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Name as the premise of philosophy. Panhuman roots of knowledge in a thought of P. Florensky.
Yudina, Maria ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Nykl, Hanuš (referee)
This graduation thesis deals with the interpretation of the nature of word and name found in the works of P. Florensky (1882-1937), the Russian philosopher, scientist and poet. The question of word, name and symbol was crucial for P.Florensky and all his works as well as for other important authors of the so called Russian religious and philosophical Renaissance, especially for V. F. Ern, S. N. Bulgakov and A. F. Losev. According to Florensky real cognition can only be achieved by means of word and symbol. To this issue Florensky also linked the question of correlation between a word and a thing, a man and a word, sacral terminology/denomination etc. Thus focus on the nature of word is vital for understanding P.Florensky's philosophy. The goal of this thesis is to outline the basic features of philosophic and theological understanding of name and word in Pavel Florensky's works, and also to define his cognition theory which is based on this way of thinking.
Man being God in the conception of Comenius
Juhaščiková, Daniela ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
JUHAŠČIKOVÁ, Daniela: Man being God in the conception of Comenius [Záverečná práce] / Daniela Juhaščiková - Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Husitská teologická fakulta; - Supervisor: ThDr. Kamila Veverková, ThD. - Degree. Magistr.- Praha: HTF UK, 2011. s. 71. The work Man being God in the conception of Comenius si about Comenius view to man. The purpose of my research was to find out in his literacy his opinion to man like Image of God. This work was about man position in frnot of God. What is purpose of human being. And if man still have rights to have image of God altohough we are siners. The results of my research, that I find out Comenius pricips. Princip of moving in relation to centre, and second princip is harmony. This two princips have Gods creations, only when they are in relationship with Him. And also people are able to be on Image of God when they are in relationship with Him. Keywords Man - Creation- God - Comenius - Whole - Being - The purpose of being - Harmony - Restitution.
The priest of Lidice, Josef Štermberka
Pařízková, Simona ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee) ; Hrdlička, Jaroslav (advisor)
The diploma work devotes to expressing of Josef Štemberka's life, the priest of Lidice, who spent in Lidice thirty three years of his life.
The Bohemian Reform Currents of the 14th Cent. And the Devotio Moderna
Smrčka, Jakub ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Herold, Vilém (referee) ; Kejř, Jiří (referee)
České reformní proudy 14. století a devotio moderna Die böhmischen Reformströmungen des 14. Jahrhunderts und die Devotio moderna Devotio moderna bezeichnt die religiöse Gesinnung und Bemühung, die an bewusste individuelle Reflexion der Religionserfahrng mit praktischen Folgen gerichtet ist. Der Begriff devotio moderna wird im Rückblick durch die niederländische Bewegung dieses Namens, die zum konkreten theologischen und praktischen Begriffsinhalt beitrug, bestimmt. Aus ihn ergibt sich die allgemeine Begriffsabmessung als bewusste Glaubensreflexion des Einzelnen, Individualismus des innhaftigen Glaubenserlebnis und innere Erneuerung des Menschen, die als der Weg von Nachfolge Christi bezogen zum Ideal der apostolichen Urkirche verstanden werden. Die niederländische Devotio moderna war durch Wirkung Geert Grotes und der Generation seiner Nachgfolger, vor allem der Florens Radewijns, entstanden als eine aus der patristischen und mystisch- theologischen Überlieferung im Geiste des (Neu-)Augustinimus und der Neuen Frömigkeit schöpfende Bewegung. Ihre direkte Abhängigkeit auf irgeneiner Form von einer böhmischen Devotio moderna lässt sich nicht beweisen und ist auch nicht vorauszusetzen. Die böhmische und niederländische Devotio moderna weist Paralellen und Ähnlichkeiten aus, die sich erklären lassen durch das...
Modern Czech New Testament Translations (The 20th Century New Testaments before the Czech Ecumenical Translation)
Bartoň, Josef ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Sázava, Zdeněk (referee) ; Ventura, Václav (referee)
Moderní český novozákonní překlad (Nové zákony dvacátého století před Českým ekumenickým překladem) Modern Czech New Testament Translations (The 20th Century New Testaments before the Czech Ecumenical Translation) PhDr. Josef Bartoň Although a scriptural translation is an important phenomenon in the cultural and spiritual life of the Czech nation and also a part of the Czech theological work from the beginning of Christiantity in the Czech lands to the present time, the work that can be hardly overlooked, the research interest had focused primarily on the older period. Biblical translations from the 19th and 20th centuries are not accounted for (nor the most recent attempts made after 2000). The present study set as its goal a characterization in a more detailed way Czech translations of the New Testament since 1900 and before the work on the Czech ecumenical translation started in 1961.
