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The Influence of Corporatism on State Security in (South)East Asian States
Mališ, Jan ; Karmazin, Aleš (advisor) ; Karásek, Tomáš (referee)
In the world of politics, and anything that surrounds it, any kind of outcome gets decided, in huge part, by the influences it went through, it absorbed and which it stood in opposition to. One of the most cited and talked about influence-paths are those of the economy of a state and how it influences other parts of the state. One aspect of such a phenomenon we can look at can be how the economic sectors are set up in the state - more specifically, how the corporate framework of a state looks, and how this economic part of the state influences the state's security policy, in particular its grand strategic policy. For the analysis of this occurrence, we have chosen 4 countries in Southeast and East Asia, more specifically those that display a single ruling, dominant party for most of its modern history - Singapore, Japan, The PRC (China), and Vietnam. Each nation offers different unique peculiarities, that make each analytical chapter differ in many instances, which then get distilled into a final chapter, with a spectrum for each corporate framework. Japan and China land on opposite ends of the spectrum with Japan showing the most societal corporate system, and China the most statist-authoritarian one. Both Singapore and Vietnam share a "mixture" of these two extremes. Following upon this...
The Zenkl family in the fight against totalitarian regimes
Zenkl, Jan ; Koura, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Kryštof (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the life stories of members of the Zenkl family who resisted Nazism and Communism or became its victims. It primarily try to highlights activities during their greatest anti-totalitarian activities and events when totalitarian regimes were in power. Their activities during their youth and the last phases of their lives are also mentioned. KEYWORDS PhDr. Petr Zenkl, JUDr. Jan Zenkl, Rudolf Zenkl, Ing. Jan Zenkl, Nazism, Communism, Buchenwald, Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak National Socialist Party, State Security
Internet governance in Putin's Russia - a long term perspective
Novák, Adam ; Solovyeva, Anzhelika (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
Master's thesis abstract Internet Governance in Putin's Russia - a long-term perspective This longitudinal case study is dedicated to the analysis of the development behind Russia's approach to Internet governance. By qualitatively researching the development of the Kremlin's approach to Internet governance, this thesis aims to capture the learning process behind regulating the cyberspace in Russia. As such, the aim is to understand what kind of events have shaped its perception of how Internet and the underpinning infrastructure should be approached to increase the regime's stability. Building on the concepts of digital authoritarianism and authoritarian learning and by understanding learning as a long-term process with turning points, this thesis aims to answer these research questions. How does Russia's digital authoritarianism manifest? Which events, both domestic and international, hastened the pace and intensity of cyberspace regulation in Russia? Can we identify a learning process behind Russia's long-term approach towards Internet regulation? For these ends, the turning points refer to events after which we can identify a change in the perception of Internet governance and/or intensification in controlling the online information space. As such, with the help of periodization, the thesis traces the...
A Deterrence Strategy: The Case of Israel
Syruček, Václav ; Kalhousová, Irena (advisor) ; Hornát, Jan (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the State of Israel and its deterrence strategy by measuring the question of how the deterrence strategy of the State of Israel changed between 1967 and 2014. The theoretical part of the thesis first presents the concept of grand strategy. The following chapter presents the strategy of deterrence in more detail, possible approaches to creating deterrence, and the general goals of actors in trying to deter other state and non-state actors from their behaviour. The practical part of the work presents the development of Israel's approach to deterrence in individual historical periods, focusing on the period between years 1967 and 2014. For context, shorter chapters also cover the period between the War of Independence and Israel's security outlook after 2014. The examples show that Israeli deterrence has shifted from disproportionate retaliation to greater restraint.
Life of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk until 1989
Hořejší, David ; Koura, Petr (advisor) ; Foltýn, Dušan (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the life of cardinal Miloslav Vlk to the year 1989 in the context of the political and social situation in totalitarian Czechoslovakia. The main aim of the thesis is to chronologically document the development and formation of Miloslav Vlk's values and attitudes from his childhood, his studies at the grammar school, to his graduation from the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University and the priest seminary. His work at the Bishopric of České Budějovice, his administration of the parishes of Lažiště and Starý Rožmitál, and even his window cleaning at the state-owned company ÚKLID in Prague and then his return to priestly administration are also depicted. This theses permeated Vlk's life to the year 1989, when he was finally granted state approval to exercise clerical aktivity, and could thus officially carry out what he was, in his own words, destined to do. On the basis of interviews with parishioners and friends of the cardinal, the work presents in detail the period of his priestly activity in Rožmitál pod Třemšínem in confrontation with the building plans and party views of the newly elected chairman of the town's national committee, Jiří Plachý. Key words Persecution of Church members; Miloslav Vlk; Rožmitál pod Třemšínem; Totalitarian regime; Communism; State...
State Security in 1989
Procházka, Libor ; Vilímek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Štefek, Martin (referee)
Thesis wants to show how well the Czechoslovak secret police was informed about the activities, plans and tactics of the political opposition especially in the year 1989. The main sources for the paper are the authentic records of the State Security as regular situation reports, information on the security situation in the country, inside directives of the secret police, but also some documents of the Communist Party leadership. Text shows which were the most important activities of the independent initiatives in the viewpoint of StB and prove that the security forces of the regime seem to might have had (surprisingly) good information on the opposition initiatives. Paper is also aimed on some functional aspects of the State Security, which did not exist in a political vacuum, but was directly subordinated to the Communist Party. Finally, it describes changes in the organizational structures of StB, particularly linked to the reform in 1988. Key words: State security, year 1989, opposition in Czechoslovakia, Charta 77, Movement for Civic Freedom, Obroda, Democratic initiative
Political trials in Czechoslovakia - The Case "Zpěvačka"
Doležalová, Ivana ; Županič, Jan (advisor) ; Lánský, Ondřej (referee)
This Master's thesis will look at the Political trials in Czechoslovakia - The case of "Zpěvačka", it will focus on one of the many politically motivated processes that took place in Czechoslovakia during the communist regime, i.e. 1948-1989. The focus of this paper is to analyse the key archival sources, which is now an investigation by the State Security in the case of "Zpěvačka", now stored in the Archive of Security Forces. The trial of the anti-state oriented group of people around Radana Melicharová who were accused of collaborating with foreign intelligence services took place in the spring of 1957. This shows that even the so-called foundation period of the communist regime, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia continued to implement political processes to control the opposition. This thesis brings the main characters of the process Radana Melicharová et al., describes their illegal activities and analyses the motives of each participants on illegal activities. And also discusses about the main trial itself at the Regional Court in Prague, subsequent appeal trials and the efforts to rehabilitate convicts. Contribution of the work lies in the fact that it complements many previously published scientific studies on the topic of the political process and less known and studied process with a...
Image of the enemy in the discourse of security forces
Jeřábková, Darina ; Vávra, Martin (advisor) ; Cviklová, Lucie (referee)
The "internal enemy" was a formal term heavily represented in the language of the State Security (a secret service of the Czechoslovak Republic and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic), denoting a specified category of opponents to the then regime. The State Security's task was to protect the socialist and social system by fighting the external and internal enemies, with the security forces having been the authorities deciding who met the criteria. The thesis entitled "The Internal Enemy Image in the Discourse of Security Forces" aims to find out how the discourse of the State Security defined the term "internal enemy". The thesis is divided into the theoretical and empirical parts. The empirical part applies the qualitative analysis of the discourse to search for the characteristic of the term "internal enemy". All of the texts analysed in the thesis come from the Security Services Archive, administering relevant files of the era, and date back to the 1950s-1980s.
Rejection of an application for citizenship of the Czech Republic due to a security threat
Hlubučková, Kristýna ; Hřebejk, Jiří (advisor) ; Uhl, Pavel (referee)
Rejection of an application for citizenship of the Czech Republic due to a security threat Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of a minority opinion, based on the thesis that a restriction of procedural rights of applicants for citizenship whose application was rejected due to a security threat is not fully in line with the principle of poportionality and the fair trial right. The assessment of whether the principle of proportionality has been mainteined is based on comparison of the value of state security and the potential interference with the (fundamental) rights and freedoms of the applicants. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the procedure of the Ministry of the Interior in assessing the positions of the intelligence services of the Czech Republic and the Police of the Czech Republice and the role of the Constitutional Court and the Ombudsman in the proces of reviewing potential interference with (fundamental) rights and freedoms of citizenship applicants. For the purpose of the analysis of the statements outlined above is used: case law of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic on the provisons of Article 22 Paragraph 3 and Article 26 of Act No. 186/2013 Coll., On Citizenship of the Czech Republic, and the Explanatory Memorandum to this Act. The studies of academics had been...

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