National Repository of Grey Literature 232 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Transformations of childhood and education in Czech countries
Musil, Jan ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Jirásková, Věra (referee)
The diploma work is concetrating on childhood development and it's dependency on spreading and improving in educational system. The work would give an interpretation how education had influenced the period of childhood in the past in Czech countries. What effect had education on childhood duration and quality. The work has chronological system from the beginning of education in Czech countries (monarch St. Václav) to the end of rule Joseph II. Individual chapter give interpretations about education and childhood in each historical period of time and bring near picture of an evolution from given time. At first each chapter presents development in education and then intent on the childhood. First chapters are concentrating on childhood of individuals, especialy monarch childhood. Continuenig chapters in diploma work are generalizing aristocrat childhood and later on common people. The final work is comparing each period intent on child development of all factors. We can see childhood evolution. The work would attend above all to students from pedagogic faculty as an ilustration how childhood education is connected and how education can influence the childhood.
Gender prejudices and stereotypes in Czech society
Kolomá, Jana ; Kubišová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Markéta (referee)
The thesis entitled Gender prejudices and stereotypes in the Czech society deals with such prejudices and the stereotypes that are the current social problem with which every man in his life can encounter since attending the primary school and later during the looking for a job or in a family life. The aim of this thesis is to find the gender prejudices and the stereotypes in the MEN/ WOMEN magazine, the WOMEN part, column Topic for 2011 which consisted of ten editions of this magazine. The thesis is based on the theoretical knowledge and it tries to interpret the analyzed gender prejudices and the stereotypes. The theoretical part serves for better comprehension as it focuses on the definition of the term gender, as well as gender and its associated prejudices and stereotypes and the media themselves as the magazine analyzed is part of them. To achieve the objective, a method of a quantitative content analysis was used. The data from the research are processed into individual tables.
Family Rituals of Ethnic Minorities in the Czech Republic Area - Vietnamese Wedding
Čechová, Šárka ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Blažková, Miloslava (referee)
Author: Šárka Čechová Department: Civics and Philosophy Title: Family Rituals of Ethnic Minorities in the Czech Republic Area - Vietnamese Wedding Supervisor: Mgr. Markéta Dvořáková, Department of Civics and Philosophy, Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague Abstract: This bachelor thesis covers a topic of family rituals of Vietnamese minority in the area of Czech Republic. It provides a brief overview of Vietnamese books of facts and view of Vietnamese culture, its roots and history of Vietnamese migration into the Czech Republic. The thesis first of all deals with the topic of Vietnamese wedding rituals and their adaptation to Czech conditions.
QSAR Analysis of the Acute Toxicity Indices Determined by Alternative Methods
Kanásová, Mária ; Rucki, Marian (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Markéta (referee)
1 Abstract The goal of the thesis is to determine acute toxicity indices of seven alcohols (2-ethoxyethanol, 1-propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butanol, 3-hexanol, 2-methyl-3-hexanol, 1-nonanol) by two different alternative methods. Another goal is to create QSAR models to predict the acute toxicities of alcohols which belong into model limits. First of the methods used is based on the movement inhibition of lower animals Tubifex tubifex. The method provides the acute toxicity indices EC50. The second method uses the cell line of mouse fibroblasts called Balb/c 3T3 and it provides the acute toxicity indices IC50. The IC50 were recalculated to the LD50 values that correspond to the oral administration of alcohols to a rat. It has been found that 1-nonanol is included into the category of alcohols classified as acute oral toxic according to the EU CLP system. Other six alcohols are non-classified as acute oral toxic. Subsequently, accurate QSAR models has been created in order to predict the acute toxicity of other alcohols using Tubifex tubifex specie or Balb/c 3T3 cell line. The models are suitable for saturated, branched, ethoxy- and cyclic alcohols with the log POW value from −0.74 to 3.07. It was necessary to exclude the acute toxicity indices of 1-nonanol from these models as some solubility...
