
Studies 510 records found  beginprevious481 - 490nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The role of banks in the Czech monetary policy transmission mechanism
Pruteanu, Anca
Objective of this work is to enrich the knowledge about the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the Czech Republic with empirical evidence on the impact of monetary policy on bank lending. Using a panel of quarterly time series for Czech commercial banks for the period 1996–2001, it studies the overall effect of monetary policy changes on the growth rate of loans and the characteristics of the supply of loans.
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EU enlargement and endogeneity of some OCA criteria: evidence from the CEECs
Babetskii, Ian
There are two opposite points of view on the link between economic integration and business cycle synchronization - "The European Commission View" and "The Krugman View". According to the European Commission, closer integration leads to less frequent asymmetric shocks and to more synchronized business cycles between countries. On the other hand, for Krugman closer integration implies higher specialization and, thus, higher risks of idiosyncratic shocks. Drawing on the evidence from a group of transition countries which have experienced a notable increase in trade openness and economic integration with the European Union during the past decade, this paper tries to determine whose argument is supported by the data.
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Predicting bank CAMELS and S&P ratings: the case of the Czech republic
Derviz, Alexis ; Podpiera, Jiří
This paper investigates the determinants of the movements in the long-term Standard & Poors and CAMELS bank ratings in the Czech Republic during the period when the three biggest banks, representing approximately 60% of the Czech banking sector’s total assets, were privatized (i.e., the time span 1998–2001).
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Modelling the second-round effects of supply-side shocks on inflation
Hlédik, Tibor
This paper uses a small-scale dynamic rational expectations model based on an open-economy version of Fuhrer–Moore-type staggered wage setting to quantify the second-round effects of selected supply-side shocks and of shocks to the nominal exchange rate on wages and subsequently on inflation.
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ERM II membership - the view of the accession countries
Komárek, Luboš ; Čech, Zdeněk ; Horváth, Roman
This report examines the implications of membership in ERM2. The experience of the present eurozone members with ERM/ERM2 membership shows that none of them faced a significant challenge in the two-year “evaluation” period in terms of the exchange rate stability convergence criterion. This could also be attributable to the stability policies prescribed by the Maastricht Treaty.
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Optimum currency area indices - How close is the Czech republic to the Eurozone?
Komárek, Luboš ; Čech, Zdeněk ; Horváth, Roman
This paper provides a survey of the optimum currency area theory, estimates the degree of the explanatory power of the optimum currency area criteria, and also calculates the optimum currency area index in the case of the Czech Republic. The results indicate that the traditional optimum currency area criteria to certain extent explain exchange rate variability.
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Credit risk, systemic uncertainties and economic capital requirements for an artificial bank loan portfolio
Derviz, Alexis ; Kadlčáková, Narcisa ; Kobzová, Lucie
This paper analyses the impact of different credit risk-based capital requirement implementations on banks’ need for capital. The capital requirements for an artificially constructed risky loan portfolio are calculated by applying the BIS approach, the two widespread commercial risk-measurement models, CreditMetrics and CreditRisk+, and, finally, an original synthetic model similar to KMV.
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Price convergence: What can the Balassa-Samuelson model tell us?
Holub, Tomáš ; Čihák, Martin
The paper provides a theoretical reference point for discussions on adjustments in price levels and relative prices. The authors present a “nested” model integrating the Balassa–Samuelson model of the real equilibrium exchange rate with a model of accumulation of capital and with the demand side of the economy. Consequently, they show how the model can be generalised to a case of numerous commodities with different degrees of tradability.
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Czech Fiscal Policy: Introductory analysis
Bezděk, Vladimír ; Dybczak, Kamil ; Krejdl, Aleš
The subject of this work are the following questions: What is the size of quasi-fiscal operations and their impact on the overall fiscal balance and public debt in the Czech Republic? Is the recent increase in Czech fiscal deficits fully attributable to the business cycle, or are there non-cyclical factors in place? And last but not least, what are the long-term perspectives of the fiscal system given the size and speed of the expected population ageing process?
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FOREX Microstructure, Invisible Price Determinants, and the Central Bank's Understanding of Exchange Rate Formation
Derviz, Alexis
The paper investigates the transmission of macroeconomic factors into the price-setting behavior of a specific dealer in the FX market. This problem is viewed from the perspective of a central banker who observes the price evolution but does not make the market in the home currency. The analysis is based on a model of a multiple dealer market under two organizations: direct inter-dealer and brokered.
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