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Možnosti pěstování Paulownia sp. v podmínkách ČR.
Kadlec, Jiří
Cultivation of Paulownia has a very long tradition in its homeland – China, Laos and Vietnam. First, it was planted as a decorative tree in Japan and Korea. Its cultivation spread to all continents, except Antarctica. Paulownia was planted for the first time in the 19th century in the region of today’s Czech Republic (CR). Artificially crossed types of Paulownia (also called art types or hybrids) began to be cultivated around the 1980s with the aim of creating a plant with high-quality wood that is more resistant to disease and a larger-volume production. Due to newly cultivated hybrids, the number of Paulownia plantations has increased. The first plantations where hybrids were planted in the CR were established in the past ten years. However, the results of these plantings are not published and there is no complete methodology for planting, protection and subsequent silvicultural treatment. Therefore, we decided to focus on the possibilities of cultivation of Paulownia in the conditions of the CR, observe and evaluate other growth characteristics and define the necessary protection and silvicultural treatment. The possibilities of cultivation were determined on five research plots, which were established in areas ranging from the warmer lowlands to the colder highlands in Moravia. There, we studied the dendrometric parameters of the plants, the damage caused, and mortality. We also carried out experiments with adjustment of the above-ground part, pruning, protection against frost and irrigation. The results suggest that the climatic conditions in the CR are less favourable than those in the subtropical belt, which is where Paulownia sp. originated and where it is cultivated most. The plant growth is slow at all our plantations, and, in addition, it is affected by frost. Therefore, silvicultural rotation becomes substantially longer, compared to that in the subtropical belt. The greatest problem seems to be insufficient precipitation, a shorter growing season, and more severe and longer-lasting frosts. Less precipitation can be compensated by irrigation, in which case it is necessary to choose the amount of water supplied according to the species/hybrid. Our experiment showed that most of the measured parameters of Paulownia tomentosa and P. Hybrid 9502 were greatest when these plants were supplied 150 l/m2 (and more) per month and those of P. Shan Tong and P. Clon in vitro 112® when they were supplied 100 l/m2 per month. Those of P. Bellissia practically did not change, regardless of the amount of water supplied. Freezing of the root system (and the subsequent death of the plant) can be reduced by covering the soil around the plant. However, freezing of the above-ground part of the plant (according to our results) cannot be adequately eliminated. The best types of protection were the wrapping of the stem with a paper bag, non-woven fabric, or its painting. Nevertheless, approx. 50% of the above-ground part of the plant (with the use of these types of protection) was frozen after winter. It is therefore necessary to extend the annual height increment which, in turn, reduces the number of stem deformations. Also, the height increment can be extended by pruning (i.e. removing the branches and leaves from) the lowest third of the stem at the end of spring. Other factors influencing the growth of Paulownia are the biotechnology of planting, the removal of forest weed, stem protection against sun scorch and protection against animals.
Body size as an implicit factor: case studies of life-history strategies and behaviour
Šimková, Olga ; Frynta, Daniel (advisor) ; Sedláček, František (referee) ; Rehák, Ivan (referee)
Body size has a potential to influence almost any trait in animal biology. The thesis contains four case studies (I - IV) covering four various situations and four various taxa, mainly squamate reptiles (Lepidosauria). Body size is a connecting factor for all these studies, in which I and my co-authors tried to elucidate various implications of body size. I. The sex ratio in Cuban boa (Chilabothrus angulifer) litters is often male or female biased. The neonates are so large, that are able to accept the same type of prey as are adults (in contrast to the other Chilabothrus species). We found that both the sexes are of the same size and shape at birth. Large size of the neonates a long lifespan lead to considerable generation overlaps. This could clarify our findings that small females produce sons whereas the larger ones deliver daughters. Males are smaller than females, probably also less philopatric and refuse food during breeding season. We can conclude that females manipulate the sex ratio of neonates according to its own body size, in order to decrease the probability of competition with their own offspring. II. Mangrove-dwelling monitor lizard (Varanus indicus) shows one of the greatest degrees of sexual size dimorphism among monitor lizards. We recorded the growth of the individuals from...
