National Repository of Grey Literature 149 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Assesment of the Thermal Environment in Vehicular Cabins
Fojtlín, Miloš ; Khoury, Roch El (referee) ; Havenith, George (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
Ľudia žijúci vo vyspelých krajinách trávia väčšinu svojho života vo vnútorných prostrediach budov alebo dopravných prostriedkov. Z tohto dôvodu, záujem o výskum kvality vnútorných prostredím rastie, pričom hlavný dôraz je kladený na oblasti výskumu ľudského zdravia, produktivity a komfortu. Jedným z faktorov ovplyvňujúci kvalitu prostredí je ich tepelný aspekt, ktorý je najčastejšie popísaný teplotou vzduchu, radiačnou teplotou, vlhkosťou vzduchu a rýchlosťou prúdenia vzdu-chu. Zatiaľ čo tieto parametre je možné riadiť systémom pre vykurovanie, vetranie a klimatizáciu nezávisle na počasí, takéto zariadenia sa podieľajú na vysokej spotrebe energie a značnej uhlíkovej stope. V prostediach kabín áut a dopravných prostriedkov je riadenie parametrov tepelného prostredia komplikované z dôvodu ich asymetrickej a časovo premenlivej povahy. Táto situácia je obzvlášť kritická vo vozidlách na elektrický pohon s vlastnou batériou, kde je energia na úpravu vnútornej mikroklímy čerpaná na úkor dojazdu vozidla. Pre uvedené dôvody sa hľadajú nové, en-ergeticky účinnejšie spôsoby pre úpravu tepelných prostredí a zabezpečenia tepelného komfortu. Jedným z potenciálnych riešení sú zariadenia dodávajúce človeku teplo alebo chlad lokálne, ako napríklad vyhrievané a vetrané sedadlá a sálavé panely. Vzhľadom na to, že experimentálny výskum vnútorných prostredí je náročný s ohľadom na čas a potrebné vybavenie, trendy výskumu vplyvov takýchto zariadení na človeka smerujú k optimalizačným úlohám vo virtuálnych prostrediach pomocou modelov ľudksej termofyziológie a tepelného pocitu/komfortu. Avšak pre spoľahlivé výsledky modelovania sú potrebné presné vstupné parametre definujúce prostredie, odev, vplyv povrchov v kontakte s človekom (napríklad sedadlá) a pôsobenie systémov na lokálnu úpravu mikroklímy. Cieľom tejto dizertačnej práce je vytvorenie metodológie na hodnotenie tepelných prostredí v kabínach automobilov s ohľadom na pozíciu v sede a využitím technológii na lokálnu úpravu tepelných prostredí. Jedným z požiadavkov na takúto metodológiu je jej aplikovateľnosť vo virtuálnych ale aj reálnych prostrediach. V prípade hodnotenia reálnych prostredí, cieľom je vytvorenie demonštrátora, ktorý by bol využiteľný ako spätná väzba pre riadenie systémov pre úpravu mikroklímy na základe požadovaného tepeleného pocitu. Validita uvedenej metodológie bola demonštrovaná v typických podmienkach kabín automobilov (5–41 °C) a poznatky z tejto práce sú prenesiteľné do širokého spektra inžinierkych aplikácii. V oblasti osobnej dopravy a pracovných prostredí s vyššou tepelnou záťažou je táto metóda užitočná pre identifikáciu možných zdrojov diskomfortu. Navyše je táto metóda vhodná i pre rýchlo rastúci segment elektrických vozidiel, kde je možné sledovať tok energie potrebnej na dosiahnutie určitej úrovne komfortu a riešenie optimalizačných úloh za účelom úspory energie a predĺženie dojazdu. Obdobné aplikácie možno nájsť i v budovách a prostrediach s podobnými charakteristikami.
The Symbolism of Colors as a Speculative-Fiction
Špundová, Veronika ; Bena, Julie (referee) ; Šrámek, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis is an existential dystopian statement of a human actor. It is an object into which the author - the creator - user - actor projects her critical vision of a globalized, yet very local world torn apart by several crises at the same time, in which she longs to break free from anthropocentrism or redefine it to more respect a wide range of other actors, on which we are largely dependent. It tries to grasp reality from a new perspective, even if such a perspective should be mere imagination, speculative fiction, even if it should deviate from the usual directions of knowledge and action to the unknown, such as the magical irrationality. Formally, the subject of the bachelor's thesis is DIY tent sewn from upcycled textile materials and embroidered with ornaments, symbols and organic drawings, which form a variety of relationships and narratives. Inside this "outdoor shrine" there is an object - a totem standing on a tripod, on which rests a smartphone, which through the application plays three videos depicting the human actor in various strange surreal situations.
How will we live together?
