National Repository of Grey Literature 7,665 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.69 seconds. 

Significant personalities of Czech experiential education in the present
ŠULCOVÁ, Martina
The work deals with personalities that are among the more significant in this field in our country. The aim of the research is to discover and to describe these individuals. Then to show, where and in which organization and association they work, from which position they are known, what have achieved education, what they propagate or hold. Will be presented their published posts and will be summarized their overall work.

Strategic analysis of a company RIO Media a.s.
Sláma, Jan ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Krause, Josef (referee)
The aim of the Bachelor's Thesis is to undertake a strategic analysis of the company RIO Media, a.s. The analysis is performed for the period of 2011-2015 with regard to other periods, where it is beneficial. The analysis is done through external analysis, enriched with internal inputs. The analysis is divided into two main sections. First is dealing with theoretical and methodological approaches, which explain the various terms used, methods and their application form. Second part is practical, which builds on the previous section and uses these methods in practice. It also analyzes current trends and significant outputs are processed partly in the SWOT analysis and fully processed at the conclusion. The benefit of this work is to determine the company's position within the industry and to form recommendations for further improvement in this position.

Implementation of philosophy of CRM in selected company in airline industry
Pavelka, Jakub ; Koliš, Karel (advisor) ; Konvalinka, Michal (referee)
The aim of this Bachelors Thesis is to define the philosophy, individual phases and the most important principles in building the customer relationship management and their theoretical concepts applied in selected company in airline industry. Based on the identification of places and processes that have the most significant impact on interaction between customers and company will be formulated fundamental measures for the implementation of the philosophy.

Film induced tourism
Čepková, Petra ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Kalábová, Markéta (referee)
The master thesis deals with new phenomenon in tourism film induced tourism. The main objective of the master thesis is to characterize film induced tourism which could be used as a tool to increase the attendance of the destination where the film was shot. Next main objective of the thesis is evaluation of film induced tourism in Europe, more precisely in Great Britain and Northern Ireland where the film induced tourism is at relatively advanced level. The master thesis is divided into the eight main chapters. The first part briefly defines term tourism, its importance and tips related to the place of realization. In the second chapter there is described management of destination, following with marketing direction in the fourth chapter. In the fifth part, there is definition of film-induced tourism, related history, supply, the opportunities of marketing promotion and typology of the film induced tourist. Next parts of thesis show significance and efficiency of film induced tourism, film induced tourism in Czech Republic and in the Europe where the main attention was focused on Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The last chapter refers to own research where the potential of film induced tourism was investigated by using quantitative and qualitative methods from respondents which were based in Czech Republic.

Forms of advertising on social networks and consumer protection
Žďárský, Jiří ; Vavrečka, Jan (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Petr (referee)
The theme of this thesis are forms of advertising on social networks and consumer protection. The main informational source is above all research of specialized literature, articles, online or other sources in connection with author's own observations and analysis of the respective legislation and ultimately the comparison with author's gained professional experience. The result of this work is a comprehensive overview and introduction to the law of social networks and advertising, demonstration of the importance and significance of this topic and finally evaluation of the effectiveness of legislation that protects consumers in the environment of social networks.

Internationalization of business activities of SMEs
Straka, Jakub ; Sato, Alexej (advisor) ; Komrska, Jan (referee)
This Master Thesis is focused on the topic of internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main goal of this thesis was to find out if the czech SMEs are able to participate in international trade, how can they achieve that and if the provided support of SMEs is sufficient. The theoretical part describes the term small and medium-sized enterprises, its specifics, significance and the evolution of the SME sector in Czech Republic. The theoretical part further deals with particular aspects of internationalization and with the quality of the provided support of SMEs in Czech Republic. The practical part was realized in the form of semistructured interview with a owner of Simplejohn, inc and the main goal of it was to verify the conclusions reached in the theoretical part.

Etienne Decroux and his method Le Mime Corporel
Šimon, Lukáš ; VIZVÁRY, Radim (advisor) ; SOPROVÁ, Jana (referee)
This thesis discusses the life and work of Etienne Decroux, one of France's most important reformers of the theater and his method of Le Mime Corporel, which still forms the basis of modern pantomime. Decroux is known worldwide as an excellent mime, director, teacher, theorist and reformer of the theater. His contribution to the development of the European theater in the last century is very significant, especially for mime theatre. The work presents Decroux's personality and his contribution to the creation of the new method of mime theatre - Le Mime Corporel. Another task of this thesis is to explore the effects of different important personalities in the artistic development of Etienne Decroux, to describe the basic elements forming the method Le Mime Corporel and to compare it to other genres of movement theater.