Using of the interactive board on the second grade of the primary school
Jenčíková, Štěpánka ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
Není snad učitele, který by si nevšiml, jaké velké změny přinesl rozvoj výpočetní techniky v devadesátých letech minulého století do našeho školství. Nicméně pro mě osobně znamenal zásadní průlom v mé práci učitele až příchod interaktivní tabule, která pomocí animací, videa, interaktivních cvičení a příkladů dokáže udělat výuku velmi zajímavou právě pro generaci žáků 21. století. Interaktivní tabule mi umožňuje připravit si zajímavé vyučovací hodiny s využitím moderní techniky. Své hodiny si připravuji na PC a poté už jen stačí, když aktualizuji a přizpůsobuji připravené hodiny podle momentálních potřeb výuky. Není tak možné, abych zapomněla kazetu, videokazetu či jiné pomůcky na vyučování, protože mám vše potřebné na vyučovací hodinu již předem připravené v počítači. Své vlastní prezentace a samostatné práce mých žáků si také mohu okamžitě ukládat do PC a mít je v záloze pro případné další využití. Dnešní generace žáků má v oblibě cokoliv elektronického a právě využití interaktivní tabule může sloužit učiteli jako vhodná pomůcka k tomu, aby žákům ukázal, že elektronika není jen k hraní válečných her a chatování po ICQ, ale že může být efektivním nástrojem k jejich učení a pomáhat jim účinně osvojovat si a rozvíjet klíčové kompetence vymezené v RVP a ŠVP jednotlivých základních škol.
Village Pátek during 20th century
Kolbaba, Lukáš ; Dvořáková, Michaela (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Markéta (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals the village Pátek during the history. The main part of thesis is 19th and especially 20th century. Are important events that had a major impact on the lives of citizens. The beginning is describes several events from earlier period, which significantly changed the character of village. In the century are then collected separately and described some important points in the village, consisting primarily of buildings (mills, school) or economic sectors (fish farming), which at that time played an important role, whether cultural or business, the lives of the villagers. The focus works are the memorial books and chronicles, to a lesser extent, the recorders of the meeting of the National Committee. To complement and improve some information was also used in the memories of several witnesses.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard - Theory of Witchcraft and Other Mystic Phenomena
Jurásková, Kamila ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Kubišová, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with witchcraft and other mystic phenomena in conception of Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard. It is focused especially on the notion of witchcraft in connection with magic, shamanism and oracles. It describes relation of all these phenomena towards religious belief and various attitudes towards them. It defines respective practices and explains differences between them. Last but not least, it introduces usual reactions to them. Via concrete situation it also shows interconnection of all described phenomena and presents them as a coherent and logical system.
Cultural and craft traditions among contemporary inhabitants of Šumava
Holečková, Veronika ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Tichá, Milena (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with cultural and craft traditions of Šumava. The main objective is to describe the traditions and crafts of this region today. In addition, also historical changes and cohesion with the Šumava region is captured. The thesis is divided in four chapters: Šumava, Crafts of Šumava, Šumava's traditions, and Traditions and Crafts at School. It also describes cooperation between the Museum of Šumava in Sušice and local elementary school and examines introduction of traditions to children during after-school activities. In all chapters, the basic concepts concerning this topic are determined.
Activating methods as the means of education
Blažková, Věra ; Vališová, Alena (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Markéta (referee)
Garaduation theses is focused on problems ofthe activating methods, relating to the operating methods with texts and informations. Use the mentioned education methods at the secondary school is the fundamental item. Graduation theses consists of two consequential parts. First part is engaged in theoretical knowledge and contains a general definition of education methods, as the part of system of a basis didactic category and a characterization of more or less frequented education methods relating to the item. Education methods have connection with secodary school student personality. Election ofthe education methods in this text, have connection with specificity of a pedagogical interaction at the secondary school. Second part pays attention to research, which objective is to chart the use of operating methods at the secondary shool education. Research is framed in connection with this promlems by use of two explorational techniques. Results of the research arecompiled to the tables, lists of observation are incorporated.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 232 records found   beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record:
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33 DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta
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58 DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Michaela
8 DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Miroslava
17 DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Monika
3 Dvořáková, M.
13 Dvořáková, Magdalena
13 Dvořáková, Magdaléna
16 Dvořáková, Marcela
21 Dvořáková, Marie
2 Dvořáková, Marika
44 Dvořáková, Martina
58 Dvořáková, Michaela
2 Dvořáková, Michala
3 Dvořáková, Milena
8 Dvořáková, Miroslava
2 Dvořáková, Miroslava,
17 Dvořáková, Monika
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