National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.08 seconds. 
New strategies for antigen delivery and modulation of specific immune response
Frič, Jan ; Holáň, Vladimír (advisor) ; Černý, Jan (referee) ; Stříž, Ilja (referee)
5. Abstrakt DiSertačníprac]e Se věnLrje nov\'ln zp sob[rrn podár.ani antrgcntt a .1e.iichrozpoználrí imunitnitn S)'Stélneln a dá|e stlur'isItlsti s t't-tclŽtttruregLrlaci irnurritní trdpovešdr.Prácc charakterizrrje a porovnává ruzné zpusob1 podání antigelltl a r'r-\;ich vr'hodárn a neví'hodám' Dale poprsu1e.jc'jich pŤípaclneporrŽití pro regLrIaci imLrnitní oc1por,ědi v experitnetitáIrriclrmcldelech. a|e i v kclntextlrs piiparlnou terapiÍ. Práce postr-rpněprtlbírá.1ednotlir,e irnLrnizačnístrategie. piedevŠírn l)NA virkcinace. itnr'rnizaciporrclcí nroditikovanrch virovlch partikulí a irnunizaci pies mukozni por'rchv' Na mode|u akutní mr,'eloidníleukérnie b5,'lpopsán piiznrvy et'ekt DNA vakcinacc-. a dále byly,detailně studol,ány.jednotlivézmčn1,'r' imunitnirn SystémLl.ktere vedlr,.k prodIoLtŽenémLt pieŽitískupirt1'm1''Šiimutliztrr arly,.chDNA vakcinoLt. Práoe dále popisrrje da|ŠÍ priSttlp}.. pŤecievŠímrelativně tt<lr,évvuŽiti r'iror,Ých pseLrdokapsid Pro t1,,tocrperiment1,'b1 ly'.pŤipral,en1,po|'ltlrnar'irol,e pseudokapsídy'.které neslt'r'e sl'érn vnitiním prostortt zelen,v fluorescetlčníprrlteitt(f](]lrP) [llavnirn cí|ent bYlcl popsat. s.jakoLr učirrnostisc takto rnodillkovane partikLlle dostanclu do bLrnčka.jak ovlivni rny,šíilnurritní s1.stérn'DÚraz b1.I kladen pŤede.v'Šinrna sledor,áni...
How do transaction costs influence performance and optimal portfolio selection
Černý, Ondřej ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Čech, František (referee)
This bachelor thesis investigates the impact of both fixed and proportional transaction costs on portfolio optimization, especially with regards to budget size. We used the mean-variance model introduced in Modern portfolio theory and adjusted it to consider transaction costs and initial budget size. We downloaded data of 10 stocks from Yahoo Finance from January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2023 as a framework for our simulation. We examined transaction costs related to investing through 3 different brokers and we optimized portfolios with transaction costs with 3 different budget sizes for each broker. The results show that transaction costs have impact on both performance and optimization of a portfolio and can lead to a significant change in expected return and expected volatility. Whereas proportional costs affect everyone equally, fixed costs have greater impact on investors with small budgets. Our findings highlight the importance of choosing the optimal investing platform. JEL Classification: G11, G12, G14, G17, G23, G24, D53 Keywords: Portfolio optimization, Transaction costs, Mod- ern portfolio theory, Sharpe ratio, Small investor Title: How do transaction costs influence performance and optimal portfolio selection
Possibility to simplify diagnostics and therapy of rare diseases in dentistry with the help of a database-based expert system in 2D and 3D images
Kratochvílová, Lenka ; Dostálová, Taťjana (advisor) ; Lhotská, Lenka (referee) ; Nováková, Květoslava (referee)
The possibility of simplifying the diagnostics and therapy of rare diseases in dentistry with the help of a database-based expert system in 2D and 3D imaging Abstract The present dissertation describes the methodology of creating a database of patients with rare diseases in the orofacial area. Clear and structured data are the basis for working with knowledge-based systems also in clinical practice. The use of database data is described for two specific diseases, namely Ectodermal Dysplasia and Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome. The methodology for working with the database consists of the steps of identifying a patient, adding a new card to the database, adding patient records and creating layouts. In the case of ectodermal dysplasia, a set of 13 Czech paediatric patients with ectodermal dysplasia presenting in the oral cavity was processed. The patients underwent genetic testing of candidate genes EDA, EDAR, EDARADD, TP63 and WNT10A. Three-dimensional facial scan images were taken of the patients and compared with facial scans of a healthy control group. The dental treatment of the patients was described using three of these patients as examples. Two patients with suspected Zimmermann-Laband syndrome were examined in both the genetic and dental departments despite not very pronounced manifestations of the...
