National Repository of Grey Literature 11 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Real-time Facial Feature Tracking
Peloušek, Jan ; Mekyska, Jiří (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis considers the problematic of the object recognition in a digital picture, particularly about the human face recognition and its components. There are described the basics of the computer vision, the object detector Viola-Jones, its computer realization with help of the OpenCV libraries and the test results. This thesis also describes the accurate system of the facial features detection per the algorithm of the Active Shape Models and also related mechanism of the classifier training, including the software implementation.
Social perception of trustworthiness and its projection in morphospace of human face: evolutionary and ecological consequences
Renzová, Šárka ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Varella Valentova, Jaroslava (referee)
Differences in perception of the human face is caused by variability in facial features, which stands in the face properties, such as attractiveness, dominance and trustworthiness. This literature review focuses on the perception of trustworthiness and its impact to social interactions. The attention is also paid to possible evolutionary mechanisms such as sexual selection. Moreover, this work deals with the neurohormonal causes in the perception of trustworthiness, wherein the subcortical brain region called the amygdala plays the main role. Keywords: perception, the human face, trustworthiness, the amygdala, sexual selection
An effect of the hairstyle symmetry on the female face attractiveness
Diploma thesis deals with the effect of the hairstyle symmetry on the female face attractiveness. The aim of the thesis is to experimentally find out the possible relationship between the hairstyle symmetry and the attractiveness of the female face. To map out the views of attractiveness, an online questionnaire was submitted to the respondents of both sexes to evaluate female faces with a symmetrical and asymmetric hairstyles. A total of 56 images were created, which were evaluated by the respondents in terms of attractiveness on the scale of 1-10. Most respondents slightly favored the symmetrical hairstyles, only one sample of male respondents slightly favored the asymmetric hairstyles. Since the difference in symmetrical and asymmetric variations was not statistically significant in any case, it is possible to claim that the symmetry of the hairstyle does not affect the attractiveness of the female face.
Fluctuating asymmetry as a predictor of attractiveness of a human face
This bachelor thesis deals with fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and its impact on the attractiveness of a human face. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a current overview on how FA affects perceived attractiveness of a human face. There are primarily explained evolutionary mechanisms related to the topic, followed by an overview of the general recourses of the partner choice among people in terms of evolutionary psychology, supplemented by an overview of specific researches and methods used in the research of attractiveness of FA in human faces.
Facial attractiveness and its correlates in cross-culture perspective
Fiala, Vojtěch ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Tureček, Petr (referee)
Past studies, that studied facial attractiveness, focus mainly on fluctuating asymmetry, averageness, masculinity, femininity, and skin coloration influences on attractiveness assessment. Their findings have been used by intercultural studies. They have revealed that people from diverse areas prefer differential development of sexually dimorphic cues, according to, e.g. local health and economic situation. We have done an online questionnaire survey. We included Czech (N = 100), Iranian (N = 87) and Turkish (N = 185) facial stimuli and raters of both sexes. We have studied whether members of all the populations would utilize the facial colouration and sexual dimorphism cues in a similar way. We have also tested whether there were differences in the facial width to height ratio (fWHR) between the sexes in all the populations. We have also wondered if the populations differed in the variance of facial skin colouration. Raters from all the populations saw feminine women as attractive. Turks and Czechs found masculine men as attractive, while Iranian women found more average Iranian men as attractive. Averageness positively predicted the attractiveness of the Czech and Turkish faces of both sexes. Older and more average Czech men were considered more masculine by Czech women. More average and younger Czech...
Morphological changes of adult human face during aging
Čiháková, Lucie ; Velemínská, Jana (advisor) ; Blažek, Vladimír (referee)
Processes of biological changes of organism over time distinctly manifest themselves in a face morphology. The present study age changes are observed as shape and size changes of transversal dates of surface 3D virtual models of faces of 443 women and men (22-88 years old) devided into six age groups in decade. Differences in faces among each age group with respect to the sex were investigated and a sexual dimorphism and its gradual progress with the age using methods of geometric morphometrics (coherent point drift - dense correspondence algorithm, principal component analysis, per vertex t-test, shell-to-shell deviation). A significant difference among age categories was observedd both in shape as well as in form of the face. The faces of women and men were becoming wider with age and convexity was decreasing at the same time. A decline of the whole forehead and of the profile of the men's nose was observed, whereas the women's foreheadwas getting bevel due to the decline of the top part and a profile of the nose wasn't changed with the age. On contrary, the men's chin was unvarying with the age, while the women's chin was sliding out foward. There was observed a distinct decline in the front part of a upper jaw with the both sex. It was found out that after the seventh life decade the face gets...
