National Repository of Grey Literature 12 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Comparison of Bank Packages for Students
Kašová, Lenka ; Kučera, Josef (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the bank marketing. Its main aim is to determine, which bank is the best to meet the requirements of potential clients (students) and to evaluate and recommend the most effective banking package according to my criteria. This thesis is based on a comparison of theoretical knowledge with practical bank skills . The theoretical part deals with marketing research and related marketing tools. The practical part is focused on the banking package G2, which I have selected from the product portfolio of the Commercial Bank.
Analysis and Comparison Credit Products of Selected Banks in the Czech Republic
Malý, Martin ; Balcar, Aleš (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (advisor)
The main aim of my bachelor thesis is to analyze the position of loan products for households on the Czech market. Furthermore to compare offer of consumer lending in selected banks and finally to describe the advantages and disadvantages of these products offered to customers. . The thesis should facilitate and ease the decision of potential clients in selection of a suitable product.
A letter of credit contract and a collection contract
Wagnerová, Markéta ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
A letter of credit contract and a collection contract This final thesis is focused on two important payment instruments - the letter of credit and the collection. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the letter of credit and the collection. Its main target is to describe both payment instruments and to introduce their use in real life situations and to point out advantages and disadvantages of both instruments. Both domestic and international legal arrangements as well as expert literature and articles were used to write the thesis. As a main source was used Commercial Code and unification of trade customs by the International Chamber of Commerce. The thesis is divided in 5 chapters which furthermore divide themselves into several more subchapters. Because of the fact that contract on the letter of credit and the contract on collection are fundamental for the creation of commercial law obligation the first chapter discusses the general characteristics of commercial obligations from the point of view of the Civil Code and from the point of view of the Commercial Code. Furthermore the letter of credit and the collection are one of the many of bank contracts and these are explained in detail in the second chapter. The bank itself is a party to such contracts and that is why a lot of attention is paid in the...
Banking transactions
Kolařík, Jakub ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
Englishsummary Banking The main goal of my thesis,,Banking"is to explain the meaningof this word and how are the legal relations,which resultsfrom interactionsbetweencommercial banksandclientswithin thetermbanking,regulatedin the Czechlegalorder. However,I didn't dealwith all the kinds of bankingin the thesis,but I focused on the two main categoriesof banking,which aregenerallyusedby ordinarypeoplethe most.Thesetwo categoriesarethedepositbankingandthe creditbanking. This thesisis divided into five chapters.The first chapteris relatedto the term bank andits legal definition,becausebanksareusuallytypical andthe main subjectsof bankinglegalrelations. The second chapter concernsa definition of banking, explains this term and severalpossibilitieshow to divide banking into severalcategoriesdependingon the different aspectsareincluded there. In the third chapterof my thesis,I focusedon the first main categoryof banking, which is depositbanking.The bank is in the role of the debtorin relationto its client. The first option,how bankscan acquiremoneyfrom the clients,is the form of savings on currentaccountsor savingaccounts.The secondpossibility for the bank is to issue bank securities.The examplesof the bank securitiesarebank bondsor depositbill of exchange. The fourth chapteris focusedon the secondmain categoryof...
A letter of credit contract and a collection contract
Wagnerová, Markéta ; Liška, Petr (advisor) ; Elek, Štefan (referee)
A letter of credit contract and a collection contract This final thesis is focused on two important payment instruments - the letter of credit and the collection. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the letter of credit and the collection. Its main target is to describe both payment instruments and to introduce their use in real life situations and to point out advantages and disadvantages of both instruments. Both domestic and international legal arrangements as well as expert literature and articles were used to write the thesis. As a main source was used Commercial Code and unification of trade customs by the International Chamber of Commerce. The thesis is divided in 5 chapters which furthermore divide themselves into several more subchapters. Because of the fact that contract on the letter of credit and the contract on collection are fundamental for the creation of commercial law obligation the first chapter discusses the general characteristics of commercial obligations from the point of view of the Civil Code and from the point of view of the Commercial Code. Furthermore the letter of credit and the collection are one of the many of bank contracts and these are explained in detail in the second chapter. The bank itself is a party to such contracts and that is why a lot of attention is paid in the...