Influence of meadow management on the migration behavior of selected species of butterflies
Bubová, Terezie ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Farkač, Jan (referee)
Migrations are the key process and one of the basic biological features, which allow survival of endangered species in fragmented landscape. In the last decades, agriculture intensification, industry and urbanization caused that number of natural butterfly habitats has significantly decreased. The localities originally suitable for butterflies are currnetly converted to farmland or building plots. This PhD thesis aimed to find a compromise solution of meadow management, which should allow a commercial use and concurrently do not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species. The main idea of this study was in the intentional emigration causing in the middle of flight period, which should lead into resettlement of the population to another (potentially more suitable) locality. Possibility of aimed manipulation with butterfly emigrations would be considered as a major breakthrough in their protection. The investigated species Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) and Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) are both considered to be flagship species for protection of European butterflies at open meadows. This study is based on research, which was carried out in 2013-2015 at 17 patch in localities Dolní Labe, Czech Republic. In above mentioned years, one selected meadow was mowed in the middle of flight season and the emigrations were then monitored using mark-release-recapture method. Results of population and migration characteristics were calculated in MARK 8.1 software. Subsequently, the effect of mowing on emigration (comparison of emigrations from the meadow before and after mowing) was evaluated using Statistica 13. The hypotheses of this study were based on the assumption, that the loss of resources after well-timed mowing should increase the activity of adult butterflies. During the monitoring, number of emigrations was increased only in flight season 2015. Unfortunately, the statistical evaluation did not show significant effect of mowing on migrations. On the other hand, the hypothesis dealing with colonization of nearest meadows was confirmed. Effect of intentional emigration caused by management interventions was unfortunately not proved. However, we found out, that even though the population at one mowed meadow decreased clearly, the metapopulation size at the locality remained more or less stable. At investigated (mowed) meadow, there was observed a sharp decline of P. nausithous abundance. On the other hand, P. teleius population was only slightly reduced. It is therefore conceivable, that P. teleius are not as susceptible to innapropriate term of mowing. The results obtained in our research conclusively displayed no possible positive effect of mowing in the middle of flight season and a necessity of suitable management maintenance at localities inhabited by Phengaris butterflies.

Antic theather by eyes of Milan Sládek
Biel, Petr ; PETIŠKOVÁ, Ladislava (advisor) ; BENČIK, Juraj (referee)
This work focuses on life, theatre works, and specific point of wiev on antic theather by eyes of the world famous mime Milan Sládek. Discusses about progresion of this significant mime actor life, about his specific acting style, documenting proces of creation inscenation Antigone, reflect audience reaction on this inscenation and finally presenting mistr Milan Sladek in his humane position.

Acceleration Methods for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits
Vašíček, Zdeněk ; Miller, Julian (referee) ; Zelinka,, Ivan (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Ačkoliv můžeme v literatuře nalézt řadu příkladů prezentujících evoluční návrh jakožto zajímavou a slibnou alternativu k tradičním návrhovým technikám používaným v oblasti číslicových obvodů, praktické nasazení je často problematické zejména v důsledku tzv. problému škálovatelnosti, který se projevuje např. tak, že evoluční algoritmus je schopen poskytovat uspokojivé výsledky pouze pro malé instance řešeného problému. Vážný problém představuje tzv. problém škálovatelnosti evaluace fitness funkce, který je markantní zejména v oblasti syntézy kombinačních obvodů, kde doba potřebná pro ohodnocení kandidátního řešení typicky roste exponenciálně se zvyšujícím se počtem primárních vstupů. Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem několika metod umožňujících redukovat problem škálovatelnosti evaluace v oblasti evolučního návrhu a optimalizace číslicových systémů. Cílem je pomocí několika případových studií ukázat, že s využitím vhodných akceleračních technik jsou evoluční techniky schopny automaticky navrhovat inovativní/kompetitivní řešení praktických problémů. Aby bylo možné redukovat problém škálovatelnosti v oblasti evolučního návrhu číslicových filtrů, byl navržen doménově specifický akcelerátor na bázi FPGA. Tato problematika reprezentuje případ, kdy je nutné ohodnotit velké množství trénovacích dat a současně provést mnoho generací. Pomocí navrženého akcelerátoru se podařilo objevit efektivní implementace různých nelineárních obrazových filtrů. S využitím evolučně navržených filtrů byl vytvořen robustní nelineární filtr implusního šumu, který je chráněn užitným vzorem. Navržený filtr vykazuje v porovnání s konvenčními řešeními vysokou kvalitu filtrace a nízkou implementační cenu. Spojením evolučního návrhu a technik známých z oblasti formální verifikace se podařilo vytvořit systém umožňující výrazně redukovat problém škálovatelnosti evoluční syntézy kombinačních obvodů na úrovni hradel. Navržená metoda dovoluje produkovat komplexní a přesto kvalitní řešení, která jsou schopna konkurovat komerčním nástrojům pro logickou syntézu. Navržený algoritmus byl experimentálně ověřen na sadě několika benchmarkových obvodů včetně tzv. obtížně syntetizovatelných obvodů, kde dosahoval v průměru o 25% lepších výsledků než dostupné akademické i komerční nástroje. Poslední doménou, kterou se práce zabývá, je akcelerace evolučního návrhu lineárních systémů. Na příkladu evolučního návrhu násobiček s vícenásobnými konstantními koeficienty bylo ukázáno, že čas potřebný k evaluaci kandidátního řešení lze výrazně redukovat (defacto na ohodocení jediného testovacího vektoru), je-li brán v potaz charakter řešeného problému (v tomto případě linearita).