National Repository of Grey Literature 27,415 records found  beginprevious27406 - 27415  jump to record: Search took 1.16 seconds. 

Notice of termination of employment
Odvářková, Alice ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Hůrka, Petr (referee)
69 Summary The termination of the employment relationship In my thesis concerning labour law I focused on the problems of the termination of employment contracts. The theses is devided into 13 chapters. After a brief exposition of terminating an empoyment contract and a chapter about contractual freedom I concentrated on analysis of legal regulations of the termination of employment contracts. The termination of an employment contract is an unilateral legal operation, which heads towards terminating an employment contract after the expiration of the term of notice. One party of an employment contract may expresses its own will to terminate an employment contract regardless of the attitude of the other party. Written form, delivering into the hands of the other party and an exact, not interchangeable reason of discharge are substantial requisites of the notice. Legal implications of the notice shall come into force after expiration of given time, named the term of notice. The term of notice is of an equal length for both the employee and the employer and it makes at least two months. Employees shall have the right to terminate contracts for whatever reason or even without giving any reason. An employer is bound by many restrictions, whose aim is to protect the employee against any illegitimate discharge. I...

The Saxons in Bohemia 1631-1632
Kortus, Oldřich ; Čechura, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Bobková, Lenka (referee) ; Fukala, Radek (referee)
Předmětem této práce je zpracování epizodické události z dějin třicetileté války, tažení saské armády do Čech v letech 1631 a 1632. Text práce je rozvržen do šesti kapitol. První z nich shrnuje přehled dosavadního bádání o tématu a seznamuje čtenáře s existující literaturou a použitými prameny pro sepsání tohoto pojednání. Druhá kapitola věnovaná počátkům tažení saského vojska do Čech řeší odpověď na některé z otázek položených v úvodu: Proč se uskutečnilo tažení do Čech? Na tuto otázku nelze zcela jednoznačně odpovědět. Podnětem k němu mohly být dva důvody spojené z faktem, že této příležitosti bylo možné využít k živení saské armády na území Čech. Prvním důvodem mohly být obavy saské strany z napadení kurfiřtství císařskými vojsky pod velením Aldringena a Tiefenbacha. Druhým důvodem mohla být obava z plánů českých pobělohorských exulantů. Ti, pod vedením Jindřicha Matyáše hraběte z Thurnu usilovali o návrat do staré vlasti a o obnovení náboženských a politických poměrů do té míry, jaké existovaly před rokem 1620. Toto se mělo zdařit vyvoláním povstání v zemi proti císaři a českému králi Ferdinandovi II. za podpory švédské armády. Tažení švédského vojska do Čech a následně do rakouských zemí se císařský dvůr, generalita a vlivné politické osobnosti dlouhou dobu velmi obávaly. Mám za to, že Arnimovo tažení...

Social economy in the Czech republic
Skopeček, Jan ; Dohnalová, Marie (advisor) ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee)
Dissertation is focusing on the scope of social economy and social enterprises in the Czech republic namely in terms of czech law. Dissertation is portioned out to two main parts, while in first of them - theoretical part - is primarily described number of important concepts of social enterprise and social economy in wider (euroamerican) context. In sequential section, there is still described stage of social economy and social enterprises in Czech republic namely by the help of historical analysis and description single social economy subjects in legal terms. Last section of theoretical part is focused on legal analysis of czech social economy subjects in terms of , what kind of opportunities and constraints in the scope of enterpreneurship and for-profit activity provide czech legislature to this legal subjects. Second main part - empirical - confronts with practices theoretically realized fact, in an effort to- mainly- find out, to what extent czech social enterprises make use on opportunities to enterprising and for-profit activity, that allows them czech law.

The spirituality of the Yoga movement in Bohemia
Němečková, Kamila ; Hnilica, Karel (referee) ; Říčan, Pavel (advisor)
V práci jsem se zabývala spiritualitou jógového hnutí v Čechách. Důraz jsem položila na teoretickou část, empirická část tvořená orientační dotazníkovou studií je pouze doplňková. V teoretické části jsem se pokusila ve třech kapitolách vytvořit širokou základnu nahlížející spiritualitu v řadě aspektů. Tento komplexnější pohled naznačil podnětné souvislosti důležité pro zachycení typu spirituality, která je v jógovém hnutí obsažena. Empirická část naznačila, že spiritualita jógy, kterou jsem ve své práci hledala, má "ženské" prvky. Orientační dotazníková studie ukazuje vysokou hladinu eko-spirituální roviny, která je tradičně uváděna jako "ženská". Další výsledky oproti původním předpokladům nastínily, že členové jógového hnutí nejsou přímo ovlivněni křesťanskou náboženskou výchovou a spíše podporují teorii existence jiné životní filosofie, která může souviset s východním myšlením v kontextu jógy. Jak už bylo řečeno výše, "ženskou spiritualitu" považuji za jeden z významných faktorů českého jógového hnutí. Další velké téma, které v průběhu psaní práce vyplynulo, má těžiště v holistickém nazírání světa, v propojení východního a západního myšlení. Tato dvě témata se postupně sloučila do teorie, jež charakterizují spiritualitu jógy v Čechách V první kapitole jsem se pokusila objasnit důvody, proč jóga, která...

