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Fair Trade as a Form of Aid to the Third World
TOMÁŠOVÁ, Veronika
The work describes Fair Trade organization that focuses on the aid to the Third World. The first chapter deals with free trade, which is a source of unfair trade practices. The next chapter presents the projects attempting to change this injustice. One project is supported by the UN, and one by the Czech Republic. The third chapter is devoted to the history, goals and features of Fair Trade. The next subchapter introduces the most often traded commodities such as coffee, tea, chocolate, rice and wine. The operation of Fair Trade both abroad and in the Czech Republic is described as well. This part also mentions another important subject {--} manufactures called sweatshops, where people are being enslaved. There are produced goods of luxury marks that are also sold in our shops. The last chapter concerns with the Excellent Plzeň Ltd Company, which sells goods of Fair Trade. And finally the chapter ends with the interview with Lenka Černá M.A, the founder of this company.

Creation of the Enterprise Architecture model according to the TOGAF framework
Čapek, Jan ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Petr (referee)
The present diploma thesis aims at introducing the Enterprise Architecture and creating an abstract model of a company. The primary focus is on application and process layers as defined in the architecture framework TOGAF. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical chapter starts with a business model analysis which means to describe mission vision and companys values as a part of the strategy framework. Furthermore the business processes are described in the latter part of this section. This chapter attempts to explain how to map a business process and to categorize it by nature and maturity level. Penultimate chapter introduces the Enterprise Architecture in general. This section includes arguments as to why the companies should be concerned with the Enterprise Architecture advantages of the Enterprise Architecture implementation into the companys documentation relationship of companys core business and IT and examples of the Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The last chapter deals with the TOGAF framework where Architecture Development Method is described. This means how Enterprise Architecture model is created and how to implement changes into the layers according to the TOGAF framework. Simultaneously the last section of this chapter describes the reference models which provide graphical overview of all abstractions layers. The practical part of the thesis elaborates on the theoretical part using the Architecture Development Method process in order to create the Enterprise Architecture model according to TOGAF framework. Same as the theoretical part it only focuses on the application and process layer. Firstly the business model is decomposed into vision mission and companys values to the companys strategy and business goals in order to grasp further understanding of business processes detailed description. Subsequently the abovementioned aspects are recomposed to create process map which provides the management overview. The application layer undergoes the same process; nonetheless the process map is replaced by information system description and reference model creation. Once the models are created the thesis compares them with the business and strategic goals. The benefit brought by this thesis is critical evaluation of current status to propose changes to achieve target architacture according business and strategic goals established by management.

The Literary Works of G. Angiolini and J.-G. Noverre in the context of the 18th century
Dotlačilová, Petra ; KAZÁROVÁ, Helena (advisor) ; BRODSKÁ, Božena (referee)
This dissertation offers a commented translation into Czech language of works written by two most important choreographers of the 18th century, Italian Gasparo Angiolini and French Jean-Georges Noverre. It is a selection of their most important texts where they develop an inovative aesthetics of the dramatic ballet – ballet en action. An introductory chapter about theatre aesthetics of the first half of the 18th century is included in the beginning of the work where I summarize the most important discussions of the period and topics that inspired the choreographers to their reform in the art of dance. Futhermore, a chapter refering to the sources for this work is attached to each commented translation.

Hodnocení spolehlivosti lidského činitele v procesní průmyslu
Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v.v.i.
Today, the human factor has become a common theme in many sectors of human activities. These include the military sector and the military, because improper use of weapon systems or their conscious abuse is considered a very serious threat. In terms of civilian operations are mainly operating nuclear power plants, chemical plants, air transport, but also health, where great emphasis is placed on reliability (and accuracy) of man.
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.

Design of Experiment for Non-Stationary Processes of Production
Jadrná, Monika ; Macák, Tomáš (advisor)
The doctoral thesis is concerned with the services sector and the area of mass production. Particularly, the optimization of the product portfolio of the travel agency and the optimization of production rounds of ammunition. The theoretical part deals with the current overview of discussed topic. Further, the terminology and methods of the decision-making process are defined to support decision making. The theoretical basis of research focused on the choice of appropriate input variables in the area of services, and on the choice of a particular material option in the production area and appropriate equipment for the production. The theoretical part forms the basis for the practical part of the thesis. For the doctoral thesis was chosen an enterprise operating in the defined sector. Product portfolio for the services sector is optimised using Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy sets so that the enterprise can maintain its competitiveness in todays highly ambitious market. Product portfolio for manufacture is optimised for achieving desired properties of the product. The main aim of the thesis is to propose a new methodological approach for the management of selected business processes in their nonstationary time course. The aim of the practical implementation is to verify the functionality of the proposed methodological approach, both in the area of services and in the field of mass production.

Implementation of a web application utilizing web services
Holický, Tomáš ; Brožek, Jiří (advisor) ; Tereza, Tereza (referee)
This master's thesis deals with difficulties of web application development utilizing web services. The theoretical part describes the essence of service oriented architecture and explains the options of integration using web services. The practical part deals with analysis, design and subsequent implementation of web application. Specifically, the implementation of application for task manager, which is divided into two parts. The server side of application exposes REST services and client side that consumes.

