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Automatic reading of numbers - real-time measurement of quantities from graphical displays of various instruments with a camera
Bartoš, Daniel ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the process of converting numerical values displayed on graphical displays of measuring instruments without communication interfaces into data usable for subsequent analysis, using a camera and a program described in the implemen- tation section. The theoretical part is dedicated to the research and implementation of operations used in image processing, including morphological operations, in the MATLAB environment. The practical part of the thesis focuses on creating a program for real-time recording of numerical displays using a camera, processing the captured images with operations discussed in the research section, and reading them using the MATLAB OCR function. It also covers the subsequent processing of the read data and their storage during the measurement. This part also includes examples of measuring different types of displays, creating a user interface and application using the Application Compiler tool. The thesis concludes with a section serving as a user guide for the application.
Development of precise barometric sensor
Bebej, Rastislav ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Řeřucha,, Šimon (advisor)
This thesis deals with the development of an electronic module for absolute air pressure measurement. The device is to be used in interferometry in length metrology, where it is necessary to determine the value of atmospheric pressure with high accuracy. The thesis includes a research focused on the selection of suitable pressure sensors for this purpose and the selection of supporting components. The thesis also deals with the design of the circuit design and the printed circuit board. The module communicates with the device network via CAN bus, using the CANopen protocol. The device has been thoroughly tested with a reference barometer and in a controlled environment of a temperature chamber. The aim of these measurements was to determine the noise characteristics and to assess the proposed filtering using an IIR filter. Based on the calibration with a certified barometer, the device is supplemented with offset compensation, temperature influence compensation and linearly dependent pressure deviation compensation.
Semantic segmentation of aerial images
Pazdera, Jiří ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Adámek, Roman (advisor)
This work deals with semantic segmentation of aerial images and their subsequent use for route planning. The first part represents an introduction to this issue and a theoretical description of the current state of knowledge. The second part describes testing of available segmentation methods, the development of custom dataset, and the training of an existing neural network model. Finally, the possibility of route planning using an appropriate algorithm is demonstrated.
Using hybrid maps in mobile robot localization and mapping
Fajgel, Oscar ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with analysis of current approaches to mapping used in mobile robotics and explores a hybrid mapping approach that could be used in mobile robot navigation and localization in multi-level indoor environments of buildings. Multiple methods are examined and a suitable approach is tested using ROS framework simulations. A real life test on a real robot is also concluded to test the usability of this approach.
Design and optimization of the hydraulic suspension model
Zrnčík, Matej ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Radil, Filip (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na návrh a optimalizaci modelu odděleného hydraulického odpružení s cílem dosáhnout požadovaného dynamického chování automobilu. Model zavěšení je vytvořen v prostředí Matlab, Simulink. Tato práce popisuje proces návrhu modelu zavěšení, zjištění vstupů do jeho simulace, určení výstupu simulace a proces jeho optimalizace. Nakonec vyvození závěrů z výsledků optimalizace.
Design and verification of a feedback control for thermostatized chamber
Fridrich, Martin ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Řeřucha,, Šimon (advisor)
Temperature variations have a great influence on the accurate length measurement by laser interferometry. An environment with controlled temperature is important to characterize and compensate for these effects. This thesis is concerned with the implementation of feedback control for a test chamber to create this controlled environment. The first part is devoted to a survey of control techniques, the basic principles of laser interferometry, the CANopen communication protocol, and the current design of the thermostatic chamber used at the Department of Coherent Optics of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. The next part describes the design of the new chamber, the creation of the control software, the implementation of the control, and its optimization using several methods. Finally, the thesis contains a characterization of the conditions in the chamber. Comparison with the original condition shows more than a twofold improvement in temperature stability and an almost threefold reduction in the environmental influences on the temperature inside of the chamber.
Extension of the magnetic manipulator teaching model using a microcontroller for independent operation
Štupák, Jakub ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design, control and user interface for a magnetic manipulator. Created magnetic manipulator uses three electromagnets, which are used to control the position of a steel ball. The objective of this work was to enhance and extend the functionality of this system, including adding the ability for autonomous operation. Regulation can be executed through either an externally connected HUMUSOFT card or an integrated microcontroller. This enables the use of this system without external hardware and simplifies manipulation. Communication between the system and user is enabled with the use of the ESP32 Bluetooth functionality and an Android app.
Design and implementation of an obstacle avoidance method in an outdoor environment for a mobile robot
Fargač, Tomáš ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
This thesis focuses on investigating the usability of the optical flow method in image processing. Firstly, this method is introduced theoretically, followed by its mathematical derivation. Subsequently, the idea of implementing it into decision-making algorithms and potential areas of application is presented. The thesis also elaborates on suitable environments for such applications in both virtual and real worlds. The practical part demonstrates the step-by-step development process and the refinement of working with this method and its outputs. The work utilizes the Matlab programming environment and detailed work at the level of individual components in this programming language, enriched with auxiliary toolboxes, especially from the field of computer vision. The entire research is summarized clearly at the end, and all undertaken steps are depicted in a flowchart. Finally, all explored approaches with their strengths and weaknesses, identified throughout the process, are clearly presented.
Semantic segmentation of images from off-road environment
Spilková, Bára ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Adámek, Roman (advisor)
Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je prozukoumání růzých metod sémantické segmentace snímků z off-road terénu. V rešeršní části jsou popsány základní principy sémantické segmentace, různé přístupy k tomuto problému, metody sémantické segmentace a různé datové sady. Dále je popsán proces evaluace a trénování několika modelů s rozdílnými parametry a vytvoření nového evaluačního datasetu. Získané výsledky jsou porovnány s výsledky z rešeršní části a jsou navrhnuty další kroky pro zvýšení přesnosti modelů.
Visual testing using OpenQA framework
Vacek, Tomáš ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
This Bachelor’s thesis aims to validate the viability of using openQA framework to test PC applications, web applications and applications for embedded systems. The first part deals with the theory concerning application testing. The preparations of said framework is then described in the second part. The last part presents test examples for different scenarios.

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