National Repository of Grey Literature 87 records found  beginprevious68 - 77next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Teacher Burnout and Coping Strategies
Vondrová, Eliška ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (referee)
The purpose of the present study is firstly to investigate the problem of burnout among primary and secondary school teachers in the Czech Republic, secondly to explore the use of coping strategies against the occupational stress and burnout. According to many studies, burnout may be the result of unrelenting long lasting stress (Freudenberger, 1974; Holland, 1982; Peeters & Rutte, 2005). Correlation analyses was carried out in order to determine the relationship between burnout and coping strategies used by teachers. Subsequently the results were discussed with findings from several previous studies. Furthermore both teacher burnout and coping strategies were compared in various teachers' demographic variables - gender, education, age, school size and level taught, years of experiences and finally class and non-class teaching. In association with burnout, the results indicated 4,6 % of participants, who suffer from burnout often. 56 % teachers of our sample experience burnout rarely or very rarely and 39,3 % of teachers experience burnout never or very rarely. Significant difference was found in age category. Teachers in age 46-60 years experience the highest level of burnout. Regarding the coping strategies, 34 % of teachers use negative coping strategies. Positive correlation between level of...
Reflection of experience with school of boys from Diagnostic Institute for Youth
Mašková, Anna ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (advisor) ; Presslerová, Pavla (referee)
The diploma thesis makes use of qualitative analytical methods of the Grounded Theory to explore the theme of "reflection of experience with school of boys from Diagnostic Institute for Youth". It sets a goal to understand the context of subjective meanings of adolescent boys. The result of the analysis is a description of the dynamic metamorphosis in relation to the school, using the description of internal and external factors affecting this phenomenon. Among the main discovered themes belong the role of the authority of educator and the usage of supervisory tools and the evaluation of their effectiveness by their addressee. Furthermore, the thesis devotes to description of the transformation of internal motivational dispositions of the individual (needs, interests, attitudes and values). The two main themes synthesize to the concept of transformation of the relationship to school. The thesis is a qualitative probe into the inner world of the adolescent subjects who, at the threshold of adulthood, are teetering on the edge of a risky behavior and a socially acceptable experimentation which naturally belongs to this developmental period. The thesis flows into a formulation of theory, which is valid for this very specific context. Research data were obtained via interviews led in accordance with...
Interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of trafficked people
Bittnerová, Soňa ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (advisor) ; High, Radka (referee)
This thesis focuses on the topic of human trafficking and exploitation from the perspective of the trafficked persons themselves. Using the interpretative phenomenological analysis seeks to determine the lived experience of these people. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with 4 respondents who are clients of the organization La Strada ČR. These interviews were recorded and they were subsequently analyzed according to IPA. Trafficking and exploitation had a significant impact on the lives and experiences of these people. Interpersonal relationships are affected the most, especially the ability to establish contacts with strangers. Also relationships with families are disturbed because of fear of rejection and misunderstanding of what you went through. People live in fear for their safety and future. Interpersonal relationships are on the other side one of the elements helping to manage the traumatic event and their absence deepens negative experiences. KEY WORDS Trafficking in human beings and exploitation, interpretative phenomenological analysis, experience of trafficked people, psychological trauma
Teachers' approach to pupils with atypical gender
Klimešová, Hana ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (referee)
Moje diplomová práce se věnuje tomu, jakým způsobem přistupují vyučující na druhém stupni základních škol k dívkám a chlapcům, kteří jsou genderově atypičtí. Tedy k dětem, kteří nesplňují představu "správné" dívky či "správného" chlapce z hlediska genderového řádu společnosti a nějakým způsobem se těmto představám vymykají (v rovině osobnostní, vzhledové či behaviorální). Ve výzkumu se zajímám o zkušenost vyučujících s těmito dětmi, o charakteristiky, jenž jsou podle nich genderově atypické, jak tyto děti podle nich přijímá kolektiv či učitelský sbor, apod., avšak podstatou mého zkoumání je zjistit, jaký postoj vůči těmto dětem učitelé a učitelky zaujímají a co jej ovlivňuje. Z výsledků výzkumu pak vyplývá, že existuje určitá typologie postojů vyučujících k genderově atypickým dětem, přičemž jednotlivé postoje vyučujících jsou ovlivňovány mnoha faktory. Faktor, který se ukázal jako nejdůležitější, protože významně ovlivňuje to, zda se bude jedna spíše o pozitivní či negativní přijetí dítěte, je to, zda projevy atypického dítěte narušují či znesnadňují vyučování a práci vyučujícího, nikoliv pouhá skutečnost, že je dítě genderově atypické. Tato práce je tvořena dvěma částmi: teoretickou a empirickou. V teoretické části se zabývám informacemi, které jsou základem pro můj výzkum a v rámci celé práce z...
Sexual harassment at universities: negative impacts on group
Lukáčová, Ivana ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (referee)
Purposeof my bachelorthesisis to chartexperiences and consequencesofvariousformsofgender and sexualharassment in the study group and influence on theatmosphere in thisgroup. In thetheoretical part isdescribedtheproblemofgender and sexualharassment in Czechrepublic and foreigncountriesincludingvariousattitudes to definethisphenomenon and findingsofitsoccurrence. Thenext part isdevoted to groupprocessesongoingamongstudents, specificstructureofthegroup, roles in thisgroup, identity group and groupbehaviour. In theempirical part isintroducedqualitativeresearch, whichwasworkedupbecauseofdatacollectionforthisthesis. Selecteddata and informationswerecompared and interpreted. Interpretationisfocused on negativeimpactsofgender and sexualharassment on a group, wheretheharassmenthappens. Keywords: sexualharassment, university, groupprocesses, gender
Changes in profile of professional identity of school psychologists in the last ten years
Ušáková, Veronika ; Štech, Stanislav (advisor) ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the professional identity of school psychologists. The aim of this thesis is researching of changing the profile of professional identity in last ten years and observing the other variables how and in what way they influence the professional identity of school psychologists. The thesis is divided in a theoretical part, empiric part and a discussion of the research results with the literature. The theoretical part deals with a school psychology at first - its determinations and relations to other disciplines, its historical evolve and also with present situation, the content of a work of a school psychologist and his role in relationship network at school. The next part deals with a profession and professional identity, at first through a general view and lately with a direct view on the professional identity of school psychologists. In the empiric part there are firstly introduced the aims of the research and its questions, used methods for gathering and data processing and it is introduced the research file. For the data gathering there were used interviews and questionnaires which examined the most frequent and the most difficult situations which are the school psychologist dealing with, the frequent clients and their orders, perceiving of their own self-image and...
Influence of flow on feelings, behavior and experience
Čašková, Barbora ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (advisor) ; Valentová, Hana (referee)
Author of the thesis is describing the possibilities of using games and flow for self- knowledge. A theoretical analysis defines social game and describes possible goals of the game, that could be aimed by it. The paper shows that the game is an important means also for adults. Author introduces the method of experiential learning that systematically works with the game and presents ways to use it as a therapy. The paper describes dimensions of flow phenomenon, which characterize it. The similarities between flow and play are shown and the possibilities for its use in psychology are indicated. The chapter self- knowledge acquaints reader with this concept and with ways of self-knowledge. The second part of the thesis presents empirical research. Interviews with participants of the experiment are the basis for qualitative analysis and interpretation. The aim of the research is to determine if the experience of the game and flow leads to self-knowledge. The results shows that play brings a lot of interesting impuls to self-awareness. It turned out that the flow didn't have to be the sole condition for self-knowledge, experience from unexpected situations or frustration is also a good source. The fundamental discovery was the determination of importance of membership in the group and the need for a...
Dilemma of Choosing the Right University
Frombergerová, Anna ; Presslerová, Pavla (advisor) ; Pavlas Martanová, Veronika (referee)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to outline the choice of further education and future career possibilities of interviewed high school students. The research is dedicated to dilemma of choice, which means the students' decision process and to the factor specification, the latter of which due to their involvement influence the process itself. The first theoretical part explains used terms and chosen career theories. The next chapters deal with main factors influencing the students' decision-making process, motivation and specific motivation incentives, such as values and values orientation. The conclusion of theoretical part focuses on decision-making process and on the specific ways of decision-making. The main goal of the empirical part was not only to find out the course of decision-making process in relation to further education choice and career possibilities of questioned students, but also to identify particular factors influencing the students' choices. The empirical part concerns with the methodology of used research. The methodology is based on quantitative processing of fourteen semi-structured interviews. The method of content analysis is applied to working with the data. The empirical part presents and construes obtained data. Powered by TCPDF (

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