Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Návrh a realizace metody vyhýbání se překážkám v outdoor prostředí pro mobilní robot
Fargač, Tomáš ; Králík, Jan (oponent) ; Věchet, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se věnuje zkoumání využitelnosti metody optického toku při zpracování obrazu. Nejprve je tato metoda představena teoreticky a poté je matematicky odvozen její základ. Následně je představena myšlenka její implementace do rozhodovacích algoritmů a potenciálních oblastí využití. V práci je také možno nalézt elaboraci nad vhodným prostředím pro takovou aplikaci jak ve virtuálním tak i reálném světě. Praktická část pak ukazuje vývojový proces krok za krokem a také zdokonalování práce s touto metodou a jejími výstupy. Práce využívá programovacího prostředí Matlabu a detailní práci na úrovni jednotlivých komponentů v tomto programovacím jazyce, obohaceného o pomocné balíčky, zejména ze světa počítačového vidění. Celé bádání je nakonec přehledně shrnuto a všechny podniknuté kroky jsou vyobrazeny ve vývojovém diagramu. Závěrem jsou jasně prezentovány všechny zkoumané přístupy s jejich silnými stránkami a nedostatky, jež byly v průběhu identifikovány.
Communication in Mobile Robotics
Hýbl, Matouš ; Jílek, Tomáš (oponent) ; Žalud, Luděk (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this thesis is to provide insight into ways of improving communication links used in mobile robotics, specifically in field robotics. First, the electromagnetic spectrum is studied in order to provide information about what frequencies can be used. Digital modulations are described as well as they greatly influence link's behavior in presence of noise. Furthermore, various ways of enhancing communication links are described alongside with ideas about their use and implementation. A communication subsystem based on MikroTik routers suitable for field robotics robots is designed and developed. This communication subsystem is capable of retranslation and has hardware required for implementation of redundant communication link based on LTE. Revival of Orpheus HOPE robot is then described. The robot is equipped with a new control unit firmware, the communication subsystem and is renamed to Orpheus CT. A simple system suitable for measuring communication link properties is developed and tested. The system for measuring link properties is then evaluated during two experiments. One experiment is dedicated to testing of retranslation capabilities of the communication subsystem. Evaluation of experiment results shows that the measurement system works and that the communication subsystem is suitable for implementation into real field robots.
Design And Development Of A Handheld Robot Controller With Telepresence Capabilities
Hýbl, Matouš
This paper describes the design and development of a prototype of a handheld controller that should be used to remotely control a robot during a field/service robotics mission. The controller is equipped with a touch screen display, that shows a video feed from robot’s cameras and its status information, joysticks and buttons for controlling the robot and also an ethernet port for connecting external communication interfaces. Broken out HDMI and USB ports are used to connect an AR (Augumented Reality)/VR(Virtual Reality) headset with a head movement sensor, thus allowing for telepresence in the field . The secondary aim of the paper is to evaluate the Rust programming language in terms of directly interfacing hardware.
Communication in Mobile Robotics
Hýbl, Matouš ; Jílek, Tomáš (oponent) ; Žalud, Luděk (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this thesis is to provide insight into ways of improving communication links used in mobile robotics, specifically in field robotics. First, the electromagnetic spectrum is studied in order to provide information about what frequencies can be used. Digital modulations are described as well as they greatly influence link's behavior in presence of noise. Furthermore, various ways of enhancing communication links are described alongside with ideas about their use and implementation. A communication subsystem based on MikroTik routers suitable for field robotics robots is designed and developed. This communication subsystem is capable of retranslation and has hardware required for implementation of redundant communication link based on LTE. Revival of Orpheus HOPE robot is then described. The robot is equipped with a new control unit firmware, the communication subsystem and is renamed to Orpheus CT. A simple system suitable for measuring communication link properties is developed and tested. The system for measuring link properties is then evaluated during two experiments. One experiment is dedicated to testing of retranslation capabilities of the communication subsystem. Evaluation of experiment results shows that the measurement system works and that the communication subsystem is suitable for implementation into real field robots.

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