Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 18 záznamů.  předchozí11 - 18  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Energy Recovery from Exhaust Gases in an Electric-assisted Turbocharger for Hybrid Vehicles
Calábek, Daniel ; Kudláček, Petr (oponent) ; Novotný, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The content of this diploma thesis was the suitability of using a turbocharger with an associated motor-generator for selected types of hybrid vehicles and the subsequent analysis of energy flows for a given engine application. The approach presented in the work includes a thermodynamic model of the engine in the GT-SUITE program in which the possibilities of energy flows when changing the size of the turbine and compressor wheel of a turbocharger are investigated. The approach is applied to a turbocharger with a variable geometry which is associated with motor-generator for a delivery vehicle, where it is possible to recover energy from the turbocharger at different engine loads. At the same time, the possibilities of reducing fuel consumption at certain operating points of the engine were identified.
Optimization of EGR system and water injection for gasoline engine
Kertész, Tibor ; Svída, David (oponent) ; Bazala, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
The focus in this master’s thesis is on proving effects of exhaust gas recirculation and water injection. Thermodynamic simulations were made in software GT-Power. There were tried different settings of systems and were observed impacts on a naturally aspirated engine. Results were compared with the engine without these systems.
Exhaust Gas Energy Recuperation in a Commercial Vehicle Diesel Engine
Šroba, Roman ; Janoušek, Michal (oponent) ; Vondrák, Adam (vedoucí práce)
The scope of this thesis investigates value added by a turbocharger with an associated motor-generator unit to a diesel engine used by a commercial vehicle. A thermodynamic model of the engine was prepared in GT-SUITE software. Case studies were primary focused on a reduction of specific fuel consumption as well as a nitrogen oxides production using an energy recuperation of exhaust gas. Furthermore, there are described potential benefits of using an electric assistance in order to increase an exhaust gas temperature during a steady state engine operation. Additionally, there is an investigation of potential benefits of a turbocharger assistance in a transition engine mode operating during rapid acceleration of the vehicle. The results of individual analysis will be taken into account for a selection of turbocharger regarding specific engine implementation. The results of simulation suggest that it is possible to lower specific fuel consumption, production of nitrogen oxides, as well as accelerate turbocharger response.
Technologies for NOx Cut-down in Exhaust Gases
Drábik, Michal ; Janoušek, Michal (oponent) ; Dundálek, Radim (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of reducing nitrogen oxides emissions in exhaust gases and explains the principles of their reduction. The main aim of the thesis is to analyse and describe systems that are designed to reduce their amount. The following chapter provides examples of solutions for these systems for specific drive units. At the end of the thesis, there is a reflection on possible future development in this sphere.
Cooled EGR system loop architecture for gasoline engines
Pospíšil, Juraj ; Svída, David (oponent) ; Bazala, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This master s thesis is focused on proving the effects of different exhaust gas recirculation architectures on turbocharged gasoline engines. Simulations were made in thermodynamic simulation software GT-Power. It starts with comparing the effects of different exhaust gas recirculation architectures on the steady-state simulations, mainly from the fuel consumption aspect, which are later implemented into the transient models running emission test cycles. At the end of the thesis are described impacts of exhaust gas recirculation on the function of three-way catalyst and function of the turbocharger.
Snižování spotřeby benzínových motorů pomocí EGR technologie
Pospíšil, Juraj ; Beran, Martin (oponent) ; Bazala, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
Bakalárska práca je zameraná na objasnenie faktorov negatívne pôsobiacich na spotrebu paliva automobilov, návrh a overenie funkcie možných systémov na zníženie spotreby paliva v programe Lotus engine software.
Návrh EGR výměníku pro recirkulaci výfukových plynů
Bazala, Jiří ; Vančura, Jan (oponent) ; Beran, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na nové konstrukční řešení EGR výměníku ve formě CAD modelu, jeho CFD simulaci, vyvození patřičných závěrů, a také porovnání dvou vývojových typů tohoto výměníku.
Plnící turbodmychadlo
Růsek, Lukáš ; Novotný, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Fiedler, Jan (vedoucí práce)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou přeplňování spalovacích motorů plnícími turbodmychadly. Cílem diplomové práce je návrh turbodmychadla pro naftový přeplňovaný spalovací motor o výkonu 430 [kW]. Ve výpočtech bude uvažována regulace plnícího tlaku odpouštěním výfukových plynů před turbínou (WG) a různé režimy recirkulace výfukových spalin (EGR). Výsledkem bude návrh turbodmychadla splňující dané požadavky. V závěru práce jsou krátce shrnuty další technické doporučení pro následující aplikace plnících turbodmychadel

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 18 záznamů.   předchozí11 - 18  přejít na záznam:
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