Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 99 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Characterization of silver nanoparticles
Župková, S. ; Sopoušek, J. ; Šídlo, M. ; Buršík, Jiří
Understanding and characterization of colloidal nanoparticles is very important for their uses in the research and technology. Colloidal silver solutions have many interesting properties such as surface plasmon resonance. Plasmons are optical effects observed for silver, gold, and copper and the other nanoparticles. The value of the wavelength of this effect depends on the particle size and shape as well as on the properties of solvent or absorbent presented. As sample there were used nanoparticles of silver, which were dispersed in aqueous solution. The fluorescence, size and zeta-potential of two samples each with different date of preparation were measured. The colloidal solutions were investigated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, electron microscopy, and electrophoretic light scattering for zetapotential evaluation.
Oxygen Precipitation in CZ Si Wafers after High Temperature
Meduňa, M. ; Caha, O. ; Kuběna, J. ; Kuběna, A. ; Svoboda, Milan ; Buršík, Jiří
In this work we study two stage and three stage annealing processes with application of Tabula rasa. The evolution of precipitates at various phases during annealing process for various temperatures was obtained from series of experimental techniques.
X-ray scattering study of oxide precipitates in Cz-Si
Caha, O. ; Meduňa, M. ; Bernatová, S. ; Růžička, J. ; Mikulík, P. ; Buršík, Jiří ; Svoboda, Milan ; Bernstorff, S.
Two x-ray diffraction methods were used for characterization of the oxide precipitates in Czochralski silicon series of samples. The maping of the diffuse scattering around reciprocal lattice point in Bragg geometry and the simultaneous measurement of the diffracted and transmitted beam intensity in the Laue diffraction geometry.
TEM and SEM study of precipitation hardened Cu-Co alloys after severe plastic deformation
Buršík, Jiří ; Svoboda, Milan ; Král, Petr ; Dvořák, Jiří ; Sklenička, Václav
The paper reports on preliminary results of microstructural study of Cu-2wt.%Co alloy processed by ECAP. The experimental alloy was cast and annealed at 1273 K for 10 hours followed by water cooling, resulting in the solid solution (the initial state). Further heat treatment was then applied to produce two-phase material with fine distribution of precipitates. ECAP was then conducted at room temperature on both the initial and the precipitation hardened states. Resulting microstructures were studied and characterized by microhardness testing, TEM observations and texture analysis by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique in SEM.
Analytical electron microscopy of lead-free nanopowder solders
Buršík, Jiří ; Sopoušek, J. ; Zálešák, Jakub ; Buršíková, V.
During the last decade, the EU legislative regulations enforced lead-free solders and hence initiated an extensive search for the best replacement of lead-containing solders. Parallel to new binary and ternary bulk solders, metal nanoparticles are also considered as potential candidates for solder materials. It is known that physical, electric and thermodynamic properties of nanoobjects are significantly different from those of the bulk materials. The oxidation, high reactivity of the surfaces and aggregation are frequent problems of nanotechnology applications. The nanoparticles of pure metals and alloys exhibit the depression of the melting point compared to bulk material, hence they are able to aggregate and to form firm interlayer joints at low temperatures. Exploiting this effect can save energy, work and materials.
Buršík, Jiří ; Svoboda, Milan
The work is focused on characterization of diluted model Cu–Co alloys with Co content from 2 to 4 wt.% after various thermal treatment. After initial annealing at 1273 K followed by water cooling, further annealing of the oversaturated solid solution in the range 773 to 1073 K generated a fine distribution of Co-rich precipitates. Parameters of microstructure were characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis.
Electron Microscopy of Nanoparticles for Lead-free Soldering Prepared by Wet Chemical Synthesis
Buršík, Jiří ; Škoda, D. ; Vykoukal, V. ; Sopoušek, J.
In this work, Ag- and Sn-based nanopowders were prepared as potential low-toxic constituents of novel solders by a chemical wet synthesis from chemicals of high purity. Various ways of preparation and further storage of the product were examined. Resulting nanoparticles (their size distribution, morphology and tendency for clustering) were characterized by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis techniques.
Electron microscopy of nanoparticles for lead-free soldering prepared by wet chemical synthesis
Buršík, Jiří ; Škoda, D. ; Vykoukal, V. ; Sopoušek, J.
The nanoparticles of pure metals and alloys exhibit the depression of the melting point compared to bulk material, hence they are able to aggregate and to from firm interlayer joints at low temperatures. Exploiting this effect in soldering industry can save energy, work and materials. Using emulsions with nanopowders might be the solution of demanding task of replacing classical Sn-Pb solders by their lead-free substitutes. In this work, Ag- and Sn-based nanopowders were prepared as potential low-toxic constituents of novel solders by a chemical wet synthesis from chemicals of high purity. Various ways of preparation and further storage of the product were examined. Resulting nanoparticles (their size distribution, morphology and tendency for clustering) were characterization by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
Měření mechanických vlastností spojů připravených nízkoteplotní sintrací nanočástic stříbra
Pešina, Z. ; Sopoušek, J. ; Buršík, Jiří ; Škoda, D.
Připravili jsme Ag nanočástice chemickou syntézou, která spočívala v reakci dusičnanu stříbrného s dodecylaminem v acetonnitrilu. Spoje připravené pomocí Ag nanoprášku jsme testovali ve smyku za působení různého přítlaku. Vrstvy sintrovaného nanoprášku jsme testovali pomocí nanoindentačních zkoušek.
Influence of the apparent bulk diffusion on the grain self-diffusivities in nickel
Rothová, Věra ; Buršík, Jiří ; Svoboda, Milan
Here we attempt to clarify the high diffusivity values of the grain boundary self-diffusion in nickel at high temperatures published by Neuhaus et al.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 99 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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