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Family environment of drug addicts
We live in a postmodern era, where the original concept of the family loses its original meaning and where there is a breaking of traditional family values. You can also talk about the so - called crisis of the family and the associated emergence of socially pathological phenomena. This term began to apply in the Czech Republic during the nineties. It is a transformation that brings the absence of traditional family symbols, which are two - parent family, the primary representation of the family in the social spectrum or preference of spending time with the family by its individual members. Family of a contemporary postmodern society is then characterized by a very high divorce rate and the associated absence of one parent (mostly fathers), by a decline in the number of children, by increasing parental age or by favoring career at the expense of the family. This work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the topic of a family as a social phenomenon, the typology of family, the parenting style, the risk factors in the family and then with the drugs themselves, the current situation in the Czech drug scene, the drug addiction, the drug treatment in relation to the family therapy. Special attention is paid to education styles and risk factors in the family and their potential impact on the emergence of socio - pathological phenomena. The aim of the practical part of this thesis is to analyze the opinions of experts on the drug addiction in relation to the drug environment. The operational objective is to find the fact to what extent is a specialist able to influence the family environment of a drug addict. To collect the data there was used a method of questioning through the depth semi - structured interview. This was based on asking open - ended and semi - closed questions to a selected group of respondents. The purpose of data collection was to create a deeper monitoring and detection of basic facts about the issue. The basic research group was created by professionals who deal with the target group of drug addicts. Through the analysis of the results of the research were developed answers to the research questions and summarized as follows: 1. The experts perceive that the family environment affects drug addiction, specifically through genetic predispositions, personal abilities, peers and problematic communication in the family; in addition there is a high importance of the parenting role and of the relations in the family, is a key factor, but only one of the factors that influence the development of drug addiction. 2. The experts have the ability to influence the family environment of a drug addicts through individual, group, family or partner therapy; parental and social work, mediation of family relationships, cooperation, art - therapy or by using relaxation techniques. The survey showed that there is not only one risk factor from the family environment that would predispose the emergence of addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. This phenomenon does not occur even in the context of the emergence and development of other socio-pathological behavior. The analysis of the collected data showed that the formation of addiction is determined by a complex action of several factors that stem from various fields of life. We speak here about a bio - psycho - socio - spiritual emergence of addiction. The above mentioned also applies in relation to family educational styles. It is impossible to say that certain educational styles are more or less predetermining the emergence of an addiction than the others.

Analysis of the EU regulations in the field of Information and Telecommunication technologies and their effect on the single market
Hart, Ludvík ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Strejček, Ivo (referee)
The bachelor thesis describes the EU regulations in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Digital agenda for Europe strategy. These regulations are then tested for their influence on the European single market. The major question answered here is whether the EU regulations in field of ICT have a positive impact on the EUs single market. Answer to this question helps us evaluate the ongoing Digital agenda strategy. The impact of the regulations is analysed by induction of the following indicators, international trade, ratio of population buying online, DESI index and NRI index. With this method it is possible to tackle the wide range of fields the Digital agenda covers. I conclude this work with the statement, that European ICT regulations do have a positive impact on the single market, although are problematic due to the slow legislative process and low efficiency in addressing the regulated issue.

Risk group of persons with disabilities on the labour market in Prague from 2005 to 2015
Hošková, Laura ; Maule, Petr (advisor) ; Lukášová, Tereza (referee)
The theoretical part of the Bachelor Thesis comprehensively illustrates the status and representation of persons with disabilities (PWD) on the current labour market in the Czech Republic. In a general manner, the Thesis looks at the employment policy as well; especially its legislative basis in the legal framework of the Czech Republic and selected EU countries. Furthermore, the legal obligations of employers of PWD and the possibilities of fulfilling the mandatory share of PWD employment are stated. Findings of two qualitative employment studies are presented showing that PWD enter the labour market equipped with specialized competencies, which they are willing to complete by retraining programmes in case of need. The employers perceive the employment of PWD mainly as a financial profit, granted to them by the state; and the legislative conditions are a sufficient incentive for them. The questionnaire survey pointed out that the weakness in the employment of PWD is the lack of part-time jobs, which are highly demanded among them. Therefore the Thesis presents a solution, which could be the creation of shared work positions.