Ontogeny and evolution of body size and sexual size dimorphism in reptiles
Frýdlová, Petra ; Frynta, Daniel (advisor) ; Moravec, Jiří (referee) ; Zrzavý, Jan (referee)
Monitor lizards (Varanidae) are morphologically very uniform in body shape, but much diversified in body size along both phylogenetic and ontogenetic axes. A striking sexual size dimorphism exists in monitor lizards; they are capable of fast growth, metabolism and sexual maturation. I collected the data concerning body size of particular species and verified the validity of Rench's rule, which said that there is bigger difference in body size of a conspecific male and females growing with larger body size of the species. Males are markedly bigger than females. In the next step, I focused on the model species of monitor lizards, Varanus indicus. I monitored its ontogeny very carefully. I found that this monitor lizard has pronounced sexual size dimorphism, but there are only small differences in body shape. It is capable of rapid growth and sexual maturation. The sexual dimorphism in body shape is only poor, but still measurable right in those places where the selection pressures were expected. Blood sampling monitored biochemical and haematological parameters. The concentrations of the biochemical parameters revealed the economy of resources of particular sexes partially, the costs of body growth and reproduction. Although both sexes produce the same amount of biomass (the body growth of males vs. the...
Lizard growth and the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism
Meter, Brandon ; Starostová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kupfer, Alexander (referee) ; Vrtílek, Milan (referee)
Růst byl u plazů historicky považovaný za neukončený. Tento obecně sdílený předpoklad byl v posledních letech zpochybněn a narůstaly důkazy o ukončeném růstu u ještěrů. Tento obrat způsobila především analýza růstových plotének kostí, která ukázala jejich uzavření a tím nemožnost dalšího prodlužování kostí, což způsobuje dosažení konečné velikosti těla. Paralelně s touto změnou v nahlížení na ukončený růst byly zpochybněny i dlouhodobé předpoklady o zásadní přímé roli energetického rozpočtu a s ním spojených trade-offs v ovlivňování růstu. Tento posun v perspektivě ovlivňuje nejen naše chápání individuálního růstu, ale také se odráží ve studiu souvisejícího znaku - pohlavního dimorfismu ve velikosti (SSD) - rozdílu ve velikosti mezi pohlavími v rámci druhu. Existují tři hlavní hypotézy o příčinách SSD u plazů: pohlavně-specifické náklady na reprodukci, ovlivnění růstu samčími gonadálními androgeny a ovariálními hormony. Tato práce přináší další důkazy o ukončeném růstu u ještěrů a diskutuje jeho důsledky pro evoluci SSD. Review o růstu zaměřené na gekona Paroedura picta, kde jsou větší samci než samice, zdůrazňuje značnou kanalizovanost růstu a současně poskytuje základ o úvahách týkajících se proximátních příčin SSD. V této práci dále předkládám podporu pro pravděpodobnou roli ovariálních hormonů...
The Influence of Social Networks on Parents in Relation to Infant and Toddler Nutrition
Hromadová, Lenka ; Weidenthalerová, Edita (advisor) ; Honzejková, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the influence of social networks on parental decision-making regarding infant and toddler feeding. Early nutrition is critical to child development and influences future health. Parenting is a decision-filled challenge, especially with such a vast amount of information from various sources, including social media, which can cause confusion and uncertainty about the best childcare. The aim of this paper is to assess how much parents trust information from influencers compared to expert recommendations, and how social media influences their preferences regarding their children's nutrition. The theoretical section covers the basics of nutrition in the first three years of life, including breastfeeding, infant formula, and transition to solid foods. The practical part explores how parents use social networks as a source of information about infant and toddler nutrition and how this information influences their decision-making. This section also analyses trends and myths on social media. The results show that parents strongly trust pediatricians and consider them a reliable source of information on child nutrition, in contrast to low trust in advice and recommendations from influencers. This result suggests that parents tend to rely on verified experts. Providing accurate and...
Impact of selected probiotic bacteria on juvenile host growth in gnotobiotic mouse model
Drgoňová, Veronika ; Janďourek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Konečná, Klára (referee)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Study program: Pharmacy Author: Veronika Drgoňová Supervisor: PharmDr. Ondřej Janďourek, Ph.D. Consultant: Mgr. Martin Schwarzer, Ph.D. Title of diploma: Impact of selected probiotic bacteria on juvenile host growth in gnotobiotic mouse model This thesis expands understanding of the ability of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum WJL bacteria to support the growth of gnotobiotic hosts in models of chronic malnutrition. It was investigated whether other bacteria also have similar capabilities and whether these traits are species- and strain-specific. Strains of Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum and Bifidobacterium adolescentis were tested in a gnotobiotic juvenile mouse model of chronic malnutrition and their impact on the host's somatotropic axis was monitored. Concurrently, it was analysed how malnutrition affects the bacteria in the host's gut and the level of its colonization. Germ-free C57BL/6J mice were mono-colonized via intragastric gavage with the aforementioned bacterial strains. The mice were mated after confirming stable colonization and F1 male offspring were weaned on the 21st day after birth onto an experimental diet with low protein and fat content. Their growth was monitored weekly by...
