Original title:
Strnulost českého trhu práce
Translated title:
The rigidity of the Czech labour market
Münich, Daniel ; Grossmann, Jakub Document type: Research reports
cze Series:
Policy Brief IDEA, volume: červen 2024 Abstract:
[cze][eng] Českou ekonomiku dlouhodobě brzdí strnulost trhu práce. Frekvence, se kterou lidé v Česku mění práci, totiž patří k nejnižším v rámci všech zemí EU27.The Czech economy has been held back for a long time by the rigidity of the labor market. The frequency with which people in the Czech Republic change jobs is one of the lowest among all EU27 countries.
Czech Republic; labour market Project no.: StrategieAV21/22 Funding provider: AV ČR