National Repository of Grey Literature 21 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Experimental paremiology - Italian and French Proverbs in Context
Bezoušková, Petra ; Štichauer, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Nádvorníková, Olga (referee)
In every language folk wisdom is found in proverbs. The thesis focuses on French and Italian proverbs, which is a very interesting subject to research. Firstly, I will give a definition of proverbs in both French and Italian grammar. I will also discuss general characteristics and typology of proverbs. Then I will explain the role of proverbs in the text, the morphological, syntactical, and lexical differences between French and Italian proverbs, as well as the possible difficulties of their interpretation. Using a survey, I will show the general ability of interpretation of proverbs and some differences in the perception of French and Italian respondents. The goal of this bachelors' thesis is to provide complex information on the study of proverbs and chart the differences of French and Italian proverbs.
Joint Learning of Syntax and Semantics
Ercegovcevic, Milos ; Bojar, Ondřej (advisor) ; Mareček, David (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problémem strojového učení nepozorovaných úrovní abstrakce mělké sémantické reprezentace. Odstraňujeme předpoklady, které se při sémantické anotaci lingvistických zdrojů obvykle činí, např. pevný počet sémantických rolí v PropBanku, a učíme se klíčové lingvistické prvky této ano- tace (sémantické rámce, slovesa, lexikální a syntaktické třídy) s různou mírou ab- strakce. Model implementujeme pomocí latentních gramatik a získané struktury je možné použít pro úlohu značkování sémantických rolí (semantic role labeling, SRL) v několika jazycích s přesností srovnatelnou s jinými současnými přístupy. Navíc ukazujeme, že tyto struktury jsou velmi blízké abstrakcím, které je možné pozorovat ve FrameNetu. Celkovým výsledkem je tak jazykově-nezávislý model sémantické informace bez rysů, který produkuje interpretovatelné struktury a jeho použitelnost je na úloze SRL empiricky ověřena.
Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Multilingual Learning for Resource-Poor Languages
Tran, Manh-Ke ; Zeman, Daniel (advisor) ; Vidová Hladká, Barbora (referee)
This thesis focuses on unsupervised morphological seg- mentation, the fundamental task in NLP which aims to break words into morphemes. I describe and re-implement a model proposed in Lee et al. (2011) and evaluate it on 4 languages. Moreover, I present a generative model that could use word representation as extra fea- tures. The word representations are leant in unsupervised manner using neural language model. The experiment shows that using extra features improves the performance of the unsupervised model.
An Implementation of Methods of Structural Analysis of Czech Complex Sentences
Dutkevič, Jiří ; Kuboň, Vladislav (advisor) ; Holan, Tomáš (referee)
Title: An Implementation of Methods of Structural Analysis of Czech Complex Sentences Author: Jiří Dutkevič Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Abstract: This paper discusses automated analysis of complex sentences in Czech language. It summarizes the results of preceding research, uses therein described method for splitting complex sentences into segments using well defined set of separators and proposes three methods of automated assignment of levels to segments (which also describe relations between the segments) in sentences based on rules presented in the research. First method directly applies the rules presented in referenced research papers, the second method uses a genetic algorithm and the third makes use of a neural network. This paper includes an implementation of these methods and an analysis of the results using manually annotated data from the Prague Dependency Treebank.
Static Analysis of CodAL Language Source Code
Fajčík, Martin ; Přikryl, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hynek, Jiří (advisor)
The goal of bachelor's thesis is to design and implement extensions devoted to source code static analysis and automatic corrections used in CodAL language editors. This form of analysis is convenient e.g. for the source code semantic checks. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. Role of the theoretical part is to overview with extension development related to Eclipse platform, especially with the CodAL language editor, CodAL language itself and to define problems of this language which are suitable to be solved on the static analysis level. Practical part includes specific implementation details of the particular static analysis elements and automatic corrections. These extended CodAL language editors are available in integrated development environment Codasip Studio based first and foremost on the Eclipse platform and project CDT. Codasip Studio has been developed by company Codasip Ltd. in collaboration with Lissom research team.
Syntactic Analysis Based on Matrix Grammar
Brindza, Dominik ; Horáček, Petr (referee) ; Zámečníková, Eva (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is to develop a method of syntactic analysis based on matrix grammar s. In its theoretical part we provide various analytical aspects for this type of regulated grammar in order to reveal the common background as well as search for similarities with the classical context-free grammars which we will then be able to benefit from in the practical part. Our goal is to extend the well-known predictive method of syntactic analysis to further accept a wider spectrum of formal languages - some of the context-sensitive ones which we are able to generate using our matrix grammars. Besides this main effort we also present some experimental algorithms and suggestions hich could be used in further research of this project.
Wiki Module in Information System
Volf, Tomáš ; Skokanová, Jana (referee) ; Lampa, Petr (advisor)
This master's thesis aims to develop own wiki module for information system of our faculty based on knowledge of known wiki systems. The project introduces the basic information and syntax of three wiki systems, specifically MediaWiki, DokuWiki and WikkaWiki; introduces also the WikiCreole project, which tries to set up easier way for users to contribute to different wiki systems that defines common syntax. Then it deals with design and implementation of own wiki module to the information system of faculty. The project also introduces with universal wiki system concept. At the conclusion there is th results evaluation of this master's thesis.
Script Language for Image Processing
Crlík, Radek ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with capabilities of scripting languages and their types. Specifically with design of one such language suitable for image processing. The goal was to create a language small enough, but easy to use. One of the requirement was to utilize OpenCV library, for which the resulting code would be as short as possible. First part deals with descriptions of scripting languages, their main philosophy and options of language processing by the computer. Second part contains description of the designed language. Last part documents achieved goals and possible ways how to extend the language even further.
The Comparison of Programming Languages PHP and Ruby
Fikejs, Jan ; Klas, Jan (advisor)
Srovnání programovacích jazyků pro webové aplikace - PHP a Ruby. Práce srovnává oba jazyky z hlediska jejich architektury, syntaxe příkazů v nejpoužívanějších oblastech. Práce se také zabývá hostingem a vývojovým prostředím pro oba jazyky.
Preparation of teaching material for the MATLAB programming language
ŠIMEK, Jakub
The aim of this work is set up educational material for students of subject MATLAB. This work is conceive as teaching text, trying to explain bases of work with this programme on certain examples and introduce the reader into questions of data processing and visualization in MATLAB. Individual chapters contains several examples. This is the good way to get the reader in the problems and teach him effectively how utilize MATLAB, one of the most complicated and most spread programmes for methematical calculations.

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