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Between Defence and Resistance: Destinies of Eighteenth Century Protestant Communities in Eastern Bohemia and Haut-Languedoc
Kalivodová, Eva ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Durand, Stéphane (referee)
Between Defence and Resistance: Destinies of Eighteenth-Century Protestant Communities in Eastern Bohemia and Haut-Languedoc Abstract Based on archive research and literature the thesis compares the religious life of illegal Protestant communities in the 18th century Eastern Bohemia and Haut-Languedoc. From macroanalytical perspective it assesses the strategies of protestant minorities used to resist the disciplining efforts of the absolutist state. The confessional homogeneity, economic background and social stratification of Protestants in Eastern Bohemia and Haut-Languedoc differed. Yet, the contrasting comparison opens up the way to analyse the divergent resistance strategies. Further, the thesis examines the existence and nature of attempts to simplify the religious doctrine and to modify the liturgy undertaken by the lay and ordained priests and the worshippers. The structure combines the thematic and chronological approach, while keeping a broad perspective that encompasses also the economic and cultural context. First tree chapters outline and conceptualize the problem of prohibited Protestantism in both regions during the 17th and most of the 18th centuries. While in Languedoc the Presbyterian-synodic structure was revived (albeit illegally), in Eastern Bohemia and in whole Bohemia and Moravia...
Restored Unitas Fratrum's Mission in South Africa at the turn of the 18th and 19th century
Daňková, Tereza ; Hojda, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
After the Battle of White Mountain on 8 November 1620 the non-catholic-minded nobility and burghers left the country. It was not until the 1720s that common people started to go into exile in response to oppressive servitude. During the reign of Emperor Charles VI (1711-1740) the Czech lands saw another wave of recatholisation.1 The non-catholic religious movement was born by the simplest people of the lowest social rank. These new exiles left especially for Slovakia, Silesia, and Saxony. Many groups of exiles from the Czech lands merged in their new environment with local protestant churches. However, one particular group of emigrants from the region of Fulnek2 (especially from Těšín and Suchdol nad Odrou), led by the carpenter Kristián David from Ženklava3 , maintained some independence and inspired the founding of the congregation in Herrnhut (Ochranow) in Upper Lusatia, and later the establishment of an independent church known as the renewed Unity of the Brethren (Moravian Church).4 The congregation formed in Herrnhut between 1722 and 1727 was strongly influenced by Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. As a landowner on whose territory the said congregation arose, Zinzendorf became a sort of spiritual leader of the fraternity. He tried to keep the congregation within the Saxon Lutheran...
Biosphere Reserves in Latin America - ecotourism and sustainable development
Sušňová, Jana ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
Tourism is one of the progressively evolving fields and due to the influence of globalization has become attractive and easily accessible matter for a broad group of people across the continents. Economical aspects of this perspective branch supported generally uncritical perception of phenomena called tourism. In recent years, however the negative impact of mass tourism became the subject of discussion and efforts are being made to find alternative forms which respect the environment and contribute to the development of the visited regions. The aim of thesis is study of ecotourism and biospheres reserves. Both concepts contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Latin America. Biosphere Reserves based on the effort of harmonious coexistence between man and nature are the ideal environment for the application of the principles of sustainability. Ecotourism in Latin American practice is analyzed on the basis of case studies from Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands. Operation, management and benefits of biosphere reserves for the region demonstrate examples of Guatemala and Costa Rica. Keywords: biosphere reserve; ecotourism; Latin America; sustainable development
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarded by UNESCO - the Mexican case
Zasadilová, Hana ; Binková, Simona (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
The aim of the work is to evaluate to what degree the intangible UNESCO monument of the "Day of the Dead" (Día de Muertos) is indeed a living heritage. In the first chapter, it deals with UNESCO and the institution of intangible heritage and with an overview of the Mexican monuments thereof. The second chapter presents in its three parts analyses the present state of the "Day of the Dead" on the background of its historical development, and it evaluates the current impact of the UNESCO world heritage protection in relation to globalization and commercialization of the holiday. Keywords: Mexico, Day of the Dead, UNESCO, intangible cultural heritage
Transmigrants from Spanish Speaking Latin America and the Instrumentalisation of Nostalgia: Symbolic Goods of Those Who Leave and Return
Hidalgo Solís, Priscilla ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Militello, Paolo (referee)
This MA thesis presents the results of an investigation about the Hispanic Americans in Prague. Relying on a transnationalist theoretical approach, this research presents an empirical description about the existing ties between the transmigrants and their city of residence, analyzing the migration networks and the transnational practices that arise during the migratory experience. We wish to demonstrate the measure in which the transnational migration is going to foment the exchange of symbolic goods between the country of origin and the country of reception of the transmigrant, and how this exchange is often triggered by the feeling of nostalgia that is frequently associated with the transmigrants experience. To approach these problems in the thesis we focus on the portrait of the migration networks, and on various strategies adopted by migrants from Latin America. Thus we are able to discover the transnational practices of migrants, their integration strategies, and the tools which facilitate to keep the contact with their homeland, and native civilization/culture. The exchange of symbolic goods is one of the very important instruments. We discover them through the testimonies of the transmigrants, which constitute the frame of this investigation, and function as a window on the nature of the...