Differences and similarities on the approaches of buyers from X and Y generations regarding sustainable procurement
Lacour, Maxime ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Geniaux, Isabelle (referee)
Responsible procurement has become a real challenge for companies following the current trends of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and more and more ethic-oriented customers. Differing from the concept of green procurement this concept of responsible procurement supports the willingness of companies to have ethic and sustainable supplies. The usual criteria in procurement such as price performances innovation terms and time of payment have increasingly been coupled with more ethic-oriented ones. These criteria related to ethics combine both social and environmental responsibilities of suppliers and stakeholders such as energetic savings and the possession of a particular certification. Currently many call for tenders set ecological requirements for suppliers or subcontractors even in non-strategic procurement activities. The goal of this thesis is about comparing this approach to responsible procurement between buyers from the X and Y generation: do they share the same ideas and priorities concerning responsible procurement? For both of these generations are the advantages and drawbacks of responsible procurement similar?

On possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets
Prajer, Richard ; Palovský, Radomír (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This thesis explores possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets on network. Initially, the detection based on full packet analysis in consideration of DNS, HTTP and IRC communication, is described. However, this detection is found inapplicable for technical and ethical reasons. Then it focuses on the analysis based on network flow metadata, compiling them to be processable in machine learning. It creates detection models using different machine learning methods, to compare them with each other. Bayes net method is found to be acceptable for detecting robotic activity of botnets. The Bayesian model is only able to identify the botnet that already executes the commands sent by its C&C server. "Sleeping" botnets are not reliably detectable by this model.

Hukou system in China: socioeconomic impacts and reforms
Dušková, Michaela ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Procházková Ilinitchi, Cristina (referee)
This thesis covers the topic of hukou system in the People's Republic of China also known as household registration system. The thesis explains how was the hukou system created. In the following part socioeconomic impacts of hukou are analysed. Furthermore the reform process of the hukou system is explained including cases of Chongqing and Shenzhen.

The business plan for SnackBag company and its expansion into the foreign markets
Ježová, Jana ; Svobodová, Ivana (advisor) ; Srpová, Jitka (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to create a business plan for the newly established business subject in the health food industry and evaluate the viability of the plan. The plan also includes the choice of the appropriate form of potential expansion into the foreign market. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. To create this business plan, firstly it was necessary to write down the complex theoretical framework of the basic aspects which are crucial for small and medium businesses. Secondly, it was needed to sum up the general principles of creating a business plan, characterise its structure and mention the most common mistakes and problems that entrepreneurs may encounter. The theoretical part is concluded by a description of the appropriate forms of expansion for small and medium businesses. Based on this theoretical framework the business plan for the company SnackBag was created with the emphasis on the project´s financial calculation. The calculations confirm the business plan as viable. Analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of particular forms of expansion to foreign markets concludes that the franchise was evaluated as the most suitable for SnackBag.

Serverless single page application in JavaScript
Zikmund, Marian ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Suchan, Vladimír (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design and develop a framework for building modern single- page application in the JavaScript programming language and describe this approach to development. The work also contains the documentation for a more comfortable use and customization. The content is divided into eight chapters. The introduction is followed by the retrieval of information resources, including the specifics of the JavaScript programming language and explanation of the formation of single-page application. The description of the basic principles of their functioning, motivation and justification, when and why this approach is appropriate is also included. The work is primarily focused on the issue of single-page application, for which the use of the JavaScript programming language is crucial. For this reason, this work provides a whole chapter about this programming language, also including a description of its history and role in the context of others. Below are the common characteristics of single-page applications frameworks, built on top of the library ReactJS, whose formation is engaged in the following chapter. The developed framework also contains the user guide. The practical outcome of this work is an open source framework for creating serverless single-page applications, which is due to its architecture and documentation appropriately adaptable.

