Bussiness intelligence means in modern information systems
Vojtek, Martin ; Král, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Richta, Karel (referee)
Business intelligence (BI) is the ability to find and understand complex relations in business, to effectively adapt to changes of environment (competition, market, trends), to learn from data. Integration of BI applications with existing enterprise information systems leads to complex process. This process can comprise information, process, portal and service oriented integration. For this type of integration, it is also possible to use ESB technology. When integrating such complex systems, usage of standards gains great importance and significantly contributes to the architecture of result solution. Implementation of integration of BI applications with enterprise information systems represents the EPA application, which is built on Java EE integration platform with usage of JBosss, open source application server, Oracle database, data mining tools and ETL. Data warehouse implemented on the top of Oracle database is used for the integration of data sources. Part of the application presenting graphs and interactive cross tables is built on JBoss Seam, modern integration framework, which integrates technologies like JBoss Rules, JSF, EJB3 and jBPM.
Implementation of the Integrated Development Platform (IDP)
Dvořák, Petr ; Richta, Karel (advisor) ; Žemlička, Michal (referee)
The aim of the thesis was to design and develop a unified application for installation and integration of the software management tools into a single comprehensive and functional unit. The application should also allow export of the project metadata via the RESTful API. The goals of the thesis were fulfilled relatively well. A set of installation scripts was created, as well as a functional web application built using the JavaEE platform. The application can be deployed in a small company after performing minor modifications. Less common deployment scenarios for CGI based applications on Apache Tomcat were also examined. Minor enhancements in the open-source project NetBeans were implemented as well. Also, a branded version of Bugzilla was created and deployed in an existing small software company.
Tool for NDL
Myazina, Elena ; Richta, Karel (advisor) ; Kopecký, Michal (referee)
Title: Tool for NDL Author: Elena Myazina Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Karel Richta, CSc. Supervisor's Supervisor's e-mail address: richta@ksi.ms.mff.cuni.cz Abstrakt: -Current research networks allow end users to build their own application-specific connections (lightpaths) and Optical Private Networks (OPNs). This requires a clear communication between the requesting application and the network. The Network Description Language (NDL) is a vocabulary designed to describe optical networks based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF). These descriptions aid applications in querying the capabilities of the network and allow them to clearly express requests to the network. This work deals with the analysis of the current draft language NDL systems and optical components. He compares its potential and shortcomings of the proposal seeks. It also proposes a graphical representation corresponding to that language, which implements the graphical tool. The developed tool will allow the subsequent dialogs (voice) applications. Key words: NDL, RDF, optical mapping technology.
Algorithmic Trading Platform
Šatánek, Jaromír ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor) ; Richta, Karel (referee)
In the last four years it is possible to see a significant increase in the usage of algorithmic trading. It is estimated that by the year 2010 more than 50 percent of trading on the stock markets will be performed by using algorithmic trading systems. The aim of this thesis is to create a system which can enable algorithmic trading on the stock markets. Emphasis is placed on the fast processing of data as well as the stability of the system and its modularity. Users must be able to easily modify and enhance the system according to their own individual needs (e.g. to add new algorithms or connect to another stock exchange).
Code Generation from UML Activity Diagrams
Gajarský, Pavol ; Richta, Karel (advisor) ; Strnad, Pavel (referee)
Code generation from UML is still very limited. Diagrams, which are usually used for code generation describes the static structure. These are mostly the class diagrams. One of the most useful and least used types of diagrams is behavioral diagrams. The reason for this is mainly a lack of support from the UML specification. The onset of version 2.0 has brought visible changes in this area. This thesis will focus only on activity diagrams and possibilities of code generation from them. One of them will be verified on a prototype tool that can generate skeleton of code in chosen language (e.g. Java, C + +, PHP ,...). Then it will be compared to alternative approaches and evaluated in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. As input is expected activity diagram created and exported by external CASE tool in XMI format. Architecture of tool will provide possibility of defining new modules. So the end user will be able to program another output language by the medium of given interface.
Tools for NDL Elaboration
Myazina, Elena ; Richta, Karel (advisor) ; Kopecký, Michal (referee)
Title: Tools for NDL Elaboration Author: Bc. Elena Myazina Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor of the master thesis: doc. Ing. Karel Richta, CSc., Dept. of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Abstract: Current state of research of networks enables end users to create custom connections (lightpaths) for a given application and optical private networks (OPNs). Such adjustments require clear communication between the requesting application and the desired network. Language NDL (Network Description Language) is used to describe such optical networks. NDL is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF). This thesis analyzes the network description language NDL and its treatment. Current status of the network can be loaded in the form of the description in the NDL and displayed as the graphical representation. The representation enables to find out paths in the network, or edit the network. The result can then be transformed back into NDL format. Keywords: NDL, RDF, optical technology.
Behavior Protocols Extensions
Kofroň, Jan ; Plášil, František (advisor) ; Richta, Karel (referee) ; Assmann, Uwe (referee)
Formal verification of behavior of a component application requires a suitable specification language. It is necessary that the specification language captures all important aspects of the future implementation with respect to desired properties. Behavior Protocols have been proven to be a suitable component behavior specification platform if one is interested in absence of communication errors. In this thesis, we (1) propose a new specification language based on Behavior Protocols and (2) address the issue of insufficient performance of BPChecker-a proprietary tool for verification of absence of communication errors in Behavior Protocols. Motivated by issues raised during specification of a real-life-sized case study aiming at providing wireless Internet access at airports, we extended the original Behavior Protocols with support for method parameters, local variables, synchronization of more than two components, and specification of variable-controlled loops. To address the second issue, we propose a method for verification of Behavior Protocols via their transformation to Promela-the input language of the Spin model checker.
System Integration using Common Domain Model
Choma, Martin ; Richta, Karel (advisor) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Canonical Data Model contains description of all data used by organization. Such "all-covering" model is difficult to create and therefore it is preferred to define CDM as data model used by messages and events of integration purpose. Using CDM is not simple. First of all it is necessary to define own canonical data model. Typically, CDM is created in some CASE tool and described by some modeling language, e.g. UML. Next issue is mappings and transformation between CDM and application formats. Work lists some kinds of transformations, which can be used, possible implementations and locations of them. Finally work describes change and release management process, which is key part of CDM successful story. CDM change can affect all integrated applications, therefore is important to be ready for this situation and think about deployment process, especially when there are incompatible changes.
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Distributed enactment of business processes in ESB framework
Kadlec, Pavel ; Král, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Richta, Karel (referee)
Thesis deals with design of framework that allows distributed processing of intradepartmental batch business processes. Framework should speed up the processing of business processes and enable their monitoring and management. Author of the thesis decided to use enterprise service bus in order to create a powerful distributed framework which will be easy to use by application programmers. Business processes are divided into parts - services that are deployed on individual nodes of enterprise service bus in order to achieve distributed processing. Services may be deployed on individual nodes in many instances in order to achieve parallel processing as well. Services are coordinated by process manager according to the plan. This means that the application programmer cares only about creating the business logic of individual services. Motivation was to accelerate the real business process which handles a large amount of data. Acceleration was achieved by applying database optimizations and subsequent incorporation of several computers via the enterprise service bus. Framework is based on enterprise service bus JBossESB, process manager jBPM and distributed transactions coordinated by WS-Transaction family protocol.