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Depth-Based Determination of a 3D Hand Position
Ondris, Ladislav ; Tinka, Jan (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
Cílem této práce je určení kostry ruky z hloubkového obrazu a jeho následné využití k rozpoznání statického gesta. Na vstupu je hloubkový obrázek, ve kterém je nejprve detekována ruka pomocí neuronové sítě Tiny YOLOv3. Následně je obrázek zbaven pozadí a z takto předzpracovaného obrázku je určena kostra ruky v podobě 21 klíčových bodů neuronovou sítí JGR-P2O. K rozpoznání gesta z klíčových bodů ruky byla navržena technika, která porovná kostru na vstupu s uživatelem definovanými gesty. Funkcionalita systému byla otestována na vytvořeném datasetu s více než čtyřmi tisíci obrázky.
System for People Detection and Localization Using Thermal Imaging Cameras
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
V dnešním světě je neustále se zvyšující poptávka po spolehlivých automatizovaných mechanismech pro detekci a lokalizaci osob pro různé účely -- od analýzy pohybu návštěvníků v muzeích přes ovládání chytrých domovů až po hlídání nebezpečných oblastí, jimiž jsou například nástupiště vlakových stanic. Představujeme metodu detekce a lokalizace osob s pomocí nízkonákladových termálních kamer FLIR Lepton 3.5 a malých počítačů Raspberry Pi 3B+. Tento projekt, navazující na předchozí bakalářský projekt "Detekce lidí v místnosti za použití nízkonákladové termální kamery", nově podporuje modelování komplexních scén s polygonálními okraji a více termálními kamerami. V této práci představujeme vylepšenou knihovnu řízení a snímání pro kameru Lepton 3.5, novou techniku detekce lidí používající nejmodernější YOLO (You Only Look Once) detektor objektů v reálném čase, založený na hlubokých neuronových sítích, dále novou automaticky konfigurovatelnou termální jednotku, chráněnou schránkou z 3D tiskárny pro bezpečnou manipulaci, a v neposlední řadě také podrobný návod instalace detekčního systému do nového prostředí a další podpůrné nástroje a vylepšení. Výsledky nového systému demonstrujeme příkladem analýzy pohybu osob v Národním muzeu v Praze.
Optimization of data transit in network
Řezáč, Michal ; Škorpil, Vladislav (referee) ; Kubánková, Anna (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with and describes necessary teorethical units, together with analyse of ISP network and other input informations. These findings are further used in second part of bachelor thesis. The practical part dealt with testing of optimization mechanisms in the laboratory network. Thereafter has been done a wider tests of optimization mechanisms based on different ways of marking data streams and deploying these rules. The advantages and comparision of these methods were further evaluated.
Real Time operating system in LabVIEW - LabWINDOWS/CVI
Povolný, Petr ; Bejček, Ludvík (referee) ; Čejka, Miloslav (advisor)
The aim of this theses is to make user acquinted with programming of real time applications in LabVIEW and LabWINDOWS/CVI environment. The introduction outlines basic properties and parametres of operating systems. Key requirements of real time operating systems are discussed here. Their basic concept is described, focusing on VxWorks operating system and comparison with deterministic properties of common MS Windows operating system. In the second part, there is a brief specification of LabVIEW and LabWINDOWS/CVI environment and a description of real time applications built up in these environments. The final part of this theses proposes a system for analog data acquisition for checking on deterministic properties of real time application and applications built up on MS Windows.
Real Time operating system in LabVIEW - LabWINDOWS/CVI
Povolný, Petr ; Beneš, Petr (referee) ; Čejka, Miloslav (advisor)
The aim of this theses is to make user acquinted with programming of real time applications in LabVIEW and LabWINDOWS/CVI environment. The introduction outlines basic properties and parametres of operating systems. Key requirements of real time operating systems are discussed here. Their basic concept is described, focusing on VxWorks operating system and comparison with deterministic properties of common MS Windows operating system. In the second part, there is a brief specification of LabVIEW and LabWINDOWS/CVI environment and a description of real time applications built up in these environments. The final part of this theses proposes a system for analog data acquisition for checking on deterministic properties of real time application and applications built up on MS Windows.
Tone and Chord Recognition as an Android Application
Kucharovič, Oliver ; Černocký, Jan (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
The aim of this work is to recognize tones and chords on any musical instrument using the microphone on Android mobile devices. The app scans or records the sounds which are analyzed. It writes to a visual representation which is similar to the musical notation. The work describes the problems of recognition and the solution of the problem using fast Fourier transformation and analysis of the spectrum of volumes. Work describes the theory of music and the training of individual tones. The application was subjected to user tests and recognition accuracy tests. The conclusion includes tests results and statistics from the Google Play publication.
Real-Time Object Localization
Rydlo, Štěpán ; Chudý, Peter (referee) ; Kolář, Dušan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis purposes solution of a radio signal processing to determine actual receiver position on computers using software defined radio. The purpose of this thesis is to create and parallelize program to achieve real-time processing . To achieve real-time processing we will use GPU . This work contains a description of two independent possibilities of data transfer and processing .
Automatic Rail Traffic Controller
Štětina, Jan ; Babilon, Robert (advisor) ; Foniok, Jan (referee)
Organizing traffic on the railroad is quite a difficult task even if there is an elaborate train timetable present. In practice it is allways neccessary to adaptively react to current situation - whether there is a delay, a traffic closure or a special train. Aim of this project is to design and implement an application for use on average personal computer, that would for given railroad area, timetable and the current time design a plan of train journeys so that the disruption of traffic continuity is minimal. The application should base on the plan not only on the timetable, but mostly on current situation in the area.
Video mixer/translator for web-based videoconference system
Hutar, Jan ; Balík, Miroslav (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
Bachelor s thesis specialises in a basic description, comparing and processing of video standards H.264 and VP8 in real time. Particularly it concerns a support of videoconfe- rence systems working with those mutually incompatible standards. The work enquires and tests two most considerable software devices convenient with basic requirements for working with video in real time and available with LGLP licence respectively FFmpeg and GStreamer. The thesis suggests practice video mix implementation of data input and the way of code translation into required outgoing stream. FFmpeg tool has been used for realization and message of mixer/translator and simple interface has been established available from web browser with assistance of HTML, PHP and Javascript.
Sample projects for operator panels
Urbánek, Matouš ; Šír, Michal (referee) ; Zezulka, František (advisor)
In this bachelor’s thesis will learn about the development of exemplary projects that are designed with fixed functionality for operator panels SIEMENS (BASIC, COMFORT, RT). For this task, I have a development environment TIA portal that brings together many software tools and programs. With which allowed me to create code for specific hardware, and communication with him, or in simulation mode to test the behavior of the application in a real environment. Code, on the PLC is required for the platform (PLC) S7-1200. It is modern and provides flexibility in making out our needs in automatik. The task is engaged, firstly synchronization solution PLC and HMI operator panel. Secondly resipes in these panels.

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