Lima: Problems of Latin-American metropolis in context and mutual interaction
Rataj, Martin ; Janský, Bohumír (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis is devoted to the complex of problems which characterize Latin American metropolis on the threshold of the 21st century. It is illustrated in the example of the Peruvian capital Lima which cumulates high amount of the symptomatic maladies of the urbanized areas in this part of the World. The emphasis is mostly put on the issue of the internal migration in Peru and its consequence in a radical change of urbanization, especially the fast growth of the slums on the peripheries. The work also deals with the phenomena which are closely connected with it - criminality, decline in quality of life in the city and disruption of its structures, exhausted environment and predisposition to davastation caused by natural disasters. The aim is to show the coherence of above- mentioned aspects, their common origin and to put them in the context of problems in Peru when the main accent is on the aspect of poverty and cultural-racial barrier.
The dual image of Spain of the second half of the twenties of the 20th century. Confrontation with the views of Vlastimil Kybal.
Šmída, Pavel ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis seeks to answer the question, if it is possible to create the concept of "dual image of Spain" in the second half of the twenties of 20th century or the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. A prerequisite for this double division are opinions of the Czech historian and diplomat Vlastimil Kybal, who worked as ambassador in Madrid between 1927-1933 and Spanish historians who examined this period. Based on comparative method the work analyzes the economic, social and political events, on one side as recorded by Kybal and on the other by historians. The primary objective is the research and formulation of different concepts and ideas and secondly their same opinions. The issue of legitimacy of the constitution, new constitution, the collaboration of PSOE, economic protectionism, causes of the anti-regime resistance (military, students) or causes of downfall of the dictatorship belong to the basic topics of the research. For comparison were used archival documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (political news) and secondary literature (J. M. Galán, C. F. Marroyo, M. Tuñón de Lara, J. Tusell, etc.). The result of this work is the claim that the period under review can not define "dual image of Spain", because there are many views among Spanish historians about Primo de Rivera's dictatorship.
The Change of the Orientation from Great britain to US in the Chilean Economy
Bohal, Martin ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
Theses aims at providing description of the dependence of Chile on Great Britain and the reorientation of the Chilean economy from Great Britain to United Sates. The main subject is the analysis of the structure of the economic and political relationships between Chile and the dominant power. Special attention is given to areas with significant foreign participation. Among these belong the nitrate and cooper extraction and in lesser degree banking. The work also gives description of the development of the monetary and economic policy of Chile and its effects on the foreign capital.
The meaning of ideas about the end of the word in the process of conquest and colonization of America
Brenišínová, Monika ; Křížová, Markéta (advisor) ; Binková, Simona (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to explore the possible influence of the idea of the end of the world on the process of conquest and colonization of America. The author tries to answer this question through the study of selected images of the Last Judgment. The purpose aim of this thesis is not to describe or stylistically classify given works of art, but to interpret them using the methodology based on the semiotic conception of culture as public symbolical system that allows to interpret the culture and its expressions in their social connections. As the topic of this work is related to the question of death and finality, the chosen works of art are interpreted also in connection with A. van Gennep's idea of "rites of passage", which enables to pass from one life stage to another. The main source for analysis is the photographic material, which illustrates images and reliefs of the Last Judgment in their natural environment.
Slavery in Works of the 1st Half of the 19th Century Cuban Authors
Zelmat, Martina ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis consists of an analysis of the works of two Cuban authors of the first half of the 19th Century, Francisco de Arango y Parreño and José Antonio Saco. This paper focuses on their works, mainly on those that discuss the topic of slavery. The first chapter introduces the evolution of slavery and its end throughout the Word and in Cuba, focusing on the development of the Cuban society in the 19th century, in which both of the authors lived and created. The second chapter analyses the works of Francisco de Arango y Parreño, his gradual development of ideas and views on the subject in connection with historical events that influenced his works. The third chapter is comprised of similar analysis of José Antonio Saco's works. The conclusion compares the works of both authors and highlights the points in which their views coincide or diverge. Key words: Francisco de Arango y Parreño, José Antonio Saco, slavery, slave trade, abolitionism, sugarcane, Cuba, 1st half of the 19th cent.

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