National Repository of Grey Literature 62 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Phenomenon of Climate Change Denial and Its Impact on Donald J. Trump's Environmental Policy
Geigerová, Eliška ; Sehnálková, Jana (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof Přemysl (referee)
The phenomenon of climate denial has been a major driver that has greatly influenced the environmental debate in the Republican Party in the United States. This paper examines President Donald Trump's policies and the impact of his actions on environmental protection. The main objective is to demonstrate that Trump as president has followed the trend of the Republican Party and with that, he has targeted the deregulation of environmental policy that has been visible in the Republican Party since the 1980s. The content analysis was conducted through an examination of the various executive powers that the president could use to interfere with the political scene. For this reason, the practical part of the thesis focuses on a cross-section of each area in order to outline the process of influencing the severity of the climate crisis in all major areas. The enumeration mainly involved executive orders, presidential proclamations, the appointment of influential persons to the main cabinets of the government, and by extension the international aspect - the Paris Agreement. What is evident from the results of the paper is the strong alignment between the Republican Party and President Donald Trump, who has clearly advocated economic growth at the cost of environmental rollbacks.
Impact of warming on soil organic carbon
Štecová, Michaela ; Vindušková, Olga (advisor) ; Jílková, Veronika (referee)
Climate change is the main cause of rising global temperatures around the world. Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is considered one of the main tools for climate change mitigation, but current estimates of sequestration potential do not include the impacts of future climate change. The aim of this thesis is to summarize our current knowledge on the response of soil organic carbon to warming, alone as well as in combination with other drivers of climate change. A complementary aim is to compare the different methods used to study the impact of warming on soiIncreased temperature causes significant losses of soil carbon, but no consistent effect has been observed in combination with other aspects of climate change. Research suggests that carbon losses depend on the stability of soil fractions, with warming leading to greater decreases in particulate organic matter (POM). The combination of warming with rising CO2 concentration has led to an overall increase in soil carbon, although losses have been observed in combination with drought. When studying the effects of warming on soil carbon stocks, selecting the appropriate method is crucial. Active methods offer precise control but are more expensive and can impact soil biota, whereas passive methods are cheaper but require more time....
Susceptibility of European vector species to leishmaniases spreading into Europe.
Hošková, Anna ; Sádlová, Jovana (advisor) ; Kodym, Petr (referee)
The first part of this thesis is focused on testing the ability of selected European sand fly species to support the development of Leishmania major, L. donovani and L. martiniquensis. A total of 15 experimental infections were performed and 1601 female sand flies were analysed. The results show that Phlebotomus perniciosus and P. tobbi support development of L. major and L. donovani (mature infections with colonization of the stomodeal valve and metacyclic promastigotes developed), while L. martiniquensis did not survive defecation. The vector competence of Sergentomyia minuta to Leishmania could not be tested because the females of this species refused to take blood meal on feeders, although several types of membranes, blood and experimental conditions were tested. Further, biting midges were studied in two areas of Czech equine autochthonous cases of L. martiniquensis. A total of 3341 bloodfed and parous females from Slatiňany and 119 from Ústí n. L. were analysed. The most abundant were biting midges from the Culicoides obsoletus complex. None of the 97 pools were positive for Leishmania DNA, but in 15 pools from Slatiňany was detected DNA of Herpetomonas ztiplika and one pool from Ústí n. L. contained DNA of Trypanosoma sp. from T. theileri group. The isolation of L. martiniquensis was...
Methods of CO2 separation from air, ways of its use and long-term storage
Kober, Ondřej ; Baláš, Marek (referee) ; Škorpík, Jiří (advisor)
Combustion of fossil fuels creates greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. The most important of these gases is carbon dioxide. Although it occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human emissions upset the balance of various natural processes. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to conduct a background research in the field of carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization. The thesis also describes the role of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, its cycle and human influence on carbon dioxide concentration.
Impact of climate change on energy performance and indoor environment quality of buildings
Kalný, Richard ; Sánka, Imrich (referee) ; Weyr, Jan (advisor)
This thesis examines the impacts of possible climate change on selected buildings. For simulations in program BSim the author uses climatic data of SRES scenarios, specifically models B1, A1B and A2. It also includes a research on global warming, design and optimization of the measurement and control system at the production hall and a part of the energy audit for the office building.
Comparison of life-cycle emission produced by cars
Plott, Patrik ; Ušiak, Michal (referee) ; Fridrichová, Kateřina (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis of research nature deals with comparison of emissions of individual types of passenger car´s powertrains in terms of their entire life cycle. The goal was to describe current emission regulations of passenger vehicles, various types of power units they use, and emissions that are created in manufacturing, using and disposal of these vehicles. The comparison includes not only different types of internal combustion engine vehicles, but also electric vehicles. In conclusion were these power units evaluated based on emission considering current situation.
Aviation impact on global warming
Štarha, Adam ; Juračka, Jaroslav (referee) ; Zikmund, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor‘s thesis deals with the issue of ever-increasing aviation emissions. It describes where greenhouse gases appear and what their excessive amount causes. Furthermore, this work deals with the comparison of emissions of individual modes of transport and the comparison of the benefits of individual modes of transport, especially air transport, through subsidies and tax relief in the EU.
Determination of carbon footprint in relation to the production unit of the budget indicator
Šebestová, Michaela ; Kocourková, Gabriela (referee) ; Krejza, Zdeněk (advisor)
The presented diploma thesis analyses the possibilities of determining the carbon footprint in relation to the production unit of the budget indicator. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the basic concepts associated with the carbon footprint and construction industry. The aim of this thesis is to quantify the carbon footprint of construction process, mainly during the production phase, and to compare the carbon footprint of objects of different production technology. The main output is the determination of an average carbon footprint converted to a unit of the budget indicator.
Design of a Houseboat
Csadiová, Dominika ; Chorý, Tomáš (referee) ; Křenek, Ladislav (advisor)
The topic of the master thesis is the design of a floating house. Product responds to the current global problems, especially the consequences of global warming and population growth. Rising sea levels are a factor that negatively affects several areas, mainly cities near the coastline. In combination with population growth, the possibility of moving dwellings to the water surface can be an attractive solution. The master thesis also aims at environmental friendliness, emission reduction and the use of alternative energy sources. Nowdays, houseboats on the water are very popular, but are mostly used only for recreation. The master thesis presents a design of a floating house for year-round living on the seas and oceans for 2 to 3 people.
Optimisation of the house heating by use of the renewable energy sources
Husák, Ondřej ; Frk, Martin (referee) ; Křivík, Petr (advisor)
The thesis contains is familiar with the issues of renewable energy and global warming. Assessing the use of these resources in households in the Czech Republic. The selected family house, perform measurements on the existing heating system. In conclusion, there is suggestions for optimalization system houses, the possibility of linking the with renewable energy sources and an assessment of economic turn.

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