National Repository of Grey Literature 36 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Changes of Regional Differentiation of Socioeconomic Development of the USA 1980 - 2007: Case Study Pacific and South-Atlantic Regions
Lukešová, Zuzana ; Jeleček, Leoš (advisor) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee)
Diploma thesis focuses on economic development trends of selected regions and states (California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina) of the USA on various geographical levels in the time period from 1980 until present. The main object is to analyse the spatial distribution of economic production in the United States and its changes in time. Main presumption expects relative declining of dominance of California while the economic power of South-Atlantic region has been increasing. In order to examine changes, I analyse selected economic as well as social indicators and mesures - gross state product, per capita personal income, domestic migration, unemployment and others - on several geographical levels including the newly defined Californian Sunbelt and Eastern Sunbelt. The important section investigates the distribution of per capita personal income on county level in each state and examine the tendency of intrastate regional development. As the present economic development in the most developed countries has been highly influenced by current economic crisis, one chapter is dedicated to this topic. Powered by TCPDF (
The Nationalized Beer. Brewing Industry in Central Bohemia 1945-1955
Šperl, Jiří ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee)
After the Second world war in Czechoslovakia as well as in most European countries there was a tendency to implement into the economy the principles of nationalization, planning and production rationalization. However, in reality the use of these rules encountered difficulties that had not been expected neither by political nor economic areas. It was not only the issue of the rate and form of interventions into the economy from the communist and non-communist parties but also disputes and fights for pushing through particular interests which were being accompanied by a radical form of expropriation done by the communists after the overthrow in February 1948. The aim of this paper is to analyse the nationalization development in brewing industry which belonged to traditional Czech industrial branches and despite its considerable capital and production concentration it preserved a high level of diversity ranging from mass- production to family facilities. This paper will deal with e.g. mechanisms of occupying of leading positions, nationalization impact and effect of political changes on employees, unions activities, production management strategies (reaching the plans of governmental institutions, socialist competition among companies), by the influence of state programmes, improvement of population...
The EU Crisis and European Identities in the Netherlands: Analysing representations of the EU in the Dutch press in 2005 and 2012
de Jong, Jan ; Janáč, Jiří (advisor) ; Erdösi, Péter (referee) ; Kubišová, Zuzana (referee)
Although the perceived lack of a European identity has always been an issue in the legitimisation of the EU, the economic crisis has intensified the struggles between national and European group identities. The main focus of this thesis the way group identities are represented in the coverage of the EU by two Dutch newspapers, the Telegraaf and NRC Handelsblad, in 2005 and 2012, before and after the start of the crisis. Using Jenkins' (2008) definition of social identity, the way in which different in- and out-groups are represented in the articles is analysed. In line with Lengyel (2014), a more positive and stable representation of the EU was found in the more 'elite' NRC Handelsblad, with a more Eurosceptic and changing attitude in the more 'populist' Telegraaf, creating a divergence between the two newspapers. Also, in accordance with Etzioni (2013), the representation of the EU as a political community in NRC Handelsblad in both years can be seen as a reason for the relative stability of its discourse, with the more utilitarian attitude towards the EU in the Telegraaf explaining the radicalisation of its articles after the economic crisis. Finally, the main conclusion of this thesis is that contrary to Eder's (2012) claim that the economic crisis is a critical point in the development of a...
Comparison of the Decolonisation Process in Indonesia and Malaysia
Šebek, Ivo ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
The author of the submitted work compares the process of decolonization in Southeast Asia on the examples of Indonesia and the Federation of Malaya. Although both countries have much in common, culturally, historically, or geographically for example; the process of gaining independence from the colonial powers differed in many aspects. Text analyses probable reasons for these differences by comparative study of economic, social and political histories of both territories in the 19th and especially in the first half of the 20th century. Taking into account the extensive subject matter the analysis focuses only on selected areas that seem to be essential to the distinct development of decolonization in researched countries based on the existing literature. That involves particularly the approach of colonial countries (Great Britain and Netherlands), the course of World War II, solving the ethnical issue and the role of local political elites. This work also covers brief summary of economic and political development in the period preceding the declaration of independence. Key words: Decolonization Southeast Asia Indonesia Malayan federation colonialism
Industrial heritage and urban regeneration: New perspectives for the district of Atlampa in Mexico City
Guzmán Penella, Diego ; Janáč, Jiří (advisor) ; Špačková, Eva (referee) ; Klement, Judit (referee)
Industrial heritage and urban regeneration: New perspectives for the district of Atlampa in Mexico City Abstract in English The relationship between cities and industry has been the subject of research ever since the process of industrialization began in the 18th century. The interest around it has only grown once industry started leaving urban centers in the mid 20th century, forcing cities to evolve to fulfill new functions. This posed a challenge to urban planners and heritage professionals, who had to find solutions together to preserve important industrial sites without restraining the city from evolving. The present thesis explores the different approaches commonly used to address this challenge and analyzes their feasibility for the case of Atlampa, a historical industrial district in Mexico City that has stagnated for decades despite showing great urban potential and heritage value. The core of the thesis is a comparative study of former industrial districts with similar circumstances, which were identified through a diagnosis of Atlampa. The comparison analyzes the urban planning and heritage conservation approaches in each case and determines what could be a feasible and desirable strategy for the urban regeneration of Atlampa. Key words industrial heritage - urban regeneration - urban heritage -...
