National Repository of Grey Literature 70 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Realizace cílů a priorit EU v rámci programu Erasmus+: šetření mezi absolventy výjezdů z řad studentů FRRMS MENDELU
Dvořáková, Monika
The presented work deals with the issues of the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ program set by the European Commission. It maps students' experiences of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies of the Mendel University in Brno (from now on referred to as FRRMS) with study mobilities within the Erasmus+ program. The research was conducted of professional literature that deals Erasmus+ or similar topic. The definitions of the research questions laid the foundation for mixed design research on fulfilling objectives and priorities. It occurred among FRRMS students who completed Erasmus+ mobility as part of their bachelor's or master's studies. Through a questionnaire survey and subsequent semi-structured interviews, they answered the main research question in a mixed model. The analysis of the obtained data proved specific objectives and priorities whether and how they were satisfied among the respondents. The research investigation showed that almost all objectives and priorities are fulfilled by FRRMS students, the most being the increase of intercultural awareness.
Bariéry vstupu na čínský trh
Kadlčková, Anna
KADLČKOVÁ, A. Barriers to entry into the Chinase market. Diploma thesis. Brno: MEN-DELU v Brně, 2021. The thesis presents a framework study of the current Chinese market environ-ment and identifies key barriers to entry into the Chinese market, especially from the perspective of Czech companies. The literature search summarizes the theo-retical knowledge concerning the internationalization process, including all relat-ed aspects. The introductory part of the thesis provides a basic overview of the characteristics of the People's Republic of China, its economic environment and also offers an analysis of frequent modes of entering the Chinese market. The fol-lowing part of the work systematizes the material obtained from data collection. The primary output of the work is a summary of the key barriers that during en-tering the market addressed Czech companies limited the most in the internation-alization process, how they tried to overcome them and what valuable recommen-dations and advice they shared in the research.
Dopad pandemie COVID-19 na obchodní vztahy mezi ČR a Peru
Sakin, Štěpán
This thesis describes the impact of coronavirus on trade relations between Peru and the Czech Republic. Part of the literature search deals with the topics of foreign trade and the internationalization process of companies. The analytical part contains the introduction of Peru as a state within the coronavirus measures. To fulfill the goal of the work, a number of semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted to find out whether the coronavirus somehow affected entrepre-neurs trading with Peru. At the same time, the movement of goods between these countries in connection with the pandemic was analyzed. At the end of the work there is a recommendation for potential investors or entrepreneurs.
Internacionalizace MSP ve vinařském odvětví
Melišová, Dominika
Small and medium-sized enterprises are the essential part of any economy, as SMEs account for more than 95% of all companies in the world. Many institutions are rightly involved in their support. The diploma thesis addresses the approach of small and medium-sized enterprises to internationalization. The aim was to identify the specifics of the internationalization process of SMEs in the wine industry, with emphasis on subjectively perceived motives and barriers to their entry into foreign markets. The primary research was based on in-depth interviews with representatives of wine SMEs from the Znojmo Wine Sub-Region, which led to an understanding of the actions of these companies and an assessment of the degree of SME involvement in the internationalization process. In the end, recommendations were formulated to help SMEs develop and facilitate ac-cess to foreign markets.
Proposal of Development of Internationalisation Strategy to Mexican Market of the Company Heinrich Huhn
Andrlová, Zuzana ; Skulec, Rastislav (referee) ; Zich, Robert (advisor)
Předložená diplomová práce „Návrh rozvoje internacionalizační strategie společnosti Heinrich Huhn na mexickém trhu” je založená na identifikaci kritických faktorů ovlyvňujících volbu konkrétní mezinárodní formy vstupu. Teoretická čásť je zaměřená na otázku globalizace a internacionalizace, její strategie a forem vstupu. Analytická čásť zahrnuje analýzu interního podnikatelského prostředí firmy Heirich Huhn, přehled odvětví, analýzu externího mexického prostředí, které sú následně shrnuty v analýze SWOT. Poslední čásť nabízí návrhy a doporučení založená na konsolidaci předložených analýz.
Strategy for the Expansion of Chosen Company
Fridrichová, Veronika ; Hornungová, Jana (referee) ; Milichovský, František (advisor)
Aim of the diploma thesis is to choose a suitable strategy for expansion of the selected company. The chosen company based in Brno develops web content management software. The strategy is made based on analyses of external environment – potential market for entry, analyses of internal environment of the company and its financial analysis. The last part of the thesis consists of suggestions and proposed solutions.
Video Games Localisation
Novotný, Tomáš ; Walek, Agata (referee) ; Šťastná, Dagmar (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá historií a problematikou lokalizace videoher. Práce se skládá ze dvou částí. První je teorie, která bude obsahovat počátek počítačových her až po přítomné videohry. Zároveň se bude zabývat lokalizací a problémy, které okolo ní jsou. Bude obsahovat termíny, které doprovází lokalizaci videoher jako jsou například transkreace, internacionalizace, uživatelské rozhraní, herní kód a spoustu dalších. Ukáže důležitost, proč by si měly společnosti dávat pozor na odlišnosti v kulturách a jaké mohou být následky. Druhá polovina se bude skládat z praktické části, kde se budou porovnávat různé hry a jejich způsob lokalizace.
Language Version of Web
Laga, Ondřej ; Stryka, Lukáš (referee) ; Marušinec, Jaromír (advisor)
This thesis concerns a dilemma of multi-lingual web applications. The document describes some general solutions while suggesting such applications, however first of all it is aimed for information system VUT and its enlargement for translation administration. The text contains structural description of this system and instruments used during its development, but especially it defines system requirements of programming engineers and translators, describes and evaluates new language versions solution and there are possibilities of contingent extensions considered at the conclusion of my thesis.
Ehanced UNICODE Support for GNU Command Line Utilities
Oprala, Ondrej ; Smrčka, Aleš (referee) ; Peringer, Petr (advisor)
This thesis solves the problem of missing support for proper handling of Unicode input in the utilities of the coreutils project. Support was implemented for utilities cut, expand, fmt, fold, paste and unexpand. The implementation was done using the libunistring and gnulib libraries. Programs were properly tested and performance tests proved that performance is comparable or superior to the original implementation.

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