National Repository of Grey Literature 77 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
A Proposal for a Security System of the Company Premises
Černý, Jan ; Sedlák, Petr (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The content of this thesis is the complex security system proposal, specifically of PZTS system and CCTV system. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is analysis of the current state, the second is theoretical part and the third part is a practical part. The first part deals with the analysis of the current state of physical security and technical protection of the premises. The theoretical part deals with theoretical solutions for security system proposal. The practical part is focused on separate PZTS and CCTV systems proposal, that will meet all the requirements and standards of the customer.
Security system for family house
Sohr, Martin ; Macháň, Ladislav (referee) ; Jaroš, David (advisor)
This thesis deals with complete theoretical design of security system for a family house, from the selection of technologies, security principles and selection of elements, theoretical suggestions of their placement to practical realization. I this thesis, securing of entry points, such as doors and windows, is done by magnetic contact sensors. Windows are secured also against breaking of glass. Inner space is secured using motion sensors. Further, the function principle of optical latches as secondary securing element of inner space is explained. The designed security system implements a central control unit, which is able to provide status information on all security elements to the host system. IQRF wireless communication operationg in licence-free is used for communication among elements of the security system. GSM SIM9000 module is used for communication with the security system.
Car security system
Krykorka, Daniel ; Burian, František (referee) ; Macho, Tomáš (advisor)
Práce se zabývá problematikou zabezpečovacích zařízení pro automobily a následným vlastním návrhem systému, který hlídá otřesy vozu a jeho pozici pomocí GPS. V pří- padě neoprávněného užití vozu začne systém posílat SMS zprávy majiteli v pravidelných intervalech s aktuální pozicí vozu.
System for People Detection and Localization Using Thermal Imaging Cameras
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
V dnešním světě je neustále se zvyšující poptávka po spolehlivých automatizovaných mechanismech pro detekci a lokalizaci osob pro různé účely -- od analýzy pohybu návštěvníků v muzeích přes ovládání chytrých domovů až po hlídání nebezpečných oblastí, jimiž jsou například nástupiště vlakových stanic. Představujeme metodu detekce a lokalizace osob s pomocí nízkonákladových termálních kamer FLIR Lepton 3.5 a malých počítačů Raspberry Pi 3B+. Tento projekt, navazující na předchozí bakalářský projekt "Detekce lidí v místnosti za použití nízkonákladové termální kamery", nově podporuje modelování komplexních scén s polygonálními okraji a více termálními kamerami. V této práci představujeme vylepšenou knihovnu řízení a snímání pro kameru Lepton 3.5, novou techniku detekce lidí používající nejmodernější YOLO (You Only Look Once) detektor objektů v reálném čase, založený na hlubokých neuronových sítích, dále novou automaticky konfigurovatelnou termální jednotku, chráněnou schránkou z 3D tiskárny pro bezpečnou manipulaci, a v neposlední řadě také podrobný návod instalace detekčního systému do nového prostředí a další podpůrné nástroje a vylepšení. Výsledky nového systému demonstrujeme příkladem analýzy pohybu osob v Národním muzeu v Praze.
Extension of WinCC program - parameterisation of PLC application
Sysel, Radek ; Pásek, Jan (referee) ; Štohl, Radek (advisor)
The aim of bachelor´s thesis is to propose parameters PLC applications and introduce a management system for steam turbines manufactured by Siemens in Brno. Be familiar with WinCC visualization program and link it with Simatic STEP7, which then communicates with the PLC. Subsequently, on the basis of this knowledge to create a functional application that is integrated into their applications. The functional application and their application will coordinate with each other. After the theoretical design I came to the practical implementation of the application. First, I prepared the functional blocks in STEP 7. Then I went to the graphic’s implementation in WinCC program. In conclusion, I verified the functionality and I stated the other direction to which the application should take.
Home Security System
Herold, Radek ; Fiedler, Petr (referee) ; Bradáč, Zdeněk (advisor)
In the opening part of this thesis, the reader is briefly introduced into safety technique devices. There are basic types of security sensors discussed together with the most common methods of their connection with the security central. Further text focuses on elaborating the main topic of this thesis - the design of home security central equipped with a WiFi interface.
Entrance and security systems
Kohut, Michal ; Šedivá, Soňa (referee) ; Fiedler, Petr (advisor)
During writing this bachelor labour I strived to describe some entrace and security systems and their parts. Also some functions and usage of these systems were consecrated and there was introduced their division. I concerned also with observing of preventive exchanges, their properties and operating. The last part describe state machine of security central. It is diveded to 4 smaller state macines which were all tested using IAR visualSTATE program.
Security device with GSM module
Křístel, Jan ; Klozar, Lukáš (referee) ; Prokopec, Jan (advisor)
The Bachelor´s thesis the construction of electronic security system with GSM module. The security system will mainly guard both residential and business premises. The first chapter of study analyses detectors and their correct application. The next chapter describes purpose and functionality of each system component. The remaining chapters present the architecture of security control panel including description of functionality, assembly and block diagrams.
Project of comprehensive security objects
Michálek, Libor ; Burda, Karel (referee) ; Herman, Ivo (advisor)
In my thesis I go about principles and methods of security systems, then I go about analysis of avalaible types of security systems (EPS, EZS and CCTV). I have written about their possibile use in design security building. I have described levels of project documentation and its different parts including process service of production a project documentation for security system. I used all knowledges in the end of my thesis, when I designed and integrated security system for a special building.
Acquisition Unit for Security System
Pejchal, Luboš ; Fuchs,, Michal (referee) ; Dušek, Martin (advisor)
Project is focused to development of security unit for security of homes, flats and other similar spaces against intruders (thieves). Design is focused to solution of hardware and firmware for security units and their control software for PC. Hardware design solve supply over ethernet PoE, backup of supply, connection securities sensors to security unit. Firmware prevents failure of units and it is communicating with sensors and PC. Software in PC provides settings of security units, deactivating of alarm and measure temperature by security unit.

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