National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.07 seconds. 
Age structure and growth of wild brown trout in relation to population density and habitat quality
Závorka, Libor ; Slavík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Matěna, Josef (referee) ; Reichard, Martin (referee)
Brown trout Salmo trutta L. is a fish species with high socio-economic value, which is favourable among anglers and a successful invader worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to explore environmental factors affecting body growth and survival of brown trout with emphasis on density dependent selection in juvenile life stages. This thesis is specifically focused on: (1) effect of population density on growth and survival with respect to a dynamic of a local group of individuals (papers I and II); (2) effect of inter-individual differences in behaviour on the relationship between individuals life-history traits and available resources (papers III and IV); (3) link between demo-genetic structure of population and growth and mortality rates of individuals (papers V, VI and VII). Datasets for this thesis were collected during a long-term mark-recapture study on wild brown trout population (2005-2011) in the catchment of the Otava River in Šumava National Park (Czech Republic) and a set of field and laboratory studies conducted on wild populations in streams on west coast of Sweden. In accordance with some previous studies, this thesis showed that growth of juvenile brown trout is negatively affected by population density. Nonetheless, this thesis reveals that the negative effect of density dependent...
A behaviour of the European catfish Silurus glanis in the mating season and for rest of the year with focus on social interactions among individuals
Lüftner, Radek ; Slavík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Randák, Tomáš (referee)
Reproduction ability is the key factor for survival and dispersal of every species. There is, however, only limited information about reproduction of large-bodied fish. Males of European catfish, our biggest native fish, build nests in vegetation and mate there later with females. After succesful mating male guards the nest and takes care of eggs and fry. According to literature, the act of reproduction should take place at nights with water temperature from 18 to 24 řC. However, available records about reproductive behaviour are outdated, fragmentary or come from aquacultures. Thus, a study was designed to evaluate behaviour of European catfish in their natural environment in the Berounka river using radiotelemetry, the results of which I processed in this thesis. Spatial distribution of catfish was followed during the whole year, with special attention on separating mating season from the rest of the year. The goal was to determine conditions characteristic for the mating period and to verify that catfish in the field indeed reproduce in pairs. For this purpose, 10 adults were tracked for two-year period (2002-2004) in the Berounka river by radiotelemetry. Exact positions of all individuals were followed in fourteen-day cycles. In every tracking episode, the position of an individual fish was...
Trophic structure of fish communities in the tributaries upstream of the Lipno Reservoir
Kofentová, Nikola ; Horká, Petra (advisor) ; Slavík, Ondřej (referee)
River obstacles, especially dams, are known to alter the natural environment in streams, which significantly impacts fish communities. The cyprinid species migrate from the reservoirs upstream to the reservoir's tributaries, where they may cause changes in the trophic structure of native fish communities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trophic structure of the fish community composed mainly of cyprinid and salmonid species throughout seven localities in the Vltava River upstream of the Lipno reservoir. Stable isotope analysis was used to identify trophic positions, trophic niche width and trophic niche overlap between species. Trophic relationships of individual species were then evaluated to assess the potential for food competition. The trophic niche width of the salmonid species was significantly higher than that of the cyprinid species. Trophic niche overlap between salmonids and cyprinids was observed, with the most significant overlap being with both common dace Leuciscus Leuciscus and common roach Rutilus rutilus, suggesting a potential competition for food. The effect of the presence of cyprinids on the trophic niche width of salmonids was shown not to be statistically significant. From the perspective of protecting native salmonid species, there should be special attention paid...
Sampling of young-of-the-year fishes in rivers. New version
Jurajda, Pavel ; Slavík, O. ; Adámek, Zdeněk ; Janáč, Michal
Metodika je sestavena tak, aby bylo možné s jejím použitím provést odlov, základní zpracování a vyhodnocení vzorku plůdku ryb pro potřeby monitoringu ryb v tocích. Zvolená strategie odběru vzorků musí poskytovat informace o současném stavu rybího společenstva v dané lokalitě. V metodickém návrhu jsou obsaženy základní informace o cílové skupině ichtyofauny, výběru lokalit pro získávání vzorků, vlastním odběru vzorků, jejich zpracování a hodnocení.
Diel activity of common bleak Alburnus alburnus in response to prey availability
Josefovičová, Anna ; Horká, Petra (advisor) ; Slavík, Ondřej (referee)
Fish behaviour and the structure of fish communities in rivers are known to be affected by various environmental factors. Turbidity imposes a considerable environmental constraint by influencing visibility and reducing the distance at which a predator detects prey. Previous studies have shown that fish become more active and extend their diurnal movements and home range size during the high turbidity period. However, this effect may also be associated with a lower food availability in turbid water and various other environmental factors like are day time, water temperature, discharge or oxygen concentration may also have an effect. This thesis present radio-telemetry study which examined factors influencing diurnal activity and home range size in common bleak Alburnus alburnus in riverine environment. The aim was to assess the response of bleak behaviour to various abiotic factors and prey availability, to establish the extent diurnal movements and home range size of bleak and to evaluate feeding strategy of fish. Four individuals of bleak were radio-tracked in the River Elbe during July - September 2007.The position of an individual fish was determined every three hours during one diurnal cycle, in total 10 diurnal cycles were recorded. During the same intervals, turbidity, water temperature,...
