National Repository of Grey Literature 88 records found  beginprevious76 - 85next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The changes in gene expression and production of cyclooxygenases in the spinal cord due to pain and drugs
Procházková, Michaela ; Kršiak, Miloslav (advisor) ; Farghali, Hassan (referee) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee)
The aim of our study was to determine whether and how it changes expression and production of COX-1 and 2 in the spinal cord at different types of pain and to determine the effect of selected analgesics in the expression and production of COX-1 and COX-2 in the lumbar spinal cord in a model of inflammatory pain. All experiments were performed in the dissertation were performed in rats. Pain was measured using the plantar test and von Freys filaments. Expression of cyclooxygenase was tested using real-time PCR analysis, while the production of COX-1 and COX-2 was measured by ELISA method.
The effect of analgesics and their combination with neurotropic drugs on pain and brain mediators
Soukupová, Marie ; Kršiak, Miloslav (advisor) ; Farghali, Hassan (referee) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee)
The first aim was to investigate changes in analgesic efficacy of several analgesics in combination with selected drugs affecting nervous system after systemic administration. The second aim was to ascertain changes of levels of pain mediators in vivo in supraspinal brain structures (in periaqueductal gray matter, central amygdala, striatum) in pain and under the drug influence. The analgesic efficacy of combinations of analgesics with neurotropic drugs was investigated in the writhing test in mice. Interactions between analgesics and neurotropic drugs were evaluated by the isobolographic analysis, which enables to distinguish the supra-additive (synergistic) interactions from solely additive and sub-additive ones. A possible negative effect of neurotropic drugs on motor functions was determined in the rota-rod test in mice. Changes of levels of pain mediators in the brain during pain and under the drug influence in rats were measured by microdialysis in vivo coupled with a high performance liquid chromatography. A model of inflammatory pain induced by intraplantar injection of carrageenan and a model of neuropathic pain produced by a spared sciatic nerve injury model were used in rats. We evaluated pain in plantar and von Frey filament test. Our microdialysis experiments revealed that inflammatory pain...
Cortical electrical stimulation and pain
Rusina, Robert ; Rokyta, Richard (advisor) ; Haninec, Pavel (referee) ; Paleček, Jiří (referee)
The aim of the study was to examine effects of sensorimotor cortex stimulation on pain in animal. A behavioral model investigated pain thresholds in deafferentated rats depending on cortex stimulation and two neurophysiological models studied different components of the jaw opening reflex (JOR) and tooth pulp evoked potentials (TPEPs) following cortical stimulation. The behavioral model used 18 deafferentated (dorsal root rhizotomy) rats and 14 controls. Pain thresholds were measured before and after cortical stimulation using plantar test and tail-flick latencies. In the neurophysiological model, rats were implanted with tooth pulp, cerebral cortex, and digastric muscle electrodes. 15 animals were divided into three groups, receiving 60 Hz, 40 Hz and no cortical stimulation, respectively. TPEPs were recorded before, one, three and fi ve hours after continuous stimulation. 10 other rats were submitted to recordings after a single tooth pulp stimulation, while in 5 more rats we administrated conditioning and test stimulation. TPEPs and digastric EMG were simultaneously recorded. A multiresolution denoising method was used for signal processing. Our results show a similar effect of the stimulation in man and experimental animals despite the differences in the organization of the cerebral cortex. Our results...
Aortic stenosis
Šmíd, Michal ; Rokyta, Richard (advisor) ; Rosolová, Hana (referee) ; Ošťádal, Petr (referee) ; Sovová, Eliška (referee)
Aortic annulus and ascending aorta: comparison of preoperative and periooperative measurement in patients with aortic stenosis Introduction Precise determination of the aortic annulus size constitutes an integral part of the preoperative evaluation prior to aortic valve replacement. It enables the estimation of the size of prosthesis to be implanted. Knowledge of the size of the ascending aorta is required in the preoperative analysis and monitoring of its dilation enables the precise timing of the operation. Our goal was to compare the precision of measurement of the aortic annulus and ascending aorta using magnetic resonance (MR), multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT), transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in patients with degenerative aortic stenosis. Materials and Methods 15 patients (9 males and 6 females, mean age 68.8 + 7,1 years,) indicated for aortic valve replacement due to degenerative aortic stenosis were enrolled into this prospective study. The study followed the principles established in the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was accepted by the local ethical board and informed consent was obtained from each patient. The study was performed in a tertiary medical centre. Preoperatively, TTE was performed in all patients, while TEE was...
Peroperative and postoperation sentinel lymph node detection evaluation in treatment strategy in cervical and vulvar cancer patients
Pluta, Marek ; Rob, Lukáš (advisor) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee) ; Cibula, David (referee) ; Feyereisl, Jaroslav (referee)
Vulvar cancer is not frequent disease regarding individualized treatment approach. Complete inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy is still standard treatment modality with relatively high short and long term morbidity. Anatomical correlation between vulva and regional lymphatic system represented by inguinofemoral region is basic for actual strategy for less radical operations including sentinel lymph node identification and detection. Application technique, timing and identification technique were presented in Czech and foreign publication as well [46] (see attachment no.: 9). Sydney consensus made by expert board in 2008 is based on 10 publications including our one. Consensus recommends in squamous cancer patients up to 4 cm stage I and II only sentinel lymph node identification procedure like an alternative to standard inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy. This procedure is recommended only for oncogynecologic centers with sentinel nodes identification experiences. Most important original information arises from study about in vivo lymphatic drainage and sentinel lymph nodes localization and topography. If we separate superficial groin in thirds, there were no sentinel nodes in outer third. On the other hand, 15% sentinel nodes were localized in deep femoral region. It explains that extirpation only superficial...
