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The change of normative perception and thinking about the Nuclear Sharing within NATO
Kořínek, David ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Beneš, Jan (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of the NATO's normative perception and thinking over the nuclear weapons and the nuclear sharing concept. While the nuclear sharing lays in the main area of the interest of this thesis, the approach towards the nuclear weapons itself is the inseparable component of this research. This thesis is divided into three main chapters. The chapter one explains the historical position of the nuclear weapons in the NATO thinking and the history of the nuclear sharing in relation to the NPT. It also introduces the basic theoretical debate and definition of the concept. The chapter two explains the chosen methodological framework, describes the set of analysed documents and sets rules for the coding of those documents. For the purposes of this analysis, I decided to use the methodological framework of the content analysis, which is created through the content analysis software NVivo 12. It is followed by the chapter three which is visualising and explaining the results of the content analysis created following the script already described in the chapter two.
Strategic role of the Diego Garcia military base from Cold War until present
Hřivna, Václav ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
The concern of the diploma thesis is the geostrategic role of the base on the island Diego Garcia. It deals chronologically with the evolvement of this role since the base was established until the present time. Apart from the analysis of the extent, motivation and reasons of the evolvement, the explanation of all these is provided as well. The research is based on the theories formulated by admiral Alfred T. Mahan who was primarily concerned with the agenda of a naval superpower. The issue of bases is directly linked to that subject. The analysis pays attention to physical development of the facilities on the island which to a certain extent reflects the strategic role of the base. It also further examines the regional and global context which is deemed to be crucial for the better understanding of the function the base had for the United States. Practical usage of the base is analysed for a better explanation of the role the base played as some of the contemporary documents are still classified and unavailable. According to the research, the role the base played changed several times but it is very difficult to point out the main factor that caused the change. Most probably, it was caused by a combination of several factors.
The relationship of the Federal Republic of Germany to the intervention in Libya
Janatková, Karolína ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
The topic of this master thesis is the Relationship of the Federal Republic of Germany to the intervention in Libya. The aim of this master thesis is to answer the research question: "Why did not Germany support the intervention in Libya?". After the abstention on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, Germany was for not continuing human rights protection. The decision, to reject the intervention, has confirmed that Germany is still very skeptical regarding the involvement of its military personnel and assets abroad. The decision of the Security Council is not only a milestone in German history, but also a milestone for the international community. For the first time has the United Nations Security Council agreed to use military forces against a functioning state with the aim of protecting civilian population. This master thesis is a single case study; through which the author examines a very specific situation when Germany decided not to participate in the voting process regarding the intervention in Libya. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the constructivist theory, furthermore the thesis focuses also on the concepts of civilian power, multilateralism, culture of restraint, and the protection of human rights. All these terms have significant influence on German foreign...
Chemical and biological weapons as complements or substitutes of nuclear arsenal: Analysis of the cases of India and Egypt
Hořejší, Aneta ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Smetana, Michal (referee)
This master's thesis is focused on testing of the Michael Horowitz and Neil Narang's theory regarding the assessment of the relationship among nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and a subsequent evaluation of the general validity and applicability of this theory by applying the theory to two specific cases, namely India and Egypt. In their theory, the authors argue that states pursuing one type of weapons of mass destruction pursue simultaneously all types of weapons of mass destruction. States consider weapons as complements in this situation. They further argue that states that once possess nuclear weapons are much less willing to seek further development of chemical and biological weapons, and in some cases, such states are even willing to give up these two types of weapons altogether. In addition, nuclear weapons are considered substitutes for chemical and biological weapons in such situation. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether India and Egypt perceive weapons of mass destruction to be complements or substitutes. The main aim of this work is to assess how the attempt to acquire or the ownership of one type of the weapons of mass destruction influences the attempt to obtain the other type of weapons, namely whether the ownership of nuclear weapons increases or reduces the...
The Science of the Indirect Approach in Modern War. Resurrection of an Art forgotten?
Christodoulides, Nikolas ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; von Bulow, Mathilde (referee)
The science of the rndirect Approach in Modern war. Resurrection of an Art forgotten? PROLOGUE Previous to my successful enrollment in this post-graduate programme, I had the opportunity of studying Business Administration as an undergraduate student. Besides learning about finance, accounting and marketing, all our professors were always straining to instill to us that the most imporlant element of an enterprise are its people. Stan-up'business taking smart decisions could become giants in the international arena of commerce within very short periods of time whereas giant enterprises could very easily file for bankruptcy despite all their financial prowess. It was a paradox left insolvent to my curious mind until I came across the same phenomenon in the conduct of warfare, during this post-graduate programme. History offered many examples in which great armies, technologically and logistically superior were defeated by smaller and inferior opponents. As such, my interest in studying this paradox grew exponentially due to the factthatl come from a very small country, Cyprus which has been in conflict with a superior adversarv- Turkey, for almost half a century now. Could it be possible that my country's national problem be solved through the application of this Indirect Approach method, if the situation...
