,,Žijeme školou?"- obraz školy a školáka v literatuře pro děti u V. Steklače
Překlad názvu:
"School, the center of our life"- depiction of a school and a student in children's literature by V Steklač
Novák, Vojtěch ; Kasper, Tomáš (vedoucí práce) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Bakalářské práce
Abstrakt: (in English): This bachelor thesis focuses on Mr. Vojtěch Steklač and makes a pedagogic and psychological analysis of his works. The first section briefly introduces the author and his works. Next, I analyse the series of books about Bořík and his adventures. I comment on the linguistic aspects of the works and analyse the pedagogic environments that the main characters find themselves in. To finish off, I make several suggestions about how these books could be used in teaching. The goal of this work is to familiarise the reader with this author and hence to enable him to work with his books.
Klíčová slova:
Vojtěch Steklač|Škola|Žák|Pedagogika|Rozbor díla|Učitel; Vojtěch Steklač|School|Student|Pedagogy|Book analysis|Teacher