Neurogenic pulmonary edema in rats with spinal cord injury
Šedý, Jiří ; Syková, Eva (advisor) ; Herget, Jan (referee) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee)
N urogenic puhnonary edema (NPE) is an acu te life-threatening complication of the c ntral nervous system (CNS) injury. Anesthetics can either promote or inhibit the NPE development. We examined the role of different concentrations of isoflurane anesthesia (1.5 - 3%) on the developmen t of NPE in rats with balloon compressed spinal cord. The development of NPE was examined in vivo and on histological sections of lung tissue. Neurological recovery in animals anesthetized with 1.5% or 3% isoflurane was monitored using BBB and pian tar tests for 7 weeks post-injury. The grade of the spinal gray and white matter sparing was evaluated using morphornetry. The r le of gradually developed spinal cord lesíon and spínal cord transection in the developmen t of NPE were evaluated also. NPE developed in all animals anesthetized with 1.5-2% isofluran . Almost 42% of animals died due to massive pulmonary bleeding and suffocation; X-ray imaging, pulmonary index and histological sections showed massive NPE. More than 71 % of animals anesthetized with 2.5-3% i oflu rane had no signs of NPE. Blood pressure rose more rapidly in animals from 1.5% group than in 3% group; this hypertensive reaction was caused by the sympathetic hyperactivi ty. Animals from 3% group recovered their motor and sensory func tions more rapidly than...
The changes of hearing function during the postnatal development
Groh, Daniel ; Syka, Josef (advisor) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee) ; Dlouhá, Olga (referee) ; Valvoda, Jaroslav (referee)
8 přítomny spontánní otoakustické emise (SOAE). Amplitudy otoakustických emisí TEOAE, jejichž frekvenční spektrum leželo v rozmezí 0,5-8 kHz, se výrazně snižovaly s věkem. Vysokofrekvenční sluchová ztráta se tedy může odrazit ve snížení amplitudy TEOAE měřené na nízkých a středních frekvencích. Vyhodnocení sluchových ztrát v rozšířeném frekvenčním pásmu spolu se záznamem TEOAE a SOAE může napomoci detekci počínajících sluchových poruch v dětském věku, které nemohou být odhaleny klasickou audiometrií s frekvencí do 8 kHz. Ve studii byly dále hodnoceny audiologické charakteristiky dětí a mladistvích trpících tinnitem různé etiologie a porovnány s obdobnými vyšetřeními u kontrolní skupiny stejně starých dobrovolníků. U jednotlivých pacientů nebyla nalezena korelace mezi původem tinnitu a výsledky audiometrických testů, tj. tónovým audiogramem a výsledky záznamu evokovaných otoakustických emisí (TEOAE a DPOAE). Byl zjištěn pouze významně nižší výskyt SOAE (44,6 % uší) u mladých pacientů s tinnitem v porovnání s 62,5% uší v kontrolní skupině dětí a mladistvých. Nicméně byla pozorována silná závislost amplitud a frekvenčních charakteristik TEOAE a DPOAE na stupni sluchové ztráty bez ohledu na zdroj tinnitu. SUMMARY Experimental part Mechanisms of age-related hearing loss were studied in two rat strains. In aged...
název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Glogarová, Kateřina ; Syková, Eva (advisor) ; Langmeier, Miloš (referee) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a useful noninvasive method to study the long-term migration and fate of transplanted stem cells in the central nervous system in vivo. Grafted adult as well as embryonic stem cells (ESCs) labeled with superparamagnetic nanoparticles survive in the host organism and migrate preferentially into a lesion site, where they populate the damaged nervous tissue. The migration is not affected by the route of administration; the lesion is populated with the same number of cells after intracerebral grafting as after intravenous injection. Less than 3 % of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in a cortical photochemical lesion differentiated into neurons and none into astrocytes, while most ESCs (70 %) differentiated into astrocytes and only 5 % into neurons. The intravenous injection of MSCs or of the mononuclear fraction of the bone marrow, which includes hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic stem cells, progenitors and lymphocytes (BMCs), as well as the mobilization of endogenous BMCs with G-CSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor) significantly improved the recovery of hind limb motor function and sensitivity in rats with a spinal cord compression lesion and significantly increased the spared white matter volume in the center of the lesion. The recovery was most...
název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Bubeníková, Věra ; Šťastný, František (advisor) ; Mareš, Pavel (referee) ; Rokyta, Richard (referee)
The aim of the study was to create a new animal model of schizophrenia based on a neurodevelopmental hypothesis. The central idea of the project has been that a transient insult at early postnatal age will reveal itself in the form of delayed distinct behavioral changes that can be related to schizophrenia. The experimental design used intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG) to rats at postnatal day 12, followed by combination of histology and quantitative morphology in brain tissue obtained within 24 and 96 hours of the NAAG administration and used to investigate possible neurodegeneration. Finally, a battery of behavioural tests was performed several weeks later (late adolescence/early adulthood). NAAG is the most abundant neuropeptide and interacts with the active site of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR II), however, it is also an agonist at NMDA receptors. Neonatal icv infusion of NAAG resulted in detectable damaged neurones in gyrus dentatus. The damage appeared greater at 24 hours, as compared to 96 hours, after the infusion. The presence of damaged neurons was easily demonstrated by Nissl stain, Fluoro Jade В staining combined with Hoechst 33342 and by TUNEL technique. Neonatal administration of NAAG resulted in the appearance of specific, potentially...

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