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Liability of parties before conclusion of contract
Milotová, Martina ; Elischer, David (advisor) ; Šustek, Petr (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to dissert upon the institute of precontractual liability. The thesis focuses namely on the new Czech Civil Code effective from 1 January 2014, which introduced into the Czech legal order express and complex legal regulation relating to the precontractual liability. To create a complex overview of the institute culpa in contrahendo, this thesis compares the current Czech legal provisions with the previous legal provisions effective until 31 December 2013, and also with foreign legal provisions, namely in the francophone countries, and with international unification projects. This thesis consists of nine chapters. The first chapter deals with the position of the precontractual liability in a legal environment and sets out the aims of this thesis. The second chapter enlightens possible concepts and basis of the institute culpa in contrahendo in different legal orders and deals with possible sanctions for violation of the precontractual obligations. The third chapter deals with historical evolution of the precontractual liability from the very first actions in Roman law until the current concept. The fourth chapter disserts on the current Czech legal provisions of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. In this chapter, I deal with both the particular facts of...
Culpa in contrahendo
Kolářová, Kateřina ; Šustek, Petr (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
Culpa in Contrahendo Resumé The aim of this degree work is to introduce the institute of pre-contractual liability and its practical application. The work focuses on the position of this institute in the Czech legislation, its classification in the system of laws before the recodification of civil law, and its express regulation in Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. Much attention is devoted to rulings of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and its approach to the application of pre-contractual liability in specific cases. The degree work is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter defines the term 'Culpa in contrahendo', describes its origin in the work of a German jurist of genius, Rudolf von Jhering, and outlines the origin of the institute in Roman law. In this chapter is also a description of the first case of pre-contractual liability, 'Linoleumfall', which was resolved by the Imperial Court. The chapter also contains an overview of instances of pre-contractual liability embodied in foreign judicial codes. The second chapter describes the regulation of pre-contractual liability in the Czech body of laws before the recodification of civil law with illustrations of individual facts in issue formerly contained in Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, and Act No. 513/1991 Coll., Commercial Code....
A comparison of pre-contractual liability in Czech and Common Law
Nováková, Tereza ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Liška, Petr (referee)
The purpose of my thesis is to consider the importance of culpa in contrahendo which does not have a long tradition in the Czech law. However, since the 1 January 2014 it has become enshrined the Czech legal system. The instrument of culpa in contrahendo is connected with the need to protect the good faith of the parties to a contract which is an essential principle of modern contract law, particularly in continental legal systems. Despite the lack of the general duty to act in good faith while negotiating contracts in common law systems, we can see that English or American judges solve the practical problems resulting from dishonesty of one party to the contract through equitable principles such as misrepresentation or promissory estoppel. The importance of protecting good faith is visible even from international contract law documents that are important for the interpretation of national law. Chapter One contains the explanation of culpa in contrahendo as a practical instrument and I distinguish it from pre-contractual liability in the anglo-american legal systems. Despite the differences of the continental and common law systems of law, I consider, on the basis of the laws and court decision analysis, whether the Czech courts, in deciding the pre-contractual liability cases, are getting closer...
The theoretical conception of pre-contractual and contractual liability
Cienciala, René ; Beran, Karel (advisor) ; Tryzna, Jan (referee)
OF DIPLOMA THESIS THE THEORETICAL CONCEPTION OF PRE-CONTRACTUAL AND CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Author: René Cienciala Supervisor: doc. JUDr. Karel Beran, Ph.D. Department: Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines The purpose of my thesis was to analyse theoretical aspects of precontractual and contractual liability under Czech law. I particularly focused on precontractual liability (also known as culpa in contrahendo) due to its unclear and unresolved theoretical conception among Czech jurisprudence. The thesis consists of eleven chapters including one annex. After short introduction, I briefly analysed the meaning of a general term legal responsibility/ liability in the second chapter, and a historical background including the original Jhering's conception of culpa in contrahendo in the third part of the thesis. The fourth chapter is devoted to defining the scope of precontractual liability and specific precontractual duties and/or obligations during a contract negotiation under both current and revised civil law. I comprehensively analysed underlying principles of a concept of precontractual liability, its general nature and a nature of precontractual relationship in the fifth part of the thesis. I also tried to provide theoretical description and definition of the conception of culpa in...
The institution of pre-contract liability in theory and practice
Kraus, Radek ; Elischer, David (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
Diese Arbeit behandelt das Thema "Rechtsinstitut der vorvertraglichen Haftung in Theorie und Praxis". Die ganze Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert und zwar "Der Begriff der Vorvertraglichen Haftung", "Die Komparative Analyse der ausländischen Rechtsordnungen" und "Das tschechische Konzept der vorvertraglichen Haftung". Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist, die praktischen Aspekte der vorvertraglichen Haftung zu beschreiben, was aber ohne ausreichende theoretische Grundlagen unmöglich ist. Die Doktrin culpa in contrahendo (Verschulden beim Vertragsabschluss) wird Rudolph von Jhering zugeschrieben, denn er hat im Jahre 1861 als erstes die charakteristischen Züge der vorvertraglichen Obligationen beschrieben. Der Autor ordnet in dem ersten Teil dieser Arbeit noch die vorvertragliche Haftung in das Rechtssystem ein. Die zum Teil von dem Autor entworfene Definition dient dann in dem zweiten und dritten Teil zu dem einfacheren Vergleich der Konzepte von vorvertraglicher Haftung in verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen. In dem zweiten Teil wird zuerst das deutsche Konzept der culpa in contrahendo beschrieben, wie es sich von R. von Jhering über die Schuldrechtsmodernisierung bis zum heutigen Tag entwickelt hat. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Auffassung der vorvertraglichen Haftung von der materiellen zur formalen...
Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)
Kinclová, Veronika ; Čech, Petr (advisor) ; Štenglová, Ivanka (referee)
The times when closing of the contract was as simple as making an offer and receiving its acceptance are long over now. A variuosly long period preceeds an establishment of a contractual relationship. During such period, when a contract is being formed, the parties exchange their requests or essential information and negotiate the content of the contract. The longer this pre-contractual negotiation lasts, the more time, money or other means parties invest in good faith that they shall be compensated once the contract is concluded. In case the closing of the contract is not going to occur, because of a party's unfair dealings, the party in harm shall be entitled to engage liability of the other contractor. In these circumstances, the party in harm shall base its claim on a pre-contractual liability, also referred to as culpa in contrahendo. Apart from determining the pre-contractual obligations and liability for their breach in general fashion, the subject matter of this thesis is mainly an effective comparison of Czech and French relevant legal regulation. Since the legislation does not currently regulate the issue of pre-contractual liability, this thesis is focused primarily on the case law issued by courts from both states. In particular, the thesis analyzes the case law of the Czech Supreme...
Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)
Vlachová, Jitka ; Čech, Petr (advisor) ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee)
Pre-Contractual Liability (Culpa in Contrahendo) Summary The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of pre-contractual liability from the microcomparative perspective which subsequently serves as the tool to characterise the main features of pre-contractual liability in the realm of Czech Civil and Commercial Codes. The reason for my research is to prove the existence and importance of pre-contractual liability in the Czech legal order as well as in the sphere of the European Union in the light of its respective case laws. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of negotiation stage and pre-contractual liability. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology, methodology used in the thesis, scope, and aims. Chapter Two examines chosen foreign legal regulations of pre-contractual liability. The essential attention is given to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as those legal systems are very close to the Czech one (historically and geographically). The French view is also considered because legislators seek to prepare the reform of obligation laws. Finally, common law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America is discussed and challenged because of its adverse approach to pre-contractual liability....
Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)
Obstová, Martina ; Čech, Petr (advisor) ; Horáček, Tomáš (referee)
Formation of a contract is nowadays more sophisticated than it formerly used to be due to major progress in communication technologies and technical development, and therefore, looking on negotiation process only through the notions of offer and acceptance alone appears to be somewhat insufficient. It is not unusual and infrequent that long term and complicated dealings take place prior to the conclusion of a contract, especially in more or less complex business matters. During various negotiation stages, many parties may incur different kinds of significant expenses in order to prepare well for the next phase of the negotiations and, eventually, for the targeted contractual performance. For the conclusion of a contract it may also be necessary to inform the other party about the terms and conditions which are essential for the first party's final decision about the contract, while some of this information might be considered as strictly confidential. Although the fundamental principle of contractual freedom allows the parties to act freely in negotiations and the contractual process is generally regarded as a non-binding relationship, there are some restrictions set up with the aim to protect good faith of the parties and support their fair dealings. According to the abovementioned, a situation...
The issue of pre-contractual liability in relation to the practice of negotiating and concluding commercial contracts under national law and case-law of selected EU countries
Krupka, Jiří ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee)
The thesis deals with questions of pre-contractual liability which is seen as a very specific institute whose conception is diverse in different EU countries and also outside. The main research question is a difference between pre-contractual liability perception in the different countries and its full description in relation to the negotiations of business contracts with an emphasis on Czech law. In the first part, the author analyses historical background of pre-contractual liability in relation to Roman law and German-Austrian legal systems in which the professor Jhering developed that construction of culpa in contrahendo. In the following chapters, the author deals with the description and nature of pre-contractual liability, particularly in questions of whether they are contractual or delictual liability and enter into details the basic facts, example and extent of damages with respect to the European concept of pre-contractual liability. He concludes that the pre-contractual liability is in the European concept as delictual liability, with regard to the decision of European Court of Justice. The author simultaneously mentions that although similar facts in the legal systems, the extent of damages is very different when there is a clear dichotomy between positive and negative interesse. The...
Informování zaměstnance o podmínkách pracovní smlouvy podle evropského a českého práva
Vyškovská, Vendula ; Soušková, Milena (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to clarify the issue of informing employees about their rights and obligations which come out as a result of the employment contracts. At the beginning of this work, there are described the general concepts which are related to the main topic. At the following part there is characterized this informational obligation of the employer regarding to the situation when the employee should be informed about his rights and obligations. In this bachelor thesis, the Directive 91/533/EEC is analyzed and also compared with the Czech legislation. In the practical part, the thesis focuses on violating this employer's obligation regarding to the final report of the Labour inspectorate from 2012.

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