National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection
Fapšo, Michal ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee) ; Metze, Florian (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá vyhledáváním výrazů v řeči pomocí mluvených příkladů (QbE STD). Výrazy jsou zadávány v mluvené podobě a jsou vyhledány v množině řečových nahrávek, výstupem vyhledávání je seznam detekcí s jejich skóre a časováním. V práci popisujeme, analyzujeme a srovnáváme tři různé přístupy ke QbE STD v jazykově závislých a jazykově nezávislých podmínkách, s jedním a pěti příklady na dotaz. Pro naše experimenty jsme použili česká, maďarská, anglická a arabská (levantská) data, a pro každý z těchto jazyků jsme natrénovali 3-stavový fonémový rozpoznávač. To nám dalo 16 možných kombinací jazyka pro vyhodnocení a jazyka na kterém byl natrénovaný rozpoznávač. Čtyři kombinace byly tedy závislé na jazyce (language-dependent) a 12 bylo jazykově nezávislých (language-independent). Všechny QbE systémy byly vyhodnoceny na stejných datech a stejných fonémových posteriorních příznacích, pomocí metrik: nesdružené Figure-of-Merit (non pooled FOM) a námi navrhnuté nesdružené Figure-of-Merit se simulací normalizace přes promluvy (utterrance-normalized non-pooled Figure-of-Merit). Ty nám poskytly relevantní údaje pro porovnání těchto QbE přístupů a pro získání lepšího vhledu do jejich chování. QbE přístupy použité v této práci jsou: sekvenční statistické modelování (GMM/HMM), srovnávání vzorů v příznacích (DTW) a srovnávání grafů hypotéz (WFST). Abychom porovnali výsledky QbE přístupů s běžnými STD systémy vyhledávajícími textové výrazy, vyhodnotili jsme jazykově závislé konfigurace také s akustickým detektorem klíčových slov (AKWS) a systémem pro vyhledávání fonémových řetězců v grafech hypotéz (WFSTlat). Jádrem této práce je vývoj, analýza a zlepšení systému WFST QbE STD, který po zlepšení dosahuje podobných výsledků jako DTW systém v jazykově závislých podmínkách.
Essays in Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Matoušek, Jindřich ; Havránek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Miklánek, Tomáš (referee) ; Rachinger, Heiko (referee) ; Gechert, Sebastian (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Economic Studies Essays in Behavioural and Experimental Economics Abstract for Dissertation thesis Author: Mgr. Jindřich Matoušek Study program: Economics and Finance Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Tomáš Havránek, Ph.D. Year of defense: 2022 Abstract The dissertation consists of three papers presenting applications of experimen- tal as well as statistical methods to the topics of behavioural economics. The first paper introduces a series of laboratory experiments in which I apply the experimental methods to a complex decision making problem. The second and third papers present quantitative syntheses of the literature on the classi- cal topics of behavioural economics. The general introduction connects these chapters together. Detailed abstracts for individual papers are presented at the beginning of each chapter. In the first paper, I experimentally examine two complex multi-unit auc- tion mechanisms with an opportunity to communicate and thus collude while comparing these mechanisms in terms of efficiency. Strikingly, allowing for communication increases efficiency in examined auction formats. A cheap-talk collusive agreement resulted in a better allocation compared to the treatments without communication. I hypothesize that complex auction formats makes...
Flexicurity on the Czech Labour Market: An Application in European Context
Matoušek, Jindřich ; Mysíková, Martina (advisor) ; Šolc, Jan (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut ekonomických studií Jindřich Matoušek Flexicurity on the Czech Labour Market: An Application in European Context Abstract of Bachelor Thesis Praha 2011 Abstract During the course of my bachelor thesis, I deal with a concept of flexicurity in the Czech Republic. The concept merges two apparently opposite components of labour market, i.e. flexibility and security. Furthermore, this approach has been spontaneously developed in Denmark and the Netherlands and became an inherent part of socio-legal labour market policies promoted by European Union at the beginning of the twentieth century. First part of this paper reviews a situation of both components of flexicurity in the Czech Republic at the time when this thesis is formed. It describes the evolution of unemployment as well as the degree of flexibility and security on the Czech labour market and compares them with current situation in the rest of European states. Second part analyses flexible forms of employment in the Czech Republic, such as part-time jobs and its microeconomic implications. In the final section, I focus on the evaluation of elements which affected the unemployment rate in the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2008. Title: Flexicurity on the Czech Labour Market: An Application in European...
Stability of plasma polymers under various conditions
Matoušek, Jindřich ; Biederman, Hynek (advisor) ; Čech, Vladimír (referee) ; Novák, Rudolf (referee)
Title: Stability of plasma polymers under various conditions. Author: Jindřich Matoušek Department/Institute: Department of Macromolecular Physics/Charles University in Prague Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: prof. RNDr. Hynek Biederman, DrSc., Department of Macromolecular Physics Abstract: The depositions of plasma polymer thin films were carried out using plasma polymerization depostition. The working gas mixture consisted of argon and monomer vapours. The source monomers used were n-hexane and terthiophene. The depositions of nanocomposite thin films Sn/pp n-hexane by means of magnetron sputtering in a working gas mixture of argon and n-hexane were done. The resulting thin films were characterized by XPS, FTIR, AFM, SEM, TEM, optical microscope and elipsometry. The influence of deposition parameters on the resulting thin film propertires was studied. The ageing of the thin films in humidity and distilled water was studied. The current-voltage characteristics of selected thin films were measured. Keywords: plasma polymer, nanocomposite, ageing.