The Minor Place-Names in the Cadastral Area Tchořovice
HAVRDA, Michal
The topic of this bachelor thesis are the selected old minor place-names in the cadastral area Tchorovice, Strakonice district, South Bohemia. The analysed data include agronyms, oronyms and names of individual objects that were excerpted from the Theresian cadastre and maps of Ist and IInd military mapping. The collected data were verified by comparison with some other inventories of local anoikonyms, cadastral maps and by interviewing the locals. The anoikonyms are listed in alphabetical order and are subject to partial formal and semantic analysis. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to reconstruct partially the oldest state of local anoikonyms that may serve as a starting point for future toponomastic research.

Assessment of Vaccination Coverage Against Influenza among Students of the University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice
This thesis deals with the evaluation of vaccination against influenza among students of University of South Bohemia, their opinions and their approach to the issue of vaccination against influenza. The theoretical part is focused on historical, clinical, diagnostic, virological, immunological and epidemiological aspects of influenza vaccine development and vaccination against influenza. The aim of the practical part was to determine how widespread is influenza vaccination among students of University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, map their opinion on the vaccination and to assess their awareness regarding vaccination against influenza and influenza in general. For research purposes a questionnaire survey was distributed among students of the University of South Bohemia. The selection of respondents was conducted by stratified random selection so that it covered approximately 5% occupancy of each faculty. This research preceded a preliminary research to determine the suitability of the chosen method of data collection. As a data collection instrument was chosen the method of questioning by the form of questionnaires. Quota for the research was to study the respondents at the South Bohemian University and studied faculty. In total 468 questionnaires were evaluated. The results of the research shows that students of University of South Bohemia underestimate vaccination, and most of them have never been vaccinated against this disease. In spite of this is, the results show that the awareness of students is good and among faculties except the Faculty of Health and Social Care, there is not a significant difference. Faculty of Health and Social achieved in the overall awareness significantly higher result than other faculty. Thus confirming the hypothesis that there are differences between students' awareness of the Health and Social faculty and students of other faculties. The aim of this thesis is to alert students of the University of South Bohemia about the pros of influenza vaccination and increase their awareness in this area.

Milk as a source of trace elements
The aim of this thesis was to enumerate the contents of important trace elements in cow's milk (iodine, zinc, copper, manganese) and evaluate the importance of milk as the natural resources in human nutrition. The average content of iodine in cows' milk in farms of South Bohemia in 2009 was 360,91 ?g/l, 2010 440,62 ?g/l in 2011 337,14 ?g/l. The average content of zinc in cow's milk in 2009 was 4825,15 ?g/l. The average content of copper in cow's milk in 2009 was 38,78 ?g/l. The average content of manganese in cow's milk in 2009 was 16,49 ?g/l. The average consumption of 0.16 liter of milk per person per day provided income of iodine in 2009 in 39%, in 2010 in 47%, in 2011 in 54%, income of zinc in 2009 in 6%, copper income in 0,3% and manganese income in 0,07%.

Postglacial vegetation history of local phenomena in western Bohemia
Švarcová, Markéta Gabriela ; Kuneš, Petr (advisor) ; Kozáková, Radka (referee)
In the sense of postglacial vegetation development, western Bohemia represents one of the least studied regions in the Czech Republic. This area, however, represents a supposed migration route of trees towards northern Europe during the Holocene. The most appropriate area for testing of such proposal might be western Sudetes with Slavkovský les protected landscape area in the Karlovy Vary region. Postglacial vegetation history was studied on the basis of two sedimentary profiles - from the fen bog near Číhanské prameny springs and from the vicinity of Mnichovské hadce serpentines from the nature reserve Mokřady pod Vlčkem. Percentual as well as influx diagrams were constructed on the basis of results of standard pollen analysis. Comparison of these results with the data from other suitable profiles enabled reconstruction of migration history of main tree taxa. The Číhaná profile reflects the period from the Older Dryas up to the Atlantic. The oldest Holocene forest was formed by the dominant Pinus, while Corylus was joining already in the Preboreal. Quercetum mixtum folowed in the begining of the Boreal and spruce quickly gained dominance in the Atlantic. The sedimentation process was probably finished due to rapid accumulation of sediments followed by spontaneous drainage ending with spruce and alder...

Strategic analysis
Bartuňková, Alena ; Krause, Josef (advisor) ; Přikryl, Jiří (referee)
The goal of this Master's thesis is to conduct a strategic analysis of the company ELIT CZ, to find its strengths and weaknesses, to identify opportunities and threats which could be expected in the external environment, and based on the information gathered to define strategic recommendations. Thesis consists of two essential parts. In the first one, named as a theoretically-methodological part, the procedures are explained and the theory of strategic analysis is described. Besides the basic definitions and explanation of related terms the most common tools of the strategic analysis are outlined and used in the second, analytical part. Gradually, the analysis of internal and external environment, internal resources and capabilities of the company and SWOT analysis are carried out. The analytical part is closed by the strategic recommendations based on the results of the strategic analysis.

Popularity of Top Politicians - October 2016
Červenka, Jan
In October 2016 the Public Opinion Researcch Centre investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 31 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of government, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, chairmen of parliamentary clubs of political parties in the Chamber of Deputies, chairman of Constitutional Court, the governor of the Czech National Bank, ombudsman, and the Primate of Bohemia (Archbishop of Prague).