Point to Line Mappings and Other Line Parameterizations not only for Hough Transform
Havel, Jiří ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (referee) ; Lefevre, Sebastien (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá Houghovou transformací (HT). HT je nejčastěji používána pro detekci přímek nebo křivek, ale byla zobecněna i pro detekci libovolných tvarů. Hlavní téma této práce jsou parametrizace přímek, speciálně PTLM - zobrazení bodů na přímky. Tyto parametrizace mají tu vlastnost, že bodům v obrázku odpovídají přímky v parametrickém prostoru. Tato práce poskytuje důkazy některých vlastností PTLM. Za zmínku stojí existence páru PTLM vhodného pro detekci a efekt konvoluce v obrázku na obsah parametrického prostoru. V práci jsou prezentovány dvě implementace HT. Obě využívají k akceleraci grafický hardware. Jedna využívá GPGPU API CUDA a druhá zobrazovací API OpenGL. Jako aplikace detekce přímek je uvedena část detekce šachovnicových markerů použitelných pro rozšířenou realitu.

Extensions to Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Recognition
Plchot, Oldřich ; Fousek, Petr (referee) ; McCree,, Alan (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá pravděpodobnostními modely pro automatické rozpoznávání řečníka. Podrobně analyzuje zejména pravděpodobnostní lineární diskriminační analýzu (PLDA), která modeluje nízkodimenzionální reprezentace promluv ve formě \acronym{i--vektorů}.  Práce navrhuje dvě rozšíření v současnosti požívaného PLDA modelu. Nově navržený PLDA model s plným posteriorním rozložením  modeluje neurčitost při generování i--vektorů. Práce také navrhuje nový diskriminativní přístup k trénování systému pro verifikaci řečníka, který je založený na PLDA. Pokud srovnáváme původní PLDA s modelem rozšířeným o modelování  neurčitosti i--vektorů, výsledky dosažené s rozšířeným modelem dosahují až 20% relativního zlepšení při testech s krátkými nahrávkami. Pro delší  testovací segmenty  (více než jedna minuta) je zisk v přesnosti  menší, nicméně přesnost nového modelu není nikdy menší než přesnost výchozího systému.  Trénovací data jsou ale obvykle dostupná ve formě dostatečně dlouhých segmentů, proto v těchto případech použití nového modelu neposkytuje žádné výhody při trénování. Při trénování může být použit původní PLDA model a jeho rozšířená verze může být využita pro získání skóre v  případě, kdy se bude provádět testování na krátkých segmentech řeči. Diskriminativní model je založen na klasifikaci dvojic i--vektorů do dvou tříd představujících oprávněný a neoprávněný soud (target a non-target trial). Funkcionální forma pro získání skóre pro každý pár je odvozena z PLDA a trénování je založeno na logistické regresi, která minimalizuje vzájemnou entropii mezi správným označením všech soudů a pravděpodobnostním označením soudů, které navrhuje systém. Výsledky dosažené s diskriminativně trénovaným klasifikátorem jsou podobné výsledkům generativního PLDA, ale diskriminativní systém prokazuje schopnost produkovat lépe kalibrované skóre. Tato schopnost vede k lepší skutečné přesnosti na neviděné evaluační sadě, což je důležitá vlastnost pro reálné použití.

Differentiation of offers and methods of working physiotherapy of persons with a mental or combined handicap in a practice of social service providers and another subjects.
In the Bachelor's thesis I have dealt with differentiation of tenders and rehabilitation methods. Specifically, individuals with mental or multiple disabilities and for providers of social services and other bodies. In the theoretical part I focused on defining the basic terms relating to that issue. In the introductory chapter I dealt with the definition of the concept of mental disability, causes of its creation and definition of degrees of mental retardation. The next chapter is devoted to the combined disability, specifically the yoke of the definition, causes of and classification. In the third chapter is devoted to the importance of the work, the status of the work in a person's life and the status of work for persons with disabilities, including individuals with mental or multiple disabilities in Bachelor thesis I. In the next chapter, I deal with comprehensive rehabilitation system, specifically the remedies rehabilitation, educational resources, social resources, rehabilitation, rehabilitation and special attention devoted work resources, rehabilitation, which will directly affect the Bachelor thesis. Furthermore, I determine a target group the work of rehabilitation and the preconditions for its implementation. In other chapters is devoted to the specification of tools and resources work rehabilitation, employment policy tools and I define jobs that are offered to persons with intellectual disabilities. In the practical part of the thesis, first determine the main aim and target work. The main goal was to determine what are the menus and methods of rehabilitation for people with mental or multiple disabilities with providers of social services. As the target I had set to determine what are the possibilities of transmission from individual to social services on the open employment market. Specifically, I've focused on the resources provided by the rehabilitation of daily, weekly care centers or day service center, in addition to the socio-therapeutic workshops, in a sheltered employment, and employment on the open employment market. To meet the objectives I used a qualitative approach, specifically the semi-structured interview with six providers of social services of the South Bohemian region The analysis of the information obtained, I discovered that if the device is operated daily, weekly social welfare institution or Centre, day services, the services provided are identical, not different from each other. In the case of socio-therapeutic workshops is the diversity of the wider, each device provides a variety of services, different options, some devices have socio-therapeutic workshops directly on the device, others have socio-therapeutic workshops and externally, outside of your device. Protected jobs are also in the majority of providers of social services offered both within and outside the device, always the odd jobs, such as in the kitchen, cleaning, in teahouses and the like. It always depends on the type and degree of disability, on the basis of a levy for the client to the appropriate activities. Location of the client on the open employment market is not very common in most devices, some devices that offer clients or do not provide. Partial objective was to detect transmission, I found that the only limiting factor is the client's disability that limits its options and device options, of course, that the services it offers and delivers. The aim of all devices is to achieve the greatest possible degree of autonomy of the client and allow it to advance from care centers or day service center in the socio-therapeutic workshops, found a protected job, and a job on the open employment market.