Theory-guided design of novel Fe-Al-based superalloys
Friák, Martin ; Holec, D. ; Jirásková, Yvonna ; Palm, M. ; Stein, F. ; Janičkovič, D. ; Pizúrová, Naděžda ; Dymáček, Petr ; Dobeš, Ferdinand ; Šesták, Pavel ; Fikar, Jan ; Šremr, Jiří ; Nechvátal, Luděk ; Oweisová, S. ; Homola, V. ; Titov, Andrii ; Slávik, Ondrej ; Miháliková, Ivana ; Pavlů, Jana ; Buršíková, V. ; Neugebauer, J. ; Boutur, D. ; Lapusta, Y. ; Šob, Mojmír
Our modern industrialized society increasingly requires new structural materials\nfor high-temperature applications in automotive and energy-producing industrial\nsectors. Iron-aluminides are known to possess excellent oxidation and sulfidation\nresistance as well as sufficient strength at elevated temperatures. New Fe-Al-based\nmaterials will have to meet multiple casting, processing and operational criteria\nincluding high-temperature creep strength, oxidation resistance and room-temperature\nductility. Such desirable combination of materials properties can be achieved in multi-phase\nmulti-component superalloys with a specific type of microstructure (the matrix contains\ncoherent particles of a secondary phase - a superalloy microstructure). In order to design\nnew Fe-Al-based superalloys, we employ a state-ofthe-art theory-guided materials design\nconcept to identify suitable combinations of solutes.
Age structure and growth of wild brown trout in relation to population density and habitat quality
Závorka, Libor ; Slavík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Matěna, Josef (referee) ; Reichard, Martin (referee)
Brown trout Salmo trutta L. is a fish species with high socio-economic value, which is favourable among anglers and a successful invader worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to explore environmental factors affecting body growth and survival of brown trout with emphasis on density dependent selection in juvenile life stages. This thesis is specifically focused on: (1) effect of population density on growth and survival with respect to a dynamic of a local group of individuals (papers I and II); (2) effect of inter-individual differences in behaviour on the relationship between individuals life-history traits and available resources (papers III and IV); (3) link between demo-genetic structure of population and growth and mortality rates of individuals (papers V, VI and VII). Datasets for this thesis were collected during a long-term mark-recapture study on wild brown trout population (2005-2011) in the catchment of the Otava River in Šumava National Park (Czech Republic) and a set of field and laboratory studies conducted on wild populations in streams on west coast of Sweden. In accordance with some previous studies, this thesis showed that growth of juvenile brown trout is negatively affected by population density. Nonetheless, this thesis reveals that the negative effect of density dependent...
Spatial distribution of the European catfish Silurus glanis influenced by familiarity
Fořt, Martin ; Slavík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kozák, Pavel (referee)
One of the key elements of animal social behaviour is the recognition of individuals on the basis of previous experience. This relationship is called familiarity and affects individual's behaviour. We know many examples of familiarity-based behaviour among fish. Many results show that familiarity is advantageous. Familiar individuals are less aggressive, forage more, make more cohesive shoals and grow faster. We tested the influence of the familiarity on the spatial distribution of juvenile wels catfish Silurus glanis from two unfamiliar groups, which were held in separate tanks. In a laboratory experiment was the spatial distribution of individuals monitored in the artificial stream by using passive integrated transponders. Shelters, which were occupied by individuals, were placed in the stream. Two groups of fish were subsequently added into the experiment under conditions of limited or unlimited shelters. These groups came from the same tank (so they were familiar) or from different tanks (so they were unfamiliar). 1080 individuals were used in this experiment and over three million individual fish positions were recorded. We discovered changing levels of activity under different conditions. When we compared activity of original and additional individuals, we measured higher level of activity in...
Proximate control of sexual dimorphism in livebearer Poecilia wingei
Farkačová, Klára ; Kratochvíl, Lukáš (advisor) ; Slavík, Ondřej (referee)
The effect of 17α-methyltestosterone a 17β-estradiol on sex of livebearer fish Poecilia reticulata and P. wingei was studied. Solution of 2.5 mg testosterone was added in the aquarium the first and fifteenth day after delivery of new fry. Estrogen was administered in food to gravid females (400 mg per 1 kg food). Sex of all individuals was determined in one, two and three months. Administration of neither testosterone nor estrogen caused sex reversal; in the second case reproduction of almost all females was stopped.

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5 Slávik, Ondrej
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