Region Formation and Transformations of its Roles in Course of the 20th Century: Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
Krajíček, Jan ; Klusáková, Luďa (referee) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee)
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 IČ: 00216208 DIČ: CZ00216208 Tel.: (+420)221 619 111 Jedná se o rigorózní práci, která je uznanou diplomovou či disertační prací. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Museums and Agriculture in Cold War Europe: The establishment of the Association Internationale de Musées d'Agriculture
Rocha Joaquim, João Pedro ; Janáč, Jiří (advisor) ; Olšáková, Doubravka (referee) ; Klement, Judit (referee)
Keywords: AIMA, museum history, agricultural history, International NGO history, Cold War This research focuses on the emergence and development of agricultural museum practice and theory in 20th -century Europe, with special attention to the establishment of knowledge networks between different transnational actors; contributing to the identification of theoretical change and methodological trends in the development of this museological field. The Skansen Open-Air Museum in Stockholm, a folklore museum, and the Hungarian Agricultural Museum in Budapest, a national museum with a markedly technical character, both founded in the 1890s, were the two pioneer institutions of this kind, acting as role-models for later initiatives around Europe and beyond. This bipolar ancestry reflects the variety of approaches possible, still today, in the realm of agricultural museology: one can find agriculture-related museums focused on technical matters, food and nutrition, folklore, specific industries or sectors, etc. Furthermore, the museographic approaches and curatorial options of these institutions can vary considerably from re-enactment of traditional practices to the science-centre-inspired display of environmental matters. At a time when environmental, agricultural, and food related matters gain increasing...
Linguistic Identity in the English as a Lingua Franca Communication: Changing Perceptions on English Non-nativeness in the Context of an Erasmus Community of Practice
Klánová, Aneta ; Janáč, Jiří (advisor) ; Sherman, Tamah (referee) ; Sonkoly, Gábor (referee)
The standard ideology, embedded in discourses of traditional language teaching, has been found to have an influence on non-native speakers' linguistic identities. It manifests itself in their preoccupation with grammatical correctness and accent, and consequently in shaping negative self-perceptions, by focusing on the lacks in proficiency relative to the native speaker model. Some of the recent studies, however, reported contrasting findings. They reveal a weakening of this influence, which stems mainly from the current role of English as a global lingua franca. The ultimate goal of this study is to explore the English non-native students' perceptions of their English, as it served as a main shared resource for socializing within their community, in order to find whether and how this decentralization, combined with the "real life" use of English within an informal environment of an Erasmus community of practice, might impact their linguistic identities. The theoretical part of this study consists of three sections. Firstly, it provides a description of the concept of English as a lingua franca and its development. The second part explicates the relation between ELF and linguistic identity whereas the third part introduces the community of practice approach, which has been employed both as a...
Concept of The Environment in expert view of Czechoslovak architects 1960-1971
Chmátal, Jonáš ; Spurný, Matěj (advisor) ; Janáč, Jiří (referee)
This study analyses the concept of The Environment among Czechoslovak architects and on the field of architectural theory in the 1960s. Environmental problematic was frequent topic across different expert groups since end of the 1950s and especially in the 1960s. Architects was one those groups and they actively further developed this concept of The Environment and environmental problematics during 1960s. This effort had brought interesting theoretical concepts and ideas and was also influenced by general Czechoslovak intellectual milieu of 1960s. Architects also started to critically address the degradation of natural environment due to increasing industrial pollution. They also accomplished several successes on the field of environmental problematics. They managed to establish specialized field of study and played a key role in some international conferences and meetings dealing with environmental problems under UNESCO, OSN or International Union of Architects. This study indicates some of yet not well known intellectual riches of Czechoslovak 1960s and also points that continuous environmental degradation during the reign of communist party was not caused by insufficient expertise and the source for this major problem should be further researched. Key words: Architecture, Environment,...

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