Řízení IS/ICT se zaměřením na sourcing služeb informačního systému
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Příklenk, Oldřich (referee) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Research on outsourcing has been around for several decades, while recent evolution in the information systems discipline towards ICT service commoditization significantly changes the context of decision-making. Services that are available on-demand via the Internet allow organizations implementing functions they demand in a fraction of time. This trend represents a chance for organizations seeking to use advanced ICT services without a need of major investments. Problem is the current lack of guidelines and tools for managing ICT services and their outsourcing. Given the trends on the ICT service market, it is expected that much of the IT management in the future will encompass the ICT services and utilize service-level structures. Methods currently available are either too broad or encompass only small part of the whole problem. Ad-hoc or unsound decisions in this area might cause major complications in terms of quality, usability, integration, and consequently influence total cost of organizational IT. Organizations need to either revise existing models or propose and implement completely new models to manage their IS/ICT. This thesis deals with the management of IS/ICT with focus on the ICT services outsourcing. It discusses available sourcing models in the literature and links them to the various interconnected areas. Based on these areas, it presents an integrated view on IT outsourcing strategies. Most importantly the thesis proposes an original concept for decision-making about outsourcing of ICT services named the SOURCER framework. This approach utilizes the presented outsourcing strategies, and introduces a complex methodology and decision-making criteria that will assist organizations with selection of ICT services in order to maintain and manage a most suitable ICT service portfolio. The decision-making is based on four essential viewpoints: function, costs, time, and quality. These viewpoints are discussed, individually analyzed, and serve as a basis for further research. The whole framework is developed and validated according to Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). Individual components are evaluated using a survey among a group of selected IT managers. Proof of concept is then established by a case study on framework use in a real organization. This case study covers strategy specification, business--IT alignment, specifying service architecture and its interconnections, outsourcing, and management of the ICT service portfolio.

Clustering and regression analysis of micro panel data
Sobíšek, Lukáš ; Pecáková, Iva (advisor) ; Komárek, Arnošt (referee) ; Brabec, Marek (referee)
The main purpose of panel studies is to analyze changes in values of studied variables over time. In micro panel research, a large number of elements are periodically observed within the relatively short time period of just a few years. Moreover, the number of repeated measurements is small. This dissertation deals with contemporary approaches to the regression and the clustering analysis of micro panel data. One of the approaches to the micro panel analysis is to use multivariate statistical models originally designed for crosssectional data and modify them in order to take into account the within-subject correlation. The thesis summarizes available tools for the regression analysis of micro panel data. The known and currently used linear mixed effects models for a normally distributed dependent variable are recapitulated. Besides that, new approaches for analysis of a response variable with other than normal distribution are presented. These approaches include the generalized marginal linear model, the generalized linear mixed effects model and the Bayesian modelling approach. In addition to describing the aforementioned models, the paper also includes a brief overview of their implementation in the R software. The difficulty with the regression models adjusted for micro panel data is the ambiguity of their parameters estimation. This thesis proposes a way to improve the estimations through the cluster analysis. For this reason, the thesis also contains a description of methods of the cluster analysis of micro panel data. Because supply of the methods is limited, the main goal of this paper is to devise its own two-step approach for clustering micro panel data. In the first step, the panel data are transformed into a static form using a set of proposed characteristics of dynamics. These characteristics represent different features of time course of the observed variables. In the second step, the elements are clustered by conventional spatial clustering techniques (agglomerative clustering and the C-means partitioning). The clustering is based on a dissimilarity matrix of the values of clustering variables calculated in the first step. Another goal of this paper is to find out whether the suggested procedure leads to an improvement in quality of the regression models for this type of data. By means of a simulation study, the procedure drafted herein is compared to the procedure applied in the kml package of the R software, as well as to the clustering characteristics proposed by Urso (2004). The simulation study demonstrated better results of the proposed combination of clustering variables as compared to the other combinations currently used. A corresponding script written in the R-language represents another benefit of this paper. It is available on the attached CD and it can be used for analyses of readers own micro panel data.