Sexually dimorphic signs of human face within the life history theory
Klusáčková, Tereza ; Flegr, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Třebický, Vít (referee)
Tereza Klusáčková: Sexually dimorphic signs of human face within the life history theory Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Philosophy and History of Science Bachelor's thesis, pages 39, 2014 Sexually dimorphic signs play a role in a mate choice. To produce quality offsprings it is necessary to choose an individual with our preffered attractive signs which reveal good genetic material of their bearer as a partner. Presented research explains a concept of the life-history theory and also the sexual selection and its theories. A key part of it is focused on a brief anatomical description of superficial structures of human face with an emphasis on masculine and feminine appearance and dedicates to thein changes during an ontogeny. It generally defines an attractiveness, examine preferences of the opposite sex for masculine and feminine characteristics and describes changes of female appearance and preferences during the menstrual cycle. This thesis deals with topics of symmetry and averageness, which refer to good state of health and high-quality genetical basis of an individual. Marginally deals with heterozygosity and studies exploring the effect of MHC genes on the perception of attractiveness. Key words: human face, life history theory, sexual selection, sexual...
Sexual dimorphism of the face and changes during senescence
Mydlová, Miriama ; Velemínská, Jana (advisor) ; Blažek, Vladimír (referee)
The human face shape is constantly changing during human life, even after one`s development stop (Hennessy a Moss, 2001; Williams a Slice, 2010). This work applies geometric morphometry method on study of sexual dimorphism of human face through ageing. Sexual dimorphism can be defined as a systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex of the same kind (Samal et al., 2007). Morphological changes, related to the process of ageing of human face, were analysed on data obtained from 3D surface models of human faces using methods of geometric morphometry (Dense Correspondence Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Shell-to-Shell Deviation) and multivariatel statistics (Scree Plot, Hotelling`s Tš-test, permutational test, MANOVA). The work results indicates that the form (size with shape) and shape of men and women faces significantly change through ageing. Individuals aged between 20-40 years differ in form of the face, however the oldest men aged between 61-82 years differ from women only in shape of the face. The biggest differences in sexual dimorphism are in the middle age category (41-60 years), where there are significant differences not only in form, but also considering shape alone. Key words: ageing, form and shape, geometric morphometry, human face, sexual dimorphism 7
Social perception of trustworthiness and its projection in morphospace of human face: evolutionary and ecological consequences
Renzová, Šárka ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Varella Valentova, Jaroslava (referee)
Differences in perception of the human face is caused by variability in facial features, which stands in the face properties, such as attractiveness, dominance and trustworthiness. This literature review focuses on the perception of trustworthiness and its impact to social interactions. The attention is also paid to possible evolutionary mechanisms such as sexual selection. Moreover, this work deals with the neurohormonal causes in the perception of trustworthiness, wherein the subcortical brain region called the amygdala plays the main role. Keywords: perception, the human face, trustworthiness, the amygdala, sexual selection
Communication medium (television, radio, press) like present facilities for human "portraiture"
Štochlová, Martina ; Hůla, Zdenek (advisor) ; Raudenský, Martin (referee)
Štochlová, M.: Communication media (television, radio, press) like present facilities for human "portraiture" /bachelor thesis/ Prague 2011 - Charles University, Faculty of education, 69 p. Theoretical studies of the relationship of human and the communication media. The study aims to capture the current form of portraiture. Work includes general information about human communication, the possibilities and types of media, but also presents several artists from art dealing with the topic of the presentation of human identity in the media. Keywords: human face, portrait, communication, media, mass media, media presentation

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