Pay-to-Play Lobbying
Prause, Michal ; Gregor, Martin (advisor) ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee)
We consider how the shape of the decision maker's objective a↵ects the pay-to- play lobbying model with the decision maker as a discriminatory price setter. First, we summarize the important characteristics of two instruments of lob- byists, contributions and information. We then place the theme of pay-to-play lobbying with endogenous access fees within the context of general lobbying literature as well as the narrower access-lobbying literature. Next, we augment the model used in Cotton (2012) and Gregor (2015) and introduce a new policy function to the model, which allows us to analyze the robustness of the main conclusions from the two papers, i.e. the curse of the ex ante advantage and the destruction of the lobbying industry as a result of endogenous private de- valuations. We test the robustness of both phenomena with regard to decision maker's objective and find that (i) the relative sizes of the ex ante utilities do not always completely determine the ex post expected utilities and (ii) the introduction of endogenous private valuations can produce equilibria where the destruction of private values does not occur. In the last section we generalize our findings and introduce a necessary and su cient condition for the existence of equilibrium devaluation. JEL Classification D72 Keywords access...
Player Skill Rating for Games with Random Matchmaking
Hubík, Jan ; Červinka, Michal (advisor) ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee)
Traditional skill ratings are not suitable for new types of games. We developed a general skill rating framework for games which do not discriminate players based on their skill. This class of games is widely present in the world. We use Bayesian statistics to convert aggregate data about the player's performance to a percentile rank describing his skill. The system is applicable to both single-player and multiplayer games with binary and non-binary endings. The rating formulas do not contain any arbitrary constants. We have tested the system in simulations and on real game data, and we outline its possible applications.
Salary determinants of NHL players
Kulhánek, Vít ; Kalabiška, Roman (advisor) ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee)
This thesis aims to examine the effect of NHL players' performances and physical properties on their salary. There have been studies about NHL salary determination, however papers are many years old and the significances may change. Models in this thesis were formulated with original structure of variables based on data from the latest regular season 2018-2019 in order to depict the most recent relationships determination. Furthermore, including the separated models for all position is not observed in any of mentioned papers. Performance variables as well as physical factors were found significant, however its significances levels and values of estimates differ among models. This thesis further extends the research by capturing the effect of goodwill that to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied yet. Moreover, it provides a quantile regression for the group of players with the highest salaries that results in differences among variables significances and estimates compared to the joint model. Goaltenders' model is very rarely investigated, since their variables differs compared to the skaters, therefore it brings new evidence of their salary determination. The goalies' model shows positive and significant result of age and games played. JEL Classification C01, C12, C51, Z20 Keywords...
Wage Discrimination in Top European Soccer Leagues
Migová, Patrícia ; Janhuba, Radek (advisor) ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee)
This thesis deals with the analysis of wage discrimination in top European soccer leagues. Number of papers written about this problem in the past examined either each European league separately or did not examine particular leagues at all. Our thesis investigates discrimination between White, Black, Hispanic and Mediterranean players. We created two unique datasets, including one with game statistics from season 2018/2019 and one with average game statistics from seasons 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. In addition to analysis of discrimination, we were able to investigate with two different datasets, whether player's wages are determined by statistics from the last season or by average statistics from the last three seasons. The data are examined by applying the Ordinary Least Squares method. The results of our regressions show that there does seem to exist some discrepancy in wage gap between some racial groups represented in our datasets. Our results also show that wages are better determined by the average statistics from the last three seasons.
Tailoring of structure of plasma polymers
Krtouš, Zdeněk ; Kousal, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Matoušek, Jindřich (referee)
The thesis was targeted on the preparation of thin film plasma polymers with Plasma assisted vapour thermal deposition technique. As a characterised precursor was chosen the poly lactic acid because of its interesting biodegradable properties. The set of samples prepared with varying plasma power was obtained. It was found that the PLA structure is still preserved after repolymerisation, moreover, new carbon rich compound was formed. The strong changes of behaviour of samples in water were observed around plasma power of 30 W. The sample prepared in weaker plasma had properties of hydrogel. The samples prepared above 30 W of plasma power were solid and did not dissolve in water.
What makes children feel good about their work: experimental investigation.
Janšta, Lubomír ; Matoušek, Jindřich (advisor) ; Zeynalova, Olesia (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses how perceived meaning influences child performance, mood and enjoyment when performing work-related tasks. In laboratory settings, I manipulated the level of perceived meaning that was given for completion of an easy repetitive assignment by three different treatments. In the "Recognized" condition, each completed task was awarded with verbal recognition. The experimenter in the "Ignored" condition did not care about completed work. In the "Shredded" condition, the finished task was left not only unchecked, but it was destroyed immediately after submission. I observed a strong positive relationship between how "nice" experimenter behaved and how many tasks children finished. The same held for how good children felt. In general, even small acknowledgment mattered more than the demotivating procedure, but there were some gender-specific differences. Specifically, recognition played an important role for boys. On the contrary, destroying of completed tasks had a major negative effect on girls. These aspects significantly impacted both, performance as well as mood. Keywords Perceived meaning, Meaningful work, Futile work, Experimental investigation, Children

National Repository of Grey Literature : 28 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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10 MATOUŠEK, Josef
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40 Matoušek, Jan
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15 Matoušek, Jiří
10 Matoušek, Josef
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