Study on dynamics of spinning apparatus of some wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) during their life cycle
Dolejš, Petr ; Smrž, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Žďárek, Jan (referee) ; Hajer, Jaromír (referee)
Current knowledge of the spinning apparatus comes namely from studies on orb web spiders and their relatives, whereas that of wolf spiders were more or less neglected. Therefore, developmental changes of the spinning apparatus of four wolf spiders were studied throughout their life cycles. Each of these lycosids possesses stenochronous life cycle with similar number of instars (7-10) but of different length (1-3 years). There is only one period of reproduction in spring/summer in all four species. Sperms are being formed just after the final moult; diplotene in some species is peculiar. The courtship behaviour reflects the microhabitat occupied by the concrete spider species; the copulations are species specific. Ontogeny of the spinning apparatus of developing spiderlings was observed: The spinning apparatus initiate its function in the first instar. Secondary ampullate, all piriform and all but four aciniform glands are tartipore-accommodated; they do not moult in situ. The tartipores, vestigial structures corresponding to spigots of the previous instar, appear on the spinning field starting with the second instar. Tartipore-accommodated glands play roles also during proecdysis and their evolution corresponds with the way how do the spiders secure themselves when moulting. Hence, the not yet...
Sorting algorithms
Schwarz, Jakub ; Smrž, Jaroslav (referee) ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor)
Enormous volume of data, which has been processed during production operations, requires easy orientation and quick searching. Exact search in real time is essential for success. Correct and quick data-sorting is one of the most important activity during dataprocessing. The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is background research of sorting algorithms. To achieve the goal, basic concepts of sorting theory will be described (determined) and there will be division of sorting algorithms by different criterions. For each algorithm of internal array sorting, sorting principles will be described and analysis of efficiency will be provided. The results will be verified by experimental program.
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Control and data structures in programming languages
Janeček, Jan ; Smrž, Jaroslav (referee) ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor)
The essence of this work is to give basic information about the algorithm development and general pieces of knowledge of the structures in programming languages. These pieces of knowledge are specified for selected programming languages, to comparison is performed and application examples based on specific patterns for corresponding language are presented.
Data transfer in automation production
Konečný, Michael ; Smrž, Jaroslav (referee) ; Lacko, Branislav (advisor)
The aim of this work is to briefly describe main problems of data transfer in automation production and then to descfibe a chosen problematic case and recommend its solution. As the problematic case was chosen the request of Indet Safety Systems, a. s. to come up with a solution that would allow storing and retro-analysis of data measured on produced parts by one of their automatic assembly lines. This case is thoroughly described and a complete solution is proposed.
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Rediscovery of Darwin
Poklopová, Linda ; Frouz, Jan (advisor) ; Smrž, Jaroslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on Charles Darwin's The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits and its impact on contemporary science. Descriptive parts and sections about morphology have been frequently mentioned in the literature, however, most often as a historical curiosity. Major immediate impact and lasting interest was sparked by thoughts about the behavior of earthworms. Ideas about mixing of soil by worms instigated the publication of scholarly papers analyzing the distribution of earthworms and the importance of soil mixing for archaeology. Ideas related to the impact of mixing on soil formation and its fertility received much less attention. Hypotheses about the impact of bioturbation on landscape level were largely ignored, only to be rediscovered and further explored at the end of the last century and the beginning of the current one.
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