National Repository of Grey Literature 16 records found  previous11 - 16  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The role of Akt / protein kinase B in healthy and hypertrophied heart
Heleš, Mário ; Žurmanová, Jitka (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Jaroslav (referee)
Protein kinase B, or Akt kinase is expressed in almost all tissues. Two main isoforms in heart are Akt1 and Akt2, which are responsible for regulation of metabolism, growth and survival of cardiomyocytes. Akt kinase is among other pathways stimulated by insulin receptor and mechanoreceptor cascades and its main targets are mTORC1, AMPK and GSK- 3β. Akt kinase is activated in presence of chronic hemodynamic overload of heart. In dependence of intensity and duration of overload, Akt participate in triggering of either adaptive, fully reversible hypertrophy or detrimental irreversible form of hypertrophy, which causes impairment of pumping function of heart and can lead to heart failure. Many more factors with complex interactions participate in cardiac hypertrophy beside Akt kinase. Key words: heart, hypertrophy, Akt/protein kinase B, cardiac remodeling, insulin- like growth factor
Female Nudes in Paintings Dutch Renaissance Masters. Interpretations of Works of Art from Czech Collections.
Nerudová, Magdalena ; Jarošová, Markéta (advisor) ; Nespěšná Hamsíková, Magdaléna (referee)
Female Nudes in Paintings Dutch Renaissance Masters. Interpretations of Works of Art from Czech Collections. Abstract The bachelor thesis focused on a few selected works by Dutch Renaissance masters. The bachelor thesis is based on women nudes. To be more precise it stands on portrayal of woman nude in the art works of Dutch Renaissance painters. The nudes were divided into three different thematic groups. First group is focused on paintings with the sacral theme (Madonna and child, Susannah and the Elders, The death of Mary Magdalena). Second group brings out paintings with the profane theme (Half- length Figure of a Woman Naked to the Waist). The last group concentrates paintings of Ancient Rome (The Suicide of Sophonisba, The Suicide of Lucretia). The art works, that were chosen to be scrutinize, can be found in the czech collections of art. Each and every painting was characterized in detail using the iconography analysis, set in the period and compared to other art works that relate to them and are placed in worldwide galleries. This thesis aim is to accurate the significance of women nudes in the art works of the Dutch Renaissance masters.
Kant and Husserl on Transcendental Character of Experience
Trnka, Jakub ; Moural, Josef (advisor) ; Karásek, Jindřich (referee) ; Novotný, Karel (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to examine both Husserl's and Kant's transcendentalism in a way that would avoid the tendency to put the main accent on Husserl, which is an approach common to almost all literature dealing with this topic so far. Since it is for the most part Husserl's own critique of Kant that inspires such ongoing underestimation of Kant in comparison to Husserl, this work focuss on the question of the legitimacy of this critique. The core of the thesis is an original interpretation of Kant's transcendental philosophy which, instead of taking for granted the phenomenological point of view, attempts to describe Kant's philosophical enterprise from its own perspective and in its own right. In its second part, the thesis provides a brief description of how Husserl, starting initially from the position of descriptive psychology, arrives at a transcendental dimension. When so put side by side, it becomes evident that the two transcendental positions are in fact very different. Husserl's critique of Kant then appears as unjustified, even though quite understandable as an attempt to draw back from certain immature motives of his own philosophy.
Synthesis and biochemical characterization of hybrid analogues of human insulin and IGF-2
Povalová, Anna ; Stiborová, Marie (advisor) ; Koberová, Monika (referee)
The ever-increasing occurrence of diabetes mellitus brings about the need for development of new therapeutic agents to provide adequate treatment for patients. An important element in this research area is elucidation how insulin works, mainly in connection with insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2), which show significant structural homology to each other. In addition, their respective receptors - insulin receptor (IR) and receptor for IGF-1 and IGF-2 (IGF-1R) - exhibit very high similarity. As a result, IGF-1 and IGF-2 can bind to IR and insulin can bind to IGF-1R. Of a particular importance is the high affinity binding of IGF-2 to the isoform A of IR. Unlike insulin, which predominantly mediates glucose entry into cells, IGFs induce growth or mitogenic effects. The finding which structural determinants in insulin and IGFs are responsible for the differences in the activation of their cognate receptors could provide an explanation for different functional responses upon binding of these hormones to different target cells. Understanding of this mechanism could also help in the development of functionally selective analogues of these hormones. The aim of this study was the synthesis and characterization of analogues of human insulin extended at the C terminus of the B chain with the amino...
"Photopurism" in Art of František Drtikol
Froněk, Pavel ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Wittlich, Petr (referee)
Author's name: Pavel Froněk School: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague Program: Institute of Art History Title: "Photopurism" in Art of František Drtikol Consultant: Prof. PhDr. Vojtěch Lahoda CSc. Year: 2011 The present paper aims to explore fine art photography of František Drtikol between years 1929-1935. Most of these photos were pictures of artifical figures made by autor himself. The paper also tries to tell, if all of fineart photos of 1929-1935 can be called "photopurism" and make some of more distinctive of them known to reader. Drtikol's spiritual background is also examined and possible interpretation of artworks is attempted. Key words: František Drtikol, photography, nude body, figure, photopurism, buddhism, christianity, Antonín Mattas, Lehr und Versuchsanstalt für Photographie, Antonín Mattas, Georg Heinrich Emmerich, Gordon Craig
Reciprocal relations between EU and ACP: are they going to increase the cooperation efficiency compared to the previous period?
Blecha, Jan ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
The principal aim of this thesis is to analyze the contemporary economic and political relations between EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of states with regard to the previous development of these relations. In addition to the principal aim, the thesis tries to answer the question, whether the reciprocity principle in the relations will lead to the increased efficiency of the cooperation. Considering the large amount of cooperation areas, the thesis is primarily focused on the mutual trade cooperation. The first part of the thesis deals with the cooperation during the era of Lomé Conventions and its results. The next part examines the Cotonou Agreement, economic partnership agreements and the implementing practices of these agreements. The last part quantifies and analyzes the economic relations between EU and ACP in the third millennium.

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