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Zahraniční politika USA vůči KLDR: komparace Bushovy a Obamovy administrativy
Dokoupil, Jan
North Korea, alongside its nuclear and missile program, represents one of the most pressing security problems in the region. Hence, this thesis compares U.S. foreign policy toward DPRK during the administration of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. It specifically examines how these two administrations had differed, and which diplomatic and economic tools had been used in their approaches to foreign policy, and finally, how they had responded to the nuclear and missile tests carried out by North Korea. The thesis has been delivered as a comparative study in which the author conducted a comparative analysis of given cases. The research has showed that the Obama administration engaged in negotiations with North Korea in a lesser extent because it had adopted the policy of strategic patience. The Bush administration, by contrast, had focused on multilateral negotiations and then provided economic aid to DPRK, while Barack Obama used bilateral negotiations and provided almost no economic aid as he did not want to reward the North Korean bad behavior. Shared characteristics of both presidents can be seen at the beginnings of their mandates since they initially followed the path of their predecessors and, at the same time, also in their reactions to the missile and nuclear tests due to the main tools residing either in their decisions to impose sanctions or, in case of a vast majority of missile tests, an official condemnation.
The Comparison of the U.S. Security Policy Measures in Relation to the DPRK's Nuclear Program Adopted by the Administrations of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama
Vítková, Kateřina ; Sehnálková, Jana (advisor) ; Anděl, Petr (referee)
The Comparison of the U.S. Security Policy Measures in Relation to the DPRK's Nuclear Program Adopted by the Administrations of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama monitors the responses of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and their Administrations to the North Korean nuclear tests carried out in 2006, 2009 and 2013. It seeks to identify similarities and differences between these Administrations and prove the thesis that the steps taken by the United States under Barack Obama were in effect just as inefficient as those taken by his predecessor. The paper concentrates on the time period beginning with the situation before the first North Korea's nuclear test until the autumn 2014. The methodology includes a qualitative approach and comparison. The reactions are divided into several groups: rhetoric, strategic documents, legislation, economic aspects etc. In conclusion it notes that while the attitude of both Presidents and their Administrations was in certain aspects similar, number of factors that distinguish them might be indentified as well. Barack Obama focused more on the region of Asia. His attitude towards the DPRK appeared to be more balanced but it still did not lead to the coveted breakthrough in the negotiations.
Přístup Bushovy administrativy k otázce iránského jaderného programu: od teorie k praxi
Štěpánková, Jitka ; Bečka, Jan (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
Iranian nuclear program has presented a problem for many years. Even though the regime in Tehran has not formally announced its quest to develop nuclear weapons and has actually denied such accusations, the international community concluded from the actions of the regime that the development of nuclear weapons is the ultimate goal of Tehran. The United States reacted to the course of events and tried to limit the program or stop it altogether. The Bush Administration was not an exception in this regard. Even though the attitude towards Iran changed during 2001 - 2009, the nuclear program progressed further and still presents a great danger. Not only politicians but also academics, experts and analytics were trying to answer the question how to curb the program most effectively. This thesis analyzes and compares concepts of scholars with the actual policy practiced by the Bush Administration and finds out that both approaches vary quite significantly. While the majority of scholars recommended the administration to limit the economic sanctions and refrain from aggressive rhetoric concerning the possibility of military action, the American government tightened the sanctions and sustained the option of intervention. Since Iran still continues with its nuclear program, it can be asserted that the...
Comparative analysis of the United States foreign policy towards Iranian nuclear program and its potential terrorist implications during the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama (2001-2005/2012-2017)
Drozd, Michal ; Raška, Francis (advisor) ; Hornát, Jan (referee)
This thesis submits broader understanding of George W. Bush and Barack Obama presidencies in terms of their Middle Eastern policy, in particular the issue of Iranian nuclear policy. The main interest lies in an intention to conclude, which particular circumstances led the American governments to rethink their position towards the Iranian nuclear program, bearing in mind changes which took place in security, economic and foreign policy interests of the United States. The first chapter describes the theoretical framework upon which the entire thesis is based upon. The second chapter provides a short review on the MENA region, describing the most visible factors and issues form the very last years of the second administration of Barack Obama. The third chapter is based upon the research of the Iranian position in the MENA region, its potential, and what possibilities the U.S. government posses in order to contain Iran from spreading its influence. The next chapter deals with an issue of nuclear terrorism and its connections towards Iran, evaluation of possible nuclear terrorist menace and possibilities of so called "Dirty Bombs" usage. The fifth chapter is based upon the research of the first presidency of George W. Bush and the policies which were implemented after the terrorist attacks on 11...
The United States and Iran - The Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Rauvolf, Josef ; Zukerstein, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Hornát, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis "The US and Iran - The Iranian nuclear agreement" examines the history and circumstances under which the Iranian nuclear deal (JCPOAR) was created and puts its influence into the broader context of the geopolitical security environment of the Middle East. The bachelor thesis analyzes the main fields of American and Iranian interest in the region, with an emphasis on the situation in postwar Iraq and the temporary conditions under which these interests developed. Their end goal concluded that conflict was not the preferable option for both actors, focusing on the importance of preconditions, namely sanctions and Iranian internal dynamics of accepting the diplomatic means in dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue. It tackles the Iranian network of influence in the region and observes wishes and strategies of American President Barack Obama towards regional stability and the Iranian nuclear agreement. The thesis, in a broader sense, describes also the problem of nuclear nonproliferation and international multilateral diplomacy, contributing to a better understanding of the realities of the Middle East, its geopolitics, and the role of Iran and the US from 2003 until present day.
The Impact of International Sanctions on the Development of Nuclear Program of Iran and the DPRK
Bejbl, Daniel ; Bříza, Vlastislav (advisor) ; Smetana, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis refers about the effectivity of international sanctions - economic and other types - which have been imposed on regimes in Iran and the DPRK to force these states to abandon any efforts leading to gaining their own nuclear capabilities. First, this thesis deals with defining the international sanctions on the level of international law and then examining both cases of their imposition, Iran and the DPRK. In addition there is also mentioned the Nuclear Deal with Iran which was negotiated as an complex international tool to control the Iranian nuclear program, to manage the imposed sanctions and conditions for sanctions to be lifted. In conclusion there is an assessment of the effectivity of the examined sanctions and if they reached the goals for which they have been imposed and a examines the reasons why the sanctions were quite effective in case of Iran but rather failed in case of DPRK.
Negotiation analysis : nuclear negotiations with Iran
Hulvejová, Jana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic of the conflict between the US and Iran over Iranian nuclear program and the possibility of resolving it by negotiating a mutually acceptable comprehensive agreement. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran on the nuclear issue exists; and if it does, what range of possible agreements falls within it. In order to determine whether a ZOPA exists, the thesis utilizes the negotiation analytic approach, which establishes the elements of the analysis - the parties' underlying interests, their alternatives to a negotiated agreement, barriers to agreement and deal design. By putting the setup elements into a graphical framework representing the negotiation, the analysis finds that a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran over Iran's nuclear program exists and therefore, a comprehensive deal is possible. However, the existence of major potential barriers to agreement, such as powerful domestic opponents to an agreement on both sides, complicates the negotiating process. The findings of the analysis indicate that to overcome these barriers and reach a mutually acceptable deal, both sides have to retreat from their fixation on maximalist bargaining positions and instead focus on their core underlying...

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