Wintner, Roman ; Kocián, Václav (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Jan (advisor)
In my thesis How We Will Live Together I deal with the phenomenon of participatory housing. The first phase of the thesis is a research in which I analyse types of community housing from abroad, I examine the history of collective housing in the Czech Republic. I focus on different possibilities of participation within housing, which I demonstrate with real examples. I try to point out the still insufficient support of similarly oriented projects that could have a positive impact on the development of the housing issue in the country. In the second phase of the thesis, I develop a characterization of a fictive group of people, a community, on which I try to demonstrate the functioning and feasibility of a participatory housing project and the bottom-up model. The result is an architectural design on the site of the former sugar factory in Šlapanice, taking into account the interests and needs of the site and the community. It is a kind of reflection pointing out the possibilities and variability of the implementation of such a project in specific Czech conditions. I am basing my ideas on a foreign model, which I am trying to transfer to the territory of a more relaxed development. An important consideration in the work is given to the questions of the future in connection with housing. In the project I am working with the design of 5 different buildings, one of which also serves as a common centre for the community. The buildings are characterised by different approaches to design according to the individuality of the group of owners. I bring further considerations of possible functioning through the different zoning of the plots without strict subdivision and the different approach to the use of cars. As a paradoxical response of future housing, I bring a return to tradition and customs similar to the village environment. Not only in connection with cultivation, poultry farming, escape from hecticness, but especially with an orientation towards real values and healthy relationships, which can be mediated precisely by participatory housing.
Identifying CpG islands in genomes of eukaryotes
Urbánková, Kateřina ; Provazník, Ivo (referee) ; Maděránková, Denisa (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with searching CpG islands in DNA. The theoretical part describes the structure and composition of deoxyribonucleic acid, chromosomes and genes. There is basic information about human and chimpanzees genome and specification of CpG islands. Practical part consists of a program that searches for CpG islands in sequences, it displayes and saves it. This work includes analysis of genes which are common for Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, Mus musculus and Bos taurus.
Ponomarevová, Daniela ; Janoščík,, Václav (referee) ; Mikyta, Svätopluk (advisor)
In my bachelor thesis, which I called Info(VR)architecture, I base on my previous projects, in which I have developed through symbolic-dystopian narratives a reflection about human mortality and the fear of losing control, and the influence and power of information of the internet on the state of our shared reality. I deconstruct and reunite these into new constellations in which I explore the relationship between virtual and physical reality and the human being.
The relationship between body dimensions and locomotion in human and other hominins
Fedrová, Johana ; Struška, Michal (advisor) ; Vážná, Anna (referee)
We work with estimates of body weights and dimensions of hominins derived from fossil finds. The reliability of the estimate is important for calculations related to thermoregulation and energetics of the individual. The termoregulation of individual is influenced by number of factors including breathing type, sweating ability, body hair, type of locomotion, size of limbs to size of body ratio. Hair loss allows for greater heat loss. The ability to sweat and thermoregulate in hominins is more important for running than for walking. Heat loss is influenced by the trunk breath and the distal limb element lenght. Body shape in the current human population conforms to Allen's rule. Populations living closer to the equator show smaller bi-iliac width and longer limbs relative to body size. This trend can be observed in hominins. The cost of locomotion, the cost needed to travel a given distance in a given time, is affected by the lower limb lenght. Longer lower limbs reduce this cost, they allow to cover the distance using fewer steps. Each step is more costly because more muscle power is needed to move the longer limb. The step lenght and the optimal movement speed of the individual is proportional to the individual's stature. Man excels in the ability of bipedal locomotion, which Australopithecus...
Evolution of hair in great apes and humans
Vejmělková, Anna ; Hora, Martin (advisor) ; Jarešová, Pavla Alexia (referee)
Humans are distinguished from other primates by their functionally naked body surface, caused by reduced body hair density and the type of hair called vellus, with which humans are predominantly covered. This type of hair represents fine and poorly pigmented hair, which, unlike terminal hair, is hardly visible. However, a reduced hair density can also be observed in other hominids, including the genus Homo and the genera Pan, Gorilla, and Pongo. In this work, we first compare the hair density of selected body parts for different species of primates. Next, we describe the structure and functions of hair and discuss hypotheses that explain the possible circumstances leading to a gradual decrease in hair density. We mainly focus on crucial hypotheses related to bipedal locomotion, inhabiting tropical savanna areas, parasites, or the influence of sexual selection. However, we also present some other hypotheses related to the wearing of clothes or the inhabiting of the aquatic environment by our ancestors. This work aims to compare these hypotheses, present arguments for and against them, and summarize their possible effects on the current state. Keywords: human, great apes, evolution, hair
Technical human and human technique - about a relation between human and technique
Geisler, Felix ; Novák, Aleš (advisor) ; Benyovszky, Ladislav (referee)
This thesis studies the topic of the relationship between man and technique through the lens of reflection on this relationship by selected thinkers of the last century who discussed this topic in some of their works (O. Spengler, J. Ortega y Gasset, A. Gehlen). One line of enquiry will trace the nuances of whether and how man constitutes technique, or whether and how technique shapes man. This work will not resolve this interdependence of man and technique once and for all, but it will outline perspectives from which this almost self-evident relationship can be problematized and brought into the questioning even for today. Technique has in fact been considered one of man's essential definitions since modern times. Man is conceived as a practical, acting and, above all, creative being - he transforms nature, that is, he creates a new, humanized second-order nature, which is technique. The second line of inquiry will highlight how technique appears as something that not only makes man human to some extent, but as that which threatens man's being as such. The two lines converge in the question of how much we are threatened by that what shapes us, or how much we are shaped by that what threatens us.

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