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Programovací jazyk Lua a jeho možnosti využití v předmětu Programovací techniky
Vévoda, Petr
This bachelor thesis compares programming languages Pascal and Lua. This work starts with a brief history and description of both languages. It focuses on a comparison and description of key topics of programming languages in the scope of the course Programming Techniques, which is taught at the Mendel University in Brno, and covers the following topics: specific data types, creation of abstract data types and modules, object-oriented programming and interaction with operating system. Implementations of examples in both programming languages, which are then reviewed from didactic points of view, have been presented too. The main contribution consists of a definition of an advantages and disadvantages of using specific language as educational programming language. This text emphasises critical principles on which each of these two specific languages are based on. Conclusions of this work can be used for creating a course syllabus or as a way to make transition from one language to another easier for programmers.
Webová aplikace pro studium jazyka Python a frameworku Django
Dagidir, Denis
Dagidir, D. Web application for studies of the language Python and the framework Django. Diploma thesis. Brno, 2021 The diploma thesis is focused on designing and implementing a web application. The goal of the thesis is to design and implement a web application for studies of the language Python and the framework Django. The theoretical part compares existing solutions that are similar to my thesis. In this part, the available literature and applications are introduced. After the introduction, the design solution is shown. It is described the selection of the programming language, framework and which study materials will be created. In the practical part the web application is implemented. It is described how the web application was developed, how the study materials were created and how the web application works.
Compiler of a Language with User-Defined Syntax for New Constructs
Kuklínek, Lukáš ; Křivka, Zbyněk (referee) ; Kolář, Dušan (advisor)
Tato práce si klade za cíl navrhnout a implementovat experimentální programovací jazyk s podporou uživatelsky definovaných syntaktických konstrukcí. Nový jazyk je kompilován do nativní binární podoby a vyžaduje statickou typovou disciplínu v době překladu. Jazyk se skládá ze dvou hlavních komponent. První z nich je minimalistické jádro založené na principech zásobníkově orientovaných jazyků. Druhou částí je mechanismus pro definici nových syntaktických konstrukcí uživatelem. Poté jsou shrnuty poznatky nabyté při návrhu a experimentování s prototypem překladače tohoto jazyka.
IDE for SCADA Development at CERN
Mareček, Matěj ; Holík, Lukáš (referee) ; Křivka, Zbyněk (advisor)
Cílem této magisterské práce je navrhnout a implementovat IDE (integrované vývojové prostředí), které zvýší efektivitu a bezpečnost vývoje pro SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture. Tato práce je založena na výzkumu provedeném týmem z Technické univerzity v Eindhovenu a splňuje požadavky pocházející ze SCD sekce v CERN (Evropské organizace pro jaderný výzkum). Vyvinuté IDE je postaveno na platformě Eclipse, přičemž pro syntaktickou analýzu, linkování a sémantickou analýzu kódu používá Xtext framework. IDE nabízí také podporu pro nově vytvořený programovací jazyk, který umožňuje programátorům jednoduše nadefinovat šablonu pro konfigurační soubory používané WinCC OA. Interpret tohoto nového jazyka je schopen provést syntaktickou analýzu šablony a konfiguračního souboru a rozhodnout, zdali konfigurační soubor odpovídá šabloně. Praktickým výstupem této práce je integrované vývojové prostředí, které podporuje vývoj WinCC OA aplikací v CERN a periodicky provádí analýzu kódu těchto aplikací napsaného v jazyce Control script.
Touch panel controlled PLC systems for HV device control
Vlk, Jáchym ; Vyskočil, Pavel (referee) ; Kubíček, Michal (advisor)
The master thesis describes communication of PLC and touchscreen with purpose of high voltage control. The general information and framework are included. The thesis describes part of IVEP corporation development. Due to the beginning of a long-term development it is premature to come into conclusions within this master thesis. The first chapter deals with PLC and other components. The second chapter consists of matters about high voltage devices. The following chapter describes the programme part. The fourth and concluding chapter deals with the realization of the communication itself. A brief evaluation with prospects for the future is included in the conclusion.
Design and implementation of tutorials for PLC B&R Automation
Vymazal, Aleš ; Zuth, Daniel (referee) ; Lang, Stanislav (advisor)
The topic of this bachelor’s thesis is the company B&R and its technologies. The text contains a tutorial for the Automation Studio development environment and a brief comparison of all programming languages available in Automation Studio. A larger automation task was implemented in the C programming language and tested on B&R PLC X20 CP 1485.
Efficient Algorithms for Finite Automata
Polanský, Ondřej ; Lengál, Ondřej (referee) ; Holík, Lukáš (advisor)
This thesis compares languages C++, C#, OCaml and Python based on speed, memory requirements and programming comfort. The goal of this thesis is to find out how much does the choice of a certain programming language impact the performance of programs working with finite automata. The same set of basic and advanced automata algorithms was implemented in each language and their efficiency was measured on a sample of 200 finite automata using a unix based operating system. Finally, the author presents results and discusses suitability of each language for work with finite automata. This thesis can help with selecting an appropriate programming language for multitude of purposes, including development of automata algorithm libraries or the process of designing programs and prototypes that work with finite automata.
Developement of multimedial web portal for PLD course tutorials
Fíla, Lukáš ; Frýza, Tomáš (referee) ; Rumánek, Jaroslav (advisor)
This paper describes the principles of the creation of static Web pages and the most common methods used in creating dynamic pages. Acquainted with the languages of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL database. Furthermore, processed basic information on programmable logic circuits, PLD and FPGA.

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