Sharia Law, particularly Islamic banking, in relations with international elements
Hrdličková, Ivana ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Dolanská Bányaiová, Lucie (referee) ; Zavadilová, Marta (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Law Abstract of the dissertation The title of the dissertation: Sharia Law, particularly Islamic banking, in relations with international elements Author: JUDr. Ivana Hrdličková Supervisor: Prof. JUDr. Monika Pauknerová, CSc., DSc. Prague, February 2012 Key words: Islamic finance, sharia, mudaraba, musharaka, murabaha, ijara, sharia compliant, international law, choice of law, contract, riba, gharar, maisir. The dissertation, Sharia law, particularly Islamic Banking in the relations with international elements, considers an actual topic and branch of islamic law. Neither islam nor islamic law is a legal system applicable at any particular territory. However, legislation of the countries with majority of muslim population, is based, more or less, on islamic law. Whereas due to migration and globalization, islamic law unavoidably interferes in international law. The legal regulation of international private law under the terms stipulated by the law leads to the use of foreign law. One can thus meet the legislation based on islamic law, including in the field of contract law. In commercial contracts, where the one side is from countries where islamic law is a source of legislation, may be the choice of law (in accordance with article 3 of Rome I), which form's the basis...
Banking transactions and their legal regulation
Nevrlý, Lukáš ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Dřevínek, Karel (referee)
/ Banking transactions and their legal regulation The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse banking transactions and to inform about their substential elements, legislation in the Czech legal order and business conditions used by banks. I did not explain all the kinds of banking transactions conducted by banks in this diploma thesis due to their extensive range, but I just focused on the most important transactions in my point of view. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of banking operations. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic facts about banks and legal conditions of their running activities. The chapter consists of three parts. Part One focuses on concept of banking transactions. Part Two investigates divisions of banking transactions and Part Three addresses the issues of bank as an entrepreneur. It also describes relevant legal regime necessary to obey to perform banking transactions and question of acquiring banking licence. Chapter Two is subdivided into two parts and provides explanation of active banking transactions. Part One illustrates single credits, which are subdivided into five parts focused on credit bureaus, residential and commercial mortgages, consumer credits, current account credits and discount credits. Part Two...
Banking transactions and their legal regulation
Sivý, Milan ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
English summary Banking The main objective of my thesis is to survey characteristics of legal and economic status of banks in the Czech Republic and legal relations resulting from interactions between commercial banks and their clients within the term banking. This thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter concerns legal and economic status of banks in the Czech Republic, structure and system of banking, banking franchise and bank management. The second chapter is related to characteristics and systematization of bank products, business secrets, prices of bank products, banking risks and supervision over banking transactions. The third chapter of my thesis touches upon the first main category of banking, which is deposit banking. The relation between the bank and its client is that of the debtor and the creditor. In the chapter I discuss the possibilities of a bank to acquire money from a client. Firstly the bank can save money on current accounts or saving accounts. Secondly issuing bank securities is another possibility for a bank to acquire money from its clients. Bank bonds or deposit bills of exchange are cases in point. In the last chapter I focused on the second main category of banking, bank credit products. Clients obtain credits from banks and as a result the bank is in the position...
Banking transactions
Kolařík, Jakub ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
Englishsummary Banking The main goal of my thesis,,Banking"is to explain the meaningof this word and how are the legal relations,which resultsfrom interactionsbetweencommercial banksandclientswithin thetermbanking,regulatedin the Czechlegalorder. However,I didn't dealwith all the kinds of bankingin the thesis,but I focused on the two main categoriesof banking,which aregenerallyusedby ordinarypeoplethe most.Thesetwo categoriesarethedepositbankingandthe creditbanking. This thesisis divided into five chapters.The first chapteris relatedto the term bank andits legal definition,becausebanksareusuallytypical andthe main subjectsof bankinglegalrelations. The second chapter concernsa definition of banking, explains this term and severalpossibilitieshow to divide banking into severalcategoriesdependingon the different aspectsareincluded there. In the third chapterof my thesis,I focusedon the first main categoryof banking, which is depositbanking.The bank is in the role of the debtorin relationto its client. The first option,how bankscan acquiremoneyfrom the clients,is the form of savings on currentaccountsor savingaccounts.The secondpossibility for the bank is to issue bank securities.The examplesof the bank securitiesarebank bondsor depositbill of exchange. The fourth chapteris focusedon the secondmain categoryof...
Analysis and Comparison Credit Products of Selected Banks in the Czech Republic
Malý, Martin ; Balcar, Aleš (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (advisor)
The main aim of my bachelor thesis is to analyze the position of loan products for households on the Czech market. Furthermore to compare offer of consumer lending in selected banks and finally to describe the advantages and disadvantages of these products offered to customers. . The thesis should facilitate and ease the decision of potential clients in selection of a suitable product.

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