Workplace reconstruction project
Šmahel, Jiří ; Bartošek, Vladimír (referee) ; Juřica, Pavel (advisor)
This master's thesis focuses on managing a workplace reconstruction project, from which the company anticipates opportunities for growth and improvement of individual processes. The selected company has been dealing with issues of insufficient production capacity and the segregation of its workplaces for a long time. One potential solution is relocating to another facility, however it requires reconstruction first. The thesis contains a proposal how such a reconstruction could take place.
Application for Creating Extended User Interfaces Using Floating Windows
Šediba, Jakub ; Zaklová, Kristýna (referee) ; Hynek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis aims to address problems related to the necessity to often switch active windows to access information from external sources while working. These problems are addressed by creating a modular cross-platform application for Windows and Linux operating systems. This application allows users to develop multi-window modules which can then be combined to create a desired extended user interface overlaid above other windows. Outside of this functionality, access to automation through global keyboard shortcuts, file-system monitoring and input device simulation is provided. The developed application uses the Tauri framework and a combination of web technologies with the Rust programming language.
Development of YARA-X ecosystem
Ďuriš, Tomáš ; Křivka, Zbyněk (referee) ; Regéciová, Dominika (advisor)
The aim of this work is to extend and create an unified ecosystem of tools for the YARA language. The focus is on incorporating modules that can gather information about the structure of executable files. Additionally, a module that can present obtained information to the user in multiple formats is also being proposed. An interactive environment has been created for evaluating YARA rules and enhancing the overall ecosystem by using an error-tolerant parsing algorithm. The proposed solution enables the seamless integration and utilization of existing tools while addressing the limitations of the original YARA ecosystem. The output of the work is an extended system with tools that facilitate the debugging of YARA rules, obtaining information from executable files, and visualizing them. The final solution has been thoroughly tested, utilized by analysts, and integrated into main YARA-X branch.
Privacy Preserving Smart-Contract Platforms and E-Voting
Žiška, Marek ; Homoliak, Ivan (referee) ; Perešíni, Martin (advisor)
Táto práca analyzuje platformy na ochranu súkromia ako Secret, Phala a Oasis Network, ktoré poskytujú nástroje pre vývoj smart kontraktov s možnosťou privátneho úložiska a dôverných výpočtových schopností. Platformy porovnávame na základe ich vlastností, ako je výkon, použiteľnosť a ďalšie faktory v kontexte prípadu použitia v elektronickom hlasovaní. Najprv predstavíme teoretické základy v oblasti volebných systémov, blockchainové technológie, smart kontrakty, technológie dôverného výpočtu a v neposlednom rade jednotlivé platformy na ochranu súkromia. Na základe zistení navrhneme volebný proces nášho smart kontraktu elektronického hlasovania, ktorý budeme implementovať na všetkých platformách. Následne analyzujeme možnosti a schopnosti vývoja každej z platforiem, najmä pokiaľ ide o definíciu štruktúry úložiska. Okrem toho navrhneme aj scenár hodnotenia, ktorý budeme vykonávať na každom z vyvinutých smart kontraktov. Po návrhu kľúčových častí smart kontraktov prechádzame k implementácií, kde diskutujeme o našich skúsenostiach, o použitých nástrojoch, o spôsobe zbere a vyhodnotenia štatistík a o metódach testovania. V rámci tejto fázy sme taktiež vyvinuli aj skripty, ktoré zbierajú štatistiky z navrhnutého scenára hodnotenia elektronického volebného systému, ktoré použijeme na vyhodnotenie a porovnanie týchto platforiem. Na záver zhrnieme dosiahnuté výsledky, kľúčové poznatky, úvahy a potenciálne oblasti pre budúce zlepšenia.

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