of adaptation process and comparison with needs of the company on onboarding field. A few methods of quality research were used in application part. The first one is analysis of internal documents related to adaptation process. The second is application and analysis of structured inquiry of head of human resources department of the company. Application part of the work brings evaluation of analysed adaptation process.

Cooperation between a nurse working at a children{\crq}s ward and an anaesthetic nurse in care of a child patient in pre-operation, per-operation and post-operation periods
I selected the topic of the diploma thesis ``Cooperation between a nurse working at a children{\crq}s ward and an anaesthetic nurse in care of a child patient in pre-operation, per-operation and post-operation periods{\crqq} because I am very interested in the work of nurses and in preparation of children and their parents in these periods. These entire periods and the associated activities are very demanding and burdening for all the involved parties. The cooperation and communication between the anaesthetic nurse and the children{\crq}s nurse is crucial for the child to cope with the period. The objective of the diploma thesis was to ascertain the opinions of anaesthetic and children{\crq}s nurses on their cooperation, and to find out whether the cooperation between anaesthetic and children{\crq}s nurses influences satisfaction of a child{\crq}s needs in the concerned periods. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis addresses paediatrics and segmentation of childhood, anaesthesiology and the specifics of childhood, children surgery and nursing care of children in three operation periods in general terms. The practical part is divided into a quantitative and a qualitative subpart. The quantitative subpart is focused on cooperation between anaesthetic nurses and nurses working at the children{\crq}s ward, and uses the data collected by means of a questionnaire, while the qualitative subpart ascertains whether the cooperation between nurses has an influence on the needs of children in the concerned periods, and uses the data obtained from observation of children and interviews of nurses. The summary of the results revealed that hypothesis 1 ``Anaesthetic nurses and nurses working at a children{\crq}s ward cooperate in the pre-operation period{\crqq} was confirmed. Hypothesis 2 ``Anaesthetic nurses and nurses working at a children{\crq}s ward cooperate in the post-operation period{\crqq} was confirmed. Hypothesis 3 ``Anaesthetic nurses are interested in improvement of cooperation with nurses working at a children{\crq}s ward{\crqq} was confirmed. Hypothesis 4 ``Nurses working at a children{\crq}s ward are interested in improvement of cooperation with anaesthetic nurses{\crqq} was confirmed. The qualitative subpart revealed that cooperation between nurses influenced satisfaction of a child{\crq}s needs in the concerned periods. The findings of this diploma thesis may be used by children{\crq}s and anaesthetic nurses or by other persons interested in this issue for the sake of better preparation of a child for the operation period, better satisfaction of a child{\crq}s needs in the concerned period, and provision of more comprehensive care in the period in general.

Transformation of Network Data Reporting Process
Tolar, Tomáš ; Matuštík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Malinová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis deals with transformation of network data reporting process in a Telecom company. The current process is MS Excel based and is inadequate and inefficient. The goal is to find the right tools and to implement them. The thesis is divided into three parts. First part is focused on theoretical background of reporting, i.e. Business Intelligence and other approaches. Second part explains general Network reporting principles and trends. In contrast with these theoretical recommendations, the actual level of the company's process is depicted. The last part of this thesis covers a practical implementation of selected applications. First, a choice is made within a variety of tools based on department's needs then the architecture is proposed and applications are implemented. The final part of the thesis provides an assessment of the benefits attained by this project.

Analysing company's behaviour and communication on social networks
Němec, Milan ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jelínek, Ivan (referee)
This thesis focuses on measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. To capture the interaction between the company and its users the thesis uses web analytics tools. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is analysis of these tools. To achieve this goal, the thesis characterizes social networks and their marketing opportunities for business promotion. Thanks to this, needs of using these tools is identified. The needs are: competitive analysis, optimizing communication, measuring achievement of objectives or detection competitive viral content. Research questions were determined and then analysis tools found answers to research questions. It was found that the tools provide various views of data and create a complete system for measuring and analysing behaviour and communication companies on social networks. The results were validated in a case study focused on the Facebook profile of the University of Economics in Prague. The study analysed the interaction profile of the school and its users and compared with others schools. In the results the analysis tools are validated and it is designed recommendation for improve engagement. This thesis revealed strengths and weaknesses of tools for measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. It was found that these tools have wide range of use. They can be used for understanding the company's profile, its users, for purposes of competitive analysis, monitor corporate goals and optimize communications on social networks.