Veniamin, Ivan Peresvětov, Juraj Križanić in Russia (and historio-cultural context of their works)
Příhoda, Marek ; Svatoň, Vladimír (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee) ; Veber, Václav (referee)
Monk Veniamin (2nd half of the 15th century), Ivan Peresvětov (1st half of the 16 th century) and Juraj Križanić (1617/1618-1683) are remarkable thinkers of the late Middle Ages and the early Modern Period. There are several interesting features common to all three of them which make the research of their works in a single monograph well-founded and inspiring. Each of the authors came to the territory of the Moscovian state from a different cultural and linguistic milieu. In each case the moment of their arrival and their stay in the country could be classified as a landmark in the historical and spiritual development of Eastern Europe, accompanied by a revaluation and relativization of the preceding tradition. Monk Veniamin arrived in Novgorod during the final phase of the process of "the collecting of Russian lands" when a fundamental question for the Moscovian society opened - the issue of the Church possession and its potential secularization. Ivan Peresvětov came to Russia at the beginning of the reign of Ivan IV. Vasiljevič in a period of prospective changes; Juraj Križanić on the eve of the reforms initiated by Petr I. Alexejevič. At the point of their arrivals to Russia Veniamin, Peresvětov and Križanić were all well-experienced men with a great intellectual outfit originating beyond the spiritual...
The baptism of princess Olga in terms of the Byzantine missions
Gkantzios Drápelová, Pavla ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Téra, Michal (referee)
Křest a návštěvu kněžny Olgy tedy není možné jednoznačně chápat jako součást christianizační politiky Konstantinopole. Většina autorů, z jejichž děl jsem při psaní této práce čerpala, umisťuje křest kněžny Olgy do Konstantinopole. Pokud tedy ke křtu opravdu došlo v centru byzantské říše, je možné jej chápat jako "pasivní" misii, tedy že úsilí vzešlo nikoli ze strany byzantského panovníka, ale z podnětu kyjevské kněžny. Byzanc pak misií a christianizace využívala pro své diplomatické zájmy, a proto je z byzantského pohledu křest kněžny Olgy možné vnímat spíše jako projev obratné zahraniční politiky. Není možné zcela s jistotou říci, zdali bylo cílem kněžny Olgy při její návštěvě v Konstantinopoli vyjednat zřízení samostatné církevní organizace anebo navázání úzkých politických vztahů, které by byly potvrzeny sňatkem byzantské princezny se Svjatoslavem, popřípadě obojí. V konečném důsledku však křest jako takový nepřinesl ve své podstatě Kyjevské Rusi žádný dlouhodobější výsledek. K šíření christianizace nedošlo a neexistují žádné zprávy o tom, že by vůbec byly projeveny nějaké snahy o pokřesťanšťování na území Kyjevské Rusi v této době. Křest kněžny Olgy, ať již k němu došlo v Kyjevu či Konstantinopoli, je spíše možné vnímat jako projev sílícího vlivu té části kyjevské elity, která již dříve přijala...
František Bílek- Life, work and the activity in CČSH
Pešek, David ; Hrdlička, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses upon František Bílek, a famous Czech sculptor. He was one of the key figures of the fin-de-siécle culture in the Czech countries. The text is divided into several chapters. The first one is called Life and Work and it represents a basic overview of the themes dealt with in this thesis. The following chapter explores how Bílek's contemporaries, his friends or fellow artists including J. Zeyer or O. Březina, saw him. Next, there is the section examining Bílek's cooperation with Nový život and his relationships with Catholic modernism leaders such as K. Dostál-Lutinov or S. Bouška. There follows the chapter about his collaboration with the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, where the work that Bílek and his family did for the Church is described. Finally, the chapter The Ideal World of František Bílek focuses on his theology, philosophy and works of art that were influenced by mysticism. At the end of the work, there are several illustrations of various Bílek's pieces added.
Following a History of the Symbol of Cross until 1200 AD focused on Irish Specificity
Roule, Radek ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Jaroslav (referee)
The subject of this thesis, which is called "Following a History of the Symbol of Cross until 1200 AD focused on Irish Specificity", is the symbol of cross from the oldest times until the year 1200 AD.

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