The Process of Regionalism in the Black Sea Region between 1991- 2016 - Implications and Perspectives
Petre, Adriana ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Cheskin, Ammon (referee)
il 4 =l 1 =l { =l t { =l =l =l =l =l lntroduction This thesis aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the nascent concept of regionalism and its implications and development in the Black Sea Region between 1991- 2016, so as to establish the extent to which it has succeeded to serve its function in the region. This will be assessed both on a general level - by emphasizing the experience of regional cooperation among all regional actors between l99l- 2016 and trying to establish its efficiency throughout this period, but also on an individual level- focusing on a single country and its say in the process of regionalism, emphasising how one state might benefit from a cooperative attitude. The study case on this later subject will be done on Romania and its regional experience in the Soviet dissolution aftermath. The choice of this research topic arose primarily from the desire of achieving a valuable work of great interest, by debating a topical and offering subject. Given the complexity of the events taking place in the region - especially at the moment - special attention should be paid to the ever evolving regional developments, which highly impact the global security. The utmost importance of this particular area and the necessity of keeping pace' with the rapid changes taking place in the region was...
Gas security in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparison between Czech Republic and Hungary's approach to gas
Langvad, Elias ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Cheskin, Ammon (referee)
t I I I r I I I r r I t t t r r r Abstract The primary purpose of this study is to determine why two countries coping with a position of gas import dependence, Czech Republic and Hungary, have different gas security strategies. This thesis utilises Mill's method of difference, together with the securitisation theory and rational choice theory, to explore this conundrum. A qualitative research method is adopted, where face-to-face elite interviews were carried out in Prague and Budapest with Czech and Hungarian energy experts. The thesis aims to fill a gap in the literature by looking at transit and supply diversification, companies operating in the countries, and the gas storages capacities in Czech Republic and Hungary, through an identity-based perception of Russia. Moreover, the importance of gas price regulations as well as the impact domestic factors have on gas contracts will be analysed. The research showed that Czech Republic and Hunglry have both securitised several factors in gas security, primarily because of the identity- perception of Russia as either a threat or pragmatic business partner. lt also showed the extensive influence both Russia and the EU have over the two countries regarding their gas security. The two countries have adopted different approaches to the role of the state. The...
Joining the Community: Montenegro's Path to NATO Accession
Pavlovic, Nicolas Jako ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
On 5 June 2017, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Duško Marković, deposited the instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty of Montenegro in Washington DC, making the accession of this country to the Atlantic Alliance official. Montenegro, one of the smallest of the post-Yugoslav Western Balkans republics, was thus welcomed into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as its 29th member. This thesis analyzes the process Montenegro has been undergoing throughout its path to NATO accession and the underlying conditions which have impacted this process. It argues that the relationship between Montenegro and NATO, which started in the early 2000's and has been revolving primarily on the integration process, which started soon after the independence of the country in 2006. This integration process has profoundly modified the security and defense sectors in Montenegro, has impacted the politics of the country and is embedded within what has been a larger strategic approach of NATO to the Western Balkans and Central and Eastern Europe in general. The Montenegrin integration process, as analyzed in this thesis, is considered to have revolved around three dynamics. The first has been an endogenous dynamic linked to the political attitude of the Montenegrin Government since the 1990's which has put...
Afghanistan as an insulator of regional complexes? Sectoral analysis of Afghan security
Haringová, Ingrida ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
The goal of master thesis Afghanistan as an insulator of regional complexes? Sectoral analysis of Afghan security was to analyze security of Afghanistan based on sectors and from the viewpoint of Regional security complex theory developed by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver. The purpose of the thesis was to review categorization of Afghanistan as an insulator and identify factors which undermine his status as such. Afghanistan's location is very much unique because it lies among three different regional security complexes - Central Asia, The Middle East, and South Asia. The analysis was conducted through combination of a) discourse analysis of statements and speeches of president Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah (2014 - ) and added with information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and b) material relations in regions, such as trade routes, military aid etc. and c) history. Analysis is based on military, political, and economic sectors. The discursive analysis pays attention to the perception of Afghanistan on itself with focus on institutional discourse and broader debate in the English-speaking afghan media.
Prevention of Risks in International Trade
Punčochářová, Hana ; Sato, Alexej (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
Doing business is always accompanied by risks. International trade usually brings new types of risk or at least increases the frequency and intensity of the current ones. The main objective of this thesis is to identify the risks that may arrise for Czech exporters in international operations and to present the possibilities of risk management (especially management of credit and country risk). The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter provides a classification of risks. The second one describes phases of international business operations and provides a detailed explanation of selected instruments (bank guarantees, letters of credit, insurance, purchase of receivables etc.). Last chapter consists of two business cases inspired by contracts of Solar Turbines.

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3 Ludvík, Jakub
2 Ludvík, Jaroslav
5 Ludvík, Jiří
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