Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 68 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí31 - 40dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Hodnocení finanční situace společnosti a návrhy na její zlepšení
Sobotková, Michaela ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Poláček, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením finanční situace vybrané společnosti. Společnost je hodnocena pomocí metod finanční analýzy za pět po sobě následujících účetních období. Na základě výsledků analýzy jsou identifikovány nedostatky v hospodaření společnosti a navrhnuta opatření pro zlepšení jejího finančního zdraví. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou, analytickou a na vlastní návrhy řešení.
Hyperloop – mirage or useful technology of the future? - A literature/information search study
Gerža, Martin ; Langerová, Petra (oponent) ; Sedláček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on revolutionary technology called hyperloop. Aim of this thesis is to bring together relevant information about the concept of hyperloop. The thesis covers a brief history beginning with first concept of hyperloop, core infrastructure explanation and list of technologies used in the concept. Furthermore, chosen companies working on hyperloop technology are listed together with their accomplishments and designs. Thesis is closed with list of problems and challenges that development of hyperloop is dealing with, projects under development and brief look into the future.
Space Exploration of Mars
Válek, Jiří ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Froehling, Kenneth (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis summarises past and present missions to Mars and lists the discoveries, achievements and technologies used during each mission. The first chapter focuses on the first reconnaissance missions of the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War and describes the important achievements of each mission. Furthermore, this thesis discusses rovers such as Opportunity, Spirit, Curiosity and also Perseverance, which have been designed for mobile exploration of the planet’s surface. The last part of this thesis explores the possibility of sending a human crew to this planet, the construction of habitats and the actual journey between Earth and Mars. This chapter also outlines the health risks and various problems that a crew would face during such a mission.
Floating cities - intriguing concept or utopia (literary and information search study)
Kunzo, Dávid ; Walek, Agata (oponent) ; Sedláček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This thesis presents and explains the technologies associated with the construction and usage of floating cities, and related projects in South Korea, Singapore, and Japan. The next goal is to understand the potential impact of floating cities and coastal defences on the surrounding environment, and vice versa. With multiple projects such as Oceanix city and Green Float still in their early phase, it is necessary to consider whether the problems of coastal communities can be solved by such technologies, and if it is achievable at all, considering the financial circumstances, and possible limitations by used materials. Finally, by summing up the accessible information, the conclusion determines the reasons such structures are not a widely popular solution yet.
Technology of Online Voting Systems
Kováč, Michal ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Froehling, Kenneth (vedoucí práce)
This thesis talks about the concept of online voting. It briefly describes what other voting methods are used in democratic countries across the world, and then in detail describes what countries are using online voting (nationwide and partially), and what countries have piloted or tried using the system in the past and what was the reason for its cancelation. In the last two parts, the thesis discusses the positives and negatives that online voting systems may represent, including analyzing voting data gathered from Estonia.
ICT in language education in Universities
Šmarda, Pavel ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (oponent) ; Sedláček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is a search for suitable and high-quality software tools that can be used as a support element in language education in universities. The search also focused on software solutions that can also be used as a partial or complex replacement for classroom-based teaching. The thesis introduces the topic, definition and basic division of language learning software and software search with their detailed description.
British VS. American English – A comparative study
Ohrazda, David ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Sedláček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis compares the differences between British and American English, the two most common variations of the English language, which is used worldwide as either the mother tongue or the second language teaching for more accessible international communication. The thesis briefly deals with the history of the language and then analyzes the differences in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary with examples of the issue. The thesis also discusses the cultural influences that have influenced language development. Books and internet resources were used for the work. The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to provide and show how one language can differ based on different nationalities.
Current trends in the airline industry
Štourač, Filip ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Rujbrová, Šárka (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to describe current technological trends in the airline industry and outline the expected future development in the aviation sector. The introduction starts with brief overview of aviation history followed by short depiction of a modern age aircraft. The next chapter deals with green technology and sustainability of aviation with focus on 3D printing, alternative jet fuel and two types of modern engines- Leap engine by CFM and geared turbofan by Pratt&Whitney. Third chapter about safety technology covers Ground Proximity Warning System, runway sensors and automation with focus on Fly-by-wire control system. The following chapter focuses on current changes in maintenance technology regarding the growth of Internet of Things. In the last chapter, the reader is introduced to the expected future development of aviation.
Use of GPS in the Car Industry Oriented on Self-driving Vehicles
Gróf, Marko ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of GPS in the automotive industry with a focus on unmanned vehicles. The aim was mainly to approach the GPS system but also other temporary systems, and to describe and characterize autonomous vehicles and all the hardware and software they use. The first half of the work characterizes the GPS in great detail so that the reader gets to know how the navigation system works. In the second part of this work, the reader will learn about autonomous vehicles, to which levels we divide them and which systems are used. Reader will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, the main differences between today's cars and autonomous cars. At the end of this work is intelligent transport and its benefits, but also a insight into the future of transport and vehicles.
Current trends in the airline industry
Štourač, Filip ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Rujbrová, Šárka (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to describe current technological trends in the airline industry and outline the expected future development in the aviation sector. The introduction starts with brief overview of aviation history followed by short depiction of a modern age aircraft. The next chapter deals with green technology and sustainability of aviation with focus on 3D printing, alternative jet fuel and two types of modern engines- Leap engine by CFM and geared turbofan by Pratt&Whitney. Third chapter about safety technology covers Ground Proximity Warning System and runway sensors. The following chapter focuses on current changes in maintenance technology regarding the growth of Internet of Things. In the last chapter, the reader is introduced to the expected future development of aviation.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 68 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí31 - 40dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Sedláček, Patrik
45 Sedláček, Petr
2 Sedláček, Petr,
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