National Repository of Grey Literature 595 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ability of plants to adapt to anthropogenic pollution
Vachek, Tadeáš ; Münzbergová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Dostál, Petr (referee)
Due to global climate change and human interventions, the environment is changing rapidly. This brings many stress factors that organisms must adapt to. One of the adaptive mechanisms currently widely discussed is rapid evolution, i.e., hereditary change based on natural selection occurring at an ecologically relevant pace. This work deals with the synthesis of knowledge about rapid evolution, the methodology of its research, and its role in the adaptive processes of plants to anthropogenic pollution, focusing on heavy metals in soil and artificial light at night. The collected studies indicate that heavy metals exert strong selective pressure that can lead to the separation of a tolerant population from the original within a few generations. However, the significance of artificial light at night as a selective factor for plant evolution has not yet been studied. Although individual studies deal with adaptive evolution in phototactic insects in response to artificial light at night, extensive research has not been conducted here either. From the general examination of the effects of artificial light at night on organisms (especially animals), both direct and indirect impacts on their functioning are evident, many of which have not yet been described in detail. Thus, the direct and indirect impacts...
Variability of Lepidium campestre seed mass concerning nutrition
Tučková, Kristýna ; Mašková, Tereza (advisor) ; Dostál, Petr (referee)
Seed production allows plants to maintain their genetic diversity, survive in dormancy through unfavourable conditions and disperse to new distant sites. Seed's own size reflects the amount of provisions designated for its germination, thus the rate and success of its germination. Seed size can also suggest dispersion distance, a chance to avoid seed predators, and how likely the seedling will withstand unfavourable conditions right after germination and before the formation of necessary structures for growth independent of maternal supplies. In general, the more nutrients a plant acquires during seed production, the bigger the number or size of seeds it can produce. In some cases, more nutrient uptake can lead to the production of more numerous and bigger seeds simultaneously, however, the direction of increased investment in reproduction highly depends on plant species. This work studies the effect of nutrient gradient in the environment on the variability of seed size in Lepidium campestre. It explores how seed traits change along the maternal environmental nutrient gradient, specifically how their number, size and seed coat thickness responds to the gradient. Subsequently, this work discusses the persistence of the maternal nutrient effect in the second generation, phenomenon called the...
A study of chemoresistance in patients with colorectal cancer treated with 5-fluorouracil
Dostál, Petr ; Vymetálková, Veronika (advisor) ; Šeborová, Karolína (referee)
The choice of treatment strategy in patients with malignant disease depends on various clinical and molecular biological factors. Although several molecular predictive biomarkers have already been proposed, only a few of them are used in clinical practice and the number is still not enough for reliable personalized medicine. Given the lack of treatment success results in many colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, there is an urgent need for personalized medicine to identify new predictive biomarkers. One of the main clinical challenges in the treatment of advanced CRC is the development of chemoresistance to systematic chemotherapy. Early detection of resistant cancer cells clones could lead to changes in treatment regimens but it requires a long-term follow up of patients and monitoring of specific markers of chemoresistance. The aim of this master's thesis has been to determine the biomarkers associated with chemoresistance to 5-FU drug, one of the most used chemotherapeutics in the treatment of CRC patients. In the first step, the whole transcriptome of maternal (sensitive) and resistant DLD-1 (line resistant to 40 µM 5-FU and line resistant to 160 µM 5-FU) cell lines using the next generation sequencing (NGS) has been analyzed. Through bioinformatic analyses, potential candidate genes (HIST1H2BE,...
The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers
Strečková, Nikola ; Janková, Zuzana (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
This master's thesis introduces a supplier evaluation method based on fuzzy logic, which enables modeling and evaluating uncertain and vague information. The proposed model includes multiple criteria that are important in supplier evaluation. The solution is implemented in the MATLAB and MS Excel environment.
Application of Fuzzy Logic for Evaluating Investments in Stock Markets
Mišičák, Filip ; Janková, Zuzana (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The theme of this thesis is the application of fuzzy logic decision support in stock markets.. It theoretically describes the principles of fuzzy logic and selected tools used for trading on stock markets. In the practical part of the work, this information is applied to develop two models for evaluating ETFs using fuzzy logic. Both models, one in MATLAB and the other in Excel, are based on the same fund criteria, yet each model processes and evaluates these inputs using different methods. The results from these models then serve to support decisionmaking for investors.
Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods in a Selected Company
Babela, Viliam Igor ; Dostál, Petr (referee) ; Doskočil, Radek (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce aplikuje vybrané metody multikriteriálního rozhodování k výběru optimální země pro expanzi slovenské společnosti situované na trhu hygienických a papírenských výrobků. Prostřednictvím zaměřené komparativní analýzy se hodnotí vybrané země na základě kritických kritérií, jako jsou velikost trhu, regulační prostředí, logistické schopnosti a náklady na práci. Výsledky poskytují strategická doporučení, která mají společnosti pomoci učinit informované a na datech založené rozhodnutí o mezinárodní expanzi.
The Risk of the Selection of a Supplier with Fuzzy Logic
Pukajová, Zuzana ; Nguyen, Huy (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The thesis focuses on risk assessment of selection of chosen company suppliers. It evaluates the quality of suppliers using principles of fuzzy logic and the determining rules. The evaluation of suppliers is conducted using programs MS Office Excel and MATLAB. The thesis contains a comparison of results of these two programs.
Budík, Jan ; Kohút, Michal (referee) ; Král, Miloš (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
Doctoral thesis deals with the method of the currency portfolio creation focused on short-term trading, which not exceed one business day. That is the reason why is necessary to increase the profitability of investment positions by using financial leverage. Development of proposed investment strategies is realized with use of computer technology in combination with software that allows direct access to the foreign exchange market. The software enables direct access to a database of historical prices and has an implemented a programming language that allows effective processing of statistical analyzes, which is required for development of investment strategies. The investment strategies are optimized and tested on a database of historical price movements from 1. 1. 2004 to 31. 12. 2012 for the major currency pairs EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY. The main assumption of entry to the market for proposed investment strategies is based on specific time intervals during the day, where is an increased probability of new short-term trends beginnings. The doctoral thesis statistically validated this assumption. The proposed method of creation a currency portfolio was applied to real market since 1. 1. 2013 to 30. 9. 2013 and was used for 20 000 $ trading account. Profitability of proposed method of creation a currency portfolio is 26,89%.
The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm
Olšová, Renata ; Doskočil, Radek (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh vhodné metody, jak vyhodnotit dodavatele modelů letadel a leteckého příslušenství holandské společnosti Aviation Megastore. Tato polečnost existuje na trhu již více než 25 let a má více než 170 dodavatelů po celém světě. Proto vznikla potřeba jednotlivé výrobce a distributory ohodnotit a zvážit jejich vývoj během jednotlivých let, případně u některých vybraných dodavatelů zvážit vzhledem k neuspokojivým výsledkům možnost ukončení spolupráce. Pro vyhodnocení bude použit program MS Excel a MATLAB.
Heating and cooling systems in office operations
Dostál, Petr ; Horák, Petr (referee) ; Formánek, Marian (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the heating and cooling system, inclu-ding hot water preparation for the administrative part of the production hall. The first part of the thesis briefly discusses the history of heating and cooling of office buildings, legislative requirements and current solutions. The second part contains the design of the entire heating and cooling system with heat pump as a source of heat and cold. The final part of the thesis describes the experimental measure-ment and evaluation of the efficiency of the ice rink source.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 595 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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26 DOSTÁL, Petr
17 Dostal, Pavel
4 Dostál, Patrik
17 Dostál, Pavel
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