Historical development of the concept on the figure of the Earth
Procházková, Pavla ; Novotný, Oldřich (advisor) ; Matyska, Ctirad (referee)
Nazcv pnicc: I listoricky vyvoj mizoru na tvar /erne Autorka: Pavla Procha/kova Katedra (iista\): Katedra goofy/iky Vcdnuci diplomove pnicc: doc. RNDr. Oldfich Novotny. CSe. e-mail vctluuciho: otvi/ karel.lroja.mfV.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: Tato pracc jc zamefena mi vyvoj na/oru na ivar Xeme od prvnich starovekyeh pfedslav a/ po moderni nicfici melody. Soucasti jsou i odvo/cni tihoveho potencialu pro /cmi jako homogcnni rotujici kouli ti /cmi Ivaru slcroidu. Clenaf sc do/\ /akladni inlbrmace o mcncich metodach tvaru Xeme. kterc lidstvo postupnc pou/ivalo. Pracc /arovcn slcdujc, jak vyslcdky icchlo mclod ovlivnily nazor na tvar Xemc. Prvni vcdccka mcreni /apocala ji/ \'c 2. slolcli pf.n.L, kdv l^ratoslhcnes provedI prvni stupnova mOf'eni. Dalsfni diilc/ilyni krokem byI ohjev triangulacc a naslcdne dalckohlcdu, klcry umo/nil merit do velke v/dalenosti. I\isledm'm velkym /loinovym okam/ikcni v Icchlo mcrcnich by] ro/voj Iclii do vesmi'ru a satcMlnich inei'cni. V poslcdm'ch desclilcti'cli docha/i k sirokemu v\u7.iti tcchlo mclod ve vede a v praxi diky novym presnym melodam mcfx-ni velkych v/dalenosti pomoci laseru. V /averu prace jsou uvedeny niznc druln dues pouzivanych nadmofskych vysck a xpiisoby jejich mcreni. Klicovii slova: ivar Xeme. hisloricky pi'ehled. gcoid. sleroid. dru/icove melody Title: 1lislorical...
Accessibility and Impact of its Changes in Czechia during the Transformation Period: Relation to Settlement System
Hudeček, Tomáš
-,.r ruaus. Selecteil resulls In compliance with the majority of foreign studies, thc research pointed out that lower hierarchical level means smaller impact of accessibility and its changes. e.g. the case study of Prague. New infiastructure hacl the biggest irnpact on the national level. 'l'[re impact on the interregional level was smaller and on the rnicro-regional level was hardly noticeable. It has also been provcd that irnpact of new infrastructure does not show immediately but with delay. This can bc seen primarily in tl're ce ntres connected to the D | , D5 and D8 lrighways wlriclr started operating at various tirnes bcťore 200 | . Thc situation presurnecl on the basis of the gravitational ntodel thus acquires an element of imbalance in the fbrrn of new or reccnt i n frastrttctttre. Variance of irnpact of changes which accessibility of interregional centres has on their irnportance was proved using the dominancc irrdicator. Good tranSport accessibility oť a hierarchically superior centre leads to its higher dominance within its background. Horvever, good accessibility is not perceived absolutely. It is a relative concept. ČeskéBudějovice and Zlín are quite isolated centres. [t has been proved that in order to strengthen their impact in their subordinate region it is il essential that the influence of...
Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa: the platform of the cross-border cooperation on the base of Small Project's Fund example
Slavotínková, Tereza ; Havlíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Böhm, Hynek (referee)
Submitted diploma thesis is dedicated to cross-border cooperation and the Small Project's Fund in the area of Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa. The first aim is the analysis of projects from the SPF for the programming period since 2007 to 2013. The second aim of this thesis is to approve that Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa (czech section) is convenient platform for the cross-border cooperation. First, analysis of SPF confirmed that ERN (only czech section) is a significant player. Second, Czech-Polish border revealed the highest number of realized projects and also the highest financial resources used. Concerning the role of ERN in cross-border cooperation it was confirmed that the ERN is convenient platform for cross-border cooperation and also a responsible administrator of the SPF. In the theoretical section this thesis deals with the border phenomenon, the cross-border cooperation and the euroregions in general. Keywords: cross-border cooperation, Small Project's Fund, euroregion, Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa, Euroregion Nisa
Historical development of the concept on the figure of the Earth
Procházková, Pavla ; Novotný, Oldřich (advisor) ; Matyska, Ctirad (referee)
Nazcv pnicc: I listoricky vyvoj mizoru na tvar /erne Autorka: Pavla Procha/kova Katedra (iista\): Katedra goofy/iky Vcdnuci diplomove pnicc: doc. RNDr. Oldfich Novotny. CSe. e-mail vctluuciho: otvi/ karel.lroja.mfV.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: Tato pracc jc zamefena mi vyvoj na/oru na ivar Xeme od prvnich starovekyeh pfedslav a/ po moderni nicfici melody. Soucasti jsou i odvo/cni tihoveho potencialu pro /cmi jako homogcnni rotujici kouli ti /cmi Ivaru slcroidu. Clenaf sc do/\ /akladni inlbrmace o mcncich metodach tvaru Xeme. kterc lidstvo postupnc pou/ivalo. Pracc /arovcn slcdujc, jak vyslcdky icchlo mclod ovlivnily nazor na tvar Xemc. Prvni vcdccka mcreni /apocala ji/ \'c 2. slolcli pf.n.L, kdv l^ratoslhcnes provedI prvni stupnova mOf'eni. Dalsfni diilc/ilyni krokem byI ohjev triangulacc a naslcdne dalckohlcdu, klcry umo/nil merit do velke v/dalenosti. I\isledm'm velkym /loinovym okam/ikcni v Icchlo mcrcnich by] ro/voj Iclii do vesmi'ru a satcMlnich inei'cni. V poslcdm'ch desclilcti'cli docha/i k sirokemu v\u7.iti tcchlo mclod ve vede a v praxi diky novym presnym melodam mcfx-ni velkych v/dalenosti pomoci laseru. V /averu prace jsou uvedeny niznc druln dues pouzivanych nadmofskych vysck a xpiisoby jejich mcreni. Klicovii slova: ivar Xeme. hisloricky pi'ehled. gcoid. sleroid. dru/icove melody Title: 1lislorical...
Accessibility and Impact of its Changes in Czechia during the Transformation Period: Relation to Settlement System
Hudeček, Tomáš ; Marada, Miroslav (advisor) ; Voženílek, Vít (referee) ; Seidenglanz, Daniel (referee)
-,.r ruaus. Selecteil resulls In compliance with the majority of foreign studies, thc research pointed out that lower hierarchical level means smaller impact of accessibility and its changes. e.g. the case study of Prague. New infiastructure hacl the biggest irnpact on the national level. 'l'[re impact on the interregional level was smaller and on the rnicro-regional level was hardly noticeable. It has also been provcd that irnpact of new infrastructure does not show immediately but with delay. This can bc seen primarily in tl're ce ntres connected to the D | , D5 and D8 lrighways wlriclr started operating at various tirnes bcťore 200 | . Thc situation presurnecl on the basis of the gravitational ntodel thus acquires an element of imbalance in the fbrrn of new or reccnt i n frastrttctttre. Variance of irnpact of changes which accessibility of interregional centres has on their irnportance was proved using the dominancc irrdicator. Good tranSport accessibility oť a hierarchically superior centre leads to its higher dominance within its background. Horvever, good accessibility is not perceived absolutely. It is a relative concept. ČeskéBudějovice and Zlín are quite isolated centres. [t has been proved that in order to strengthen their impact in their subordinate region it is il essential that the influence of...
Accessibility and Impact of its Changes in Czechia during the Transformation Period: Relation to Settlement System
Hudeček, Tomáš
-,.r ruaus. Selecteil resulls In compliance with the majority of foreign studies, thc research pointed out that lower hierarchical level means smaller impact of accessibility and its changes. e.g. the case study of Prague. New infiastructure hacl the biggest irnpact on the national level. 'l'[re impact on the interregional level was smaller and on the rnicro-regional level was hardly noticeable. It has also been provcd that irnpact of new infrastructure does not show immediately but with delay. This can bc seen primarily in tl're ce ntres connected to the D | , D5 and D8 lrighways wlriclr started operating at various tirnes bcťore 200 | . Thc situation presurnecl on the basis of the gravitational ntodel thus acquires an element of imbalance in the fbrrn of new or reccnt i n frastrttctttre. Variance of irnpact of changes which accessibility of interregional centres has on their irnportance was proved using the dominancc irrdicator. Good tranSport accessibility oť a hierarchically superior centre leads to its higher dominance within its background. Horvever, good accessibility is not perceived absolutely. It is a relative concept. ČeskéBudějovice and Zlín are quite isolated centres. [t has been proved that in order to strengthen their impact in their subordinate region it is il essential that the influence of...

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