National Repository of Grey Literature 52 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Application of computational methods in classification of glass stones
Lébl, Matěj ; Hnětynková, Iveta (advisor) ; Kopal, Jiří (referee)
Application of computational methods in classification of glass stones Bc. Matěj Lébl Abstrakt: The goal of this thesis is to employ mathematical image processing methods in automatic quality control of glass jewellery stones. The main math- ematical subject is a matrix of specific attributes representing digital image of the studied products. First, the thesis summarizes mathematical definition of digital image and some standard image processing methods. Then, a complete solution to the considered problem is presented. The solution consists of stone localization within the image followed by analysis of the localized area. Two lo- calization approaches are presented. The first is based on the matrix convolution and optimized through the Fourier transform. The second uses mathematical methods of thresholding and median filtering, and data projection into one di- mension. The localized area is analyzed based on statistical distribution of the stone brightness. All methods are implemented in the MATLAB environment. 1
Methods and Applications of Eye Blink Detection with Digital Image Processing
Vlach, Jan ; Rajmic, Pavel (advisor)
The thesis deals with eye blink detection, which is part of complex topic of face detection and recognition. The work intents on digital image processing. There is analyse of the topic and description of image databases for testing. Two main chapters describe design of eye blink detection with digital image processing with IR technology and without IR technology.
Adaptive image sharpening
Jakubíček, Roman ; Odstrčilík, Jan (referee) ; Jan, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is the analysis of the problem and technical report that supports a computer program for enhancement image. The main objective of picture processeng is adaptive sharpening, which is obtained by the application of a local convolutional operator. The decision on the degree of sharpening at individual pixels is based on the value of the local standard deviation of brightness. The degree of sharpening can take binary or continuous values. The first part of the report briefly discusses the theory of adaptive image sharpening. Knowledge of this theory is necessary for understanding the remaining chapters, which describe the individual algorithms including flows-diagrams, implementation of the program and graphical enviroment and also assess the achieved results, including demonstration on examples. The last section of the report deals with variability of images and it’s influence on settings parameters of sharpening.
QR code detection under ROS implemented on the GPU
Hurban, Milan ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem a implementací algoritmu pro detekci QR kódů s integrací do platformy ROS a výpočty běžícími na grafické kartě. Z rešerše současně dostupných nástrojů a technik je vybrán vhodný postup a algoritmus je napsán jako modul v programovacím jazyce Python, který je snadno integrovatelný do ROS. Ke zprostředkování výpočtů na vícejádrovém hardware, jako jsou grafické karty či vícejádrové procesory, je využita knihovna OpenCL.
Acoustic fields visualization using laser interference
Raffay, Tobiáš ; Havránek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Skalský, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on solving the visualization of acoustic waves using laser interference. The necessary theoretical knowledge to understand the used method of schlieren photography are summarized in the theoretical part. The practical part describes the implementation and results of the assembled systems, shows the differences, and solves the problems that occurred during testing. Apart from visualization of acoustic waves, we can also observe the flow of gases and air with small changes of refractive index.
Effects of Defects on Composite Structures Load Carrying Capacity: Delaminations at a Bi-Material Interface
Matěják, Vladimír ; Kotoul, Michal (referee) ; Růžička, Milan (referee) ; Juračka, Jaroslav (advisor)
Kompozitní materiály se projevují komplexním způsobem porušování, které může být dále ovlivněno přítomností různých poruch plynoucích z výrobních processů nebo se vyskytujících v průběhu života součásti. Důkladné porozmění procesů porušování a jejich okolností je nezbytné pro navrhování kompozitních konstrukcí, jenž budou bezpečnější, trvanlivější a ekonomičtější. V první části disertační práce jsou popsány způsoby porušování kompozitů a uvedeny současné matematické metody pro analýzu a výpočet únosnosti. Dále jsou zde vyjmenovány hlavní druhy vad a stručně diskutován jejich vliv na vlastnosti kompozitních materiálů. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na delaminace, společně se základními principy lomové mechaniky a jejich uplatnění při výpočtech a zkoušení kompozitů. Druhá část je zaměřena na delaminace na rozhranní dvou různých materialů. Lomová houževnatost byla experimantálně měřena ve třech typech zatížení za účelem stanovení poruchového kritéria založeného na podílu módu I a módu II. Během tohoto experimentu byla vyvinuta nová metoda měření délky trhliny pomocí digitáního zpracování obrazu a rovněž byla navržena nová definice počátku šíření trhliny. Analytické vztahy pro výpočet míry uvolnění deformační energie z naměřených dat byly rozšířeny o vliv rozdílných elastické parametrů materiálů na rozhranní. Podrobnější prozkoumání analytických vztahů a výpočet metodou konečných prvků odhalil, že podíl módu I a módu II je závislý na vzdálenosti od čela trhliny a poruchové kritérium založené na podílu smíšenosti tak nemůže být použito.
Recognition of Hits in a Target
Semerák, Vojtěch ; Dittrich, Petr (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
This thesis describes two possible ways of hit recognition in a target. First method is based on frame differencing with use of a stabilization algorithm to eliminate movements of a target. Second method uses flood fill with random seed point definition to find hits in the target scene.
Coevolutionary Algorithm in FPGA
Hrbáček, Radek ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Drahošová, Michaela (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design of a hardware acceleration unit for digital image filter design using coevolutionary algorithms. The first part introduces reconfigurable logic device technology that the acceleration unit is based on. The theoretical part also briefly characterizes evolutionary and coevolutionary algorithms, their principles and applications. Traditional image filter designs are compared with the biologically inspired design methods. The hardware unit presented in this thesis exploits dual MicroBlaze system extended by custom peripherals to accelerate cartesian genetic programming. The coevolutionary image filter design is accelerated up to 58 times. The hardware platform functionality in the task of impulse noise filter design and edge detector design has been empirically analyzed.
Gaussian filters with rotating kernel
Vintr, Tomáš ; Martišek, Dalibor (referee) ; Druckmüller, Miloslav (advisor)
The objective of this thesis is to create Gaussian 1D filters with rotating kernel theory which enables to program algorithm for noise reduction and beam structure highlighting in a digital picture of the solar corona.
Object Detection in Video Sequences
Šebela, Miroslav ; Beneš, Radek (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
The thesis consists of three parts. Theoretical description of digital image processing, optical character recognition and design of system for car licence plate recognition (LPR) in image or video sequence. Theoretical part describes image representation, smoothing, methods used for blob segmentation and proposed are two methods for optical character recognition (OCR). Concern of practical part is to find solution and design procedure for LPR system included OCR. The design contain image pre-processing, blob segmentation, object detection based on its properties and OCR. Proposed solution use grayscale trasformation, histogram processing, thresholding, connected component,region recognition based on its patern and properties. Implemented is also optical recognition method of licence plate where acquired values are compared with database used to manage entry of vehicles into object.

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