National Repository of Grey Literature 52 records found  beginprevious43 - 52  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Evaluation of Robert Bosch spol. s.r.o.
Novák, Josef ; Scholleová, Hana (advisor) ; Šmelhaus, Marek (referee)
Subject of the thesis is evaluation one of the plants of the biggest subcontractor of automotive components. The main goal of the thesis is to determine the enterprise value of Robert Bosch spol. s.r.o for the company management who wants to manage this value in terms of maximum fulfillment of the basic objectives of company owners. The value of the company refers to January 1. 2013. Evaluation is based on publicly available sources, mainly on informations from the annual reports. This data was consulted with employees of the company. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the process of evaluation is explained and some of the steps are examined in detail. In the practical part, introducing with the company and the business environment is made. Within the evaluation, financial and strategical analysis is prepared. The eavulation is based on yielding methods, method of discounted free cash flow and discounted economic value added.
Collectivization in Vlasimsko: Application of agricultural policy in Czechoslovakia in 1945 - 1959
Novák, Josef ; Doležalová, Antonie (advisor) ; Šlajs, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the impact of agricultural policies applied in Czechoslovakia in the structure of agricultural land use and economic Fund from 1945 to 1959, with particular emphasis on selected areas around Vlasim. Attention is paid to the consequences of a national agricultural policy on agriculture. This thesis also shows the influence of the Communist Party, the circumstances leading to its rise to power, explains specific steps and their impacts. By the time the policy framework was set Vlasim, agricultural and economic situation in the region. The local situation is clearly illustrated by several case studies processed, of which the first, very clearly shows the complete process and the impact of changes in agricultural policy Vlasim since 1945.
The impact of the ICT on the competitiveness of the Czech Republic
Řezáč, Miroslav ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Novák, Josef (referee)
The main goal of this thesis is to map and determinate position of ICT sector in the Czech economy and estimate competitiveness of this segment in the scope of economy of the Czech Republic. The first part explores and evaluates topical position of ICT sector in the Czech Republic, mainly by analyzing basic statistical data about the economic and employment impact of all ICT firms as a whole. There is also calculated effectiveness of each sector of the economy. This part provides a basic image of the ICT sector position compared to other sectors of the Czech economy. The second part continues with the research made in the first part, but on an aggregate level. It summarizes and visualizes changes in aggregated parts of economy in chronological order. Sectors of economy are aggregated to three groups according to their absorption of ICT. The third part expands previous analysis of a global scale. It summarizes and comments the Global Competitiveness Report published by World Economic Forum. This chapter provides clear review of competitiveness of Czech Republic compared to European Union, with accent on ICT sector. The last part is aimed at new methodology of scoring projects developed by the Department of Information Technologies at the University of Economics, Prague. It also sets some recommendations for future methodology. This part contains the library of case studies worked up in new methodology. Finally, there is summary of findings made during the process of exploring selected area of research which evaluates the contribution of the whole thesis as a whole to the researched topic.
Novák, Josef ; Ryvolová, Ivana (advisor) ; Řežábek, Pavel (referee)
The aim of this work is to analyze the impact of agriculture policy on the structure of use of the agriculture land funds in the Czech Republic since 1990 till present. The attention is paid to the impact of European agriculture subsidies, reducing the amount of the production and the production quotas of agriculture crops. The work also focuses on the impact of regulatory policy on the structural changes in plant and related livestock production. In the application section there are discussed some alternatives of use of the agriculture land fund, which occur mainly due to support of energy production from renewable sources.
The effect of information and communication technology on competitiveness of the Czech economy
Novák, Josef ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Voříšek, Jiří (referee)
The advance of information and communication technology speeds up year by year. At the same time, methodologies for objective measurement of the benefits of ICTs are still lacking behind. This difference then forms a void of unsatisfied information requirements about the state of ICTs from a business as well as national economy's point of view. This thesis summarizes theoretical background about possible ways of viewing and measuring ICT benefits (be that benefits for a person, society as a whole or economy as a whole). The practical part of the thesis analyzes data describing the state of ICT sector in the Czech economy. The first part looks at ways of measuring ICT benefits as they are seen by a number of other authors and described in many studies. This provides a summary of the possibilities to consider when looking at our topic. The second part uses conclusions from previous works on similar topics to set some recommendations for policy improvement as well as social development that will enable maximizing the achieved utility of ICTs. Third part evaluates the position of ICT sector in the Czech Republic by analyzing basic statistical data about the economic and employment impact of all ICT firms as a whole. This is compared to other sectors of the Czech economy. Last part provides a detailed description of the process to calculate output and employment multipliers for all the sectors of Czech economy and then calculates these values according to the process. In the end, there is a summary of the theoretical and practical findings described in all preceding chapters.
Evaluation of the project financed from public funds - grants for the reconstruction of public monuments
Novák, Josef ; Říčka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Potluka, Oto (referee)
Work deals with public monuments. The theoretical part includes the definition of cultural monuments and examines the legal regulation and economic impacts associated with them. The practical part is a feasibility study for grant which have already been asked by the civic association Vítkův Hrádek. Objective of the study is to serve as a guide for making a feasibility study on the application for grants for other projects.
Means of communicating the value of corporate information systems
Novák, Josef ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Pour, Jan (referee)
Ačkoliv je funkce podnikových informačních systémů v dnešní době nezastupitelná, povědomí o významu a hodnotě těchto systémů se stále drží na nízké úrovni. Vedení podniků má o hodnotě přinášené informačním systémem svou vlastní představu, která jen málokdy odpovídá skutečnosti. Je tedy zřejmé, že je potřeba tuto hodnotu do podniku komunikovat. Tak se do budoucna může uvolnit obrovský potenciál, který informační systémy a technologie dnešnímu podnikání mohou přinést. Tato práce vychází z dřívějších výzkumů v různých oblastech ? interní komunikace, rozhraní podniku a informačního systému, interní marketing informačních služeb, soulad podnikové a IT funkce a měření efektivity informačních systémů. Na základě výsledků studií z těchto oblastí jsou identifikovány faktory, které mají na vnímanou hodnotu podnikového informačního systému vliv. V závěru je uveden souhrn všech identifikovaných faktorů. K těmto jednotlivým faktorům jsou pak navrženy některé způsoby, jak je vhodně nastavit či ovlivnit pro dosažení pozitivního efektu.
Finanční analýza společnosti FAB, a.s.
Novák, Josef ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Šmíd, Pavel (referee)
Teoretická část práce vysvětluje podstatu finanční analýzy a její metody, obsahem praktické části je pak finanční analýza společnosti FAB, a.s. Práce obsahuje např. poměrové ukazatele, ekonomickou přidanou hodnotu a modely pro